Topic: Brigand Marksman has extra range with short bow

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  • #20851
    Avatar photoNamespace


    A Brigand Marksman just shot at me from 7 tiles away using Quick Shot being equipped with a short bow.
    Even with Bow Mastery his range with quick shot should only be 6 tiles because of the bow.

    In the log, the turn of that particular marksman starts at

    16:24:48 SQ Turn started for Brigand Marksman


    Avatar photoRusBear

    AI can “miss” and kill…
    1. brother who out of range
    2. hiden in bush 1 hp brother
    3. 2 hit by magical 5 % in head at nigth when his real % is “minus”

    Avatar photoNamespace

    AI can “miss” and kill…
    1. brother who out of range
    2. hiden in bush 1 hp brother
    3. 2 hit by magical 5 % in head at nigth when his real % is “minus”

    There was literally none of my troops in his range. He should have only been able to fire an aimed shot and not 2 quick shots.

    Avatar photoSarissofoi

    I think marksman have bow mastery.

    Avatar photoHowkin

    I think marksman have bow mastery.

    some do, seem to be semi random, sometimes they fire at extra range and sometimes they dont.

    Avatar photoNamespace

    I think marksman have bow mastery.

    Again, he was wearing a Short Bow even with Bow Mastery the maximum range with Quick Shot should be 6.

    Avatar photoSarissofoi

    I think marksman have bow mastery.

    Again, he was wearing a Short Bow even with Bow Mastery the maximum range with Quick Shot should be 6.

    Quick shot have 6 range, Aimed shot 7 and Bow Mastery add +1 range to all attacks.
    I am not genius at math but I think that mean Quick shot from Short bow should have 7 ranged if shooter have Bow Mastery.
    But it can be infamous PERSONAL BIAS.

    Avatar photoNamespace

    Oh my. I did not realize they increased the range on short bows. This is awkward

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