Topic: Bug Report : "riposte" and "spearwall" broken

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  • #14084
    Avatar photoRusBear

    no counter-attack

    hm…and “spearwall” looks likе broken too – do not work on the second enemy after a successful first attack

    Avatar photoRap

    It’s been fixed. You may have to restart Steam to receive the upate.

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    Avatar photoRusBear

    so i must add that now sh bash broken too : mercenary has improved bash, hit the enemy off the hill and deals only 10 damage to armor and 0 for hp

    Avatar photoRap

    It’s not broken, it works like any other attack. Your opponent is protected by armor and thus doesn’t receive damage to hitpoints.

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    Avatar photoRusBear

    O, tnx for explanation, Rap. Should be a description of this skill gave me false hopes that I can apply the damage. Let me see… I do not recall that my armor ever absorb ALL damage from enemies. It looks like I need take a rest from the game.

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