Three things worth mentioning so far.
First, mousewheel scrolling through the inventory is overly sensitive. Scrolling up takes you to the top and scrolling down seems to take you all the way to the bottom. To see things in the middle, you have to manually drag the viewer bar up and down.
Second, I got into a fight with ghouls where I couldn’t see my opponents. And all of my troops, including the 4 who are in reserve were deployed to the battlefield.
Third, I took a one skull Armed Courier mission. The idea was to train up the five level 1 newbies I had recently picked up. And I ended up fighting an army of mercenaries. Now the fight was challenging and cool. However, it really wasn’t a one skull mission. Not sure if the missions are scaled depending on your group’s level and armaments. If they are, this mission was definitely taking into consideration my collective strength (including the five level 11s in reserve) and not my deployed strength.
Unrelated to the UI, it would be great if you could increase the number of tools available for sale, increase their effectiveness or both. If you have 11 troops in full plate, an extended fight can nearly exhaust a full stack of 200 tools.
Also, if you could increase the inventory size, that would be appreciated as well. Admittedly, mine is half full because I’m holding treasures instead of selling them so my troops don’t constantly ask for raises. But since you are increasing the number of mercenaries by more than half, increasing the inventory size for the group might be appropriate.