Topic: Company Order

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  • #4118
    Avatar photojaegerdude

    Is it planned to be able to move your mercs around in the way they appear? It would be good to be able to group archers, axemen, swordsmen together.

    Also it would be good to be able to forward plan where each merc would stand in the shield wall, so they would take up the position prior to combat commencing.

    Being able to set the marching order of the company should be implemented as well.

    The above points are realistic and are what are done in RPG games.

    Avatar photoSky

    Yes, it should be implemented later. ;)

    Avatar photoGOD

    Do you mean a deployment phase at the start of combat, or reorganising the order of your mercenaries in the company menu?

    Both are planned.

    Avatar photojaegerdude

    Then if both are planned, then my suggestion is covered.

    Avatar photoSalperticon

    Oh my gosh, yes.
    It might be less useful actually, but if I could only get one of the two, I would vote for the ability to rearrange troops in the company menu.
    That will make it so much easier to organize myself, independant from where the guys actually show up on the battlefield lateron.

    And I do hope that they will keep the randomised setup if the BattleBrothers are ambushed instead of attacking by themselves.
    That provides a good challenge every so often.

    Plague Rats - we're not famous, but we get the job done.

    Avatar photoGOD

    Yup, you won’t get the deployment phase if you are ambushed. :) We’ll probably see quite a few of those kind of interface tweaks, eventually. I’m curious how much different the finished product will look, compared to what we’re playing now.

    Avatar photoSky

    Since the ui will be among the last changes, I belive it will be quite different. There are a bunch of things planned, beside the optimal information that is missing at this moment from the ui.

    Avatar photoTrig

    Easiest way to handle it, probably, would be if we were just able to rearrange our guys in the 12 slots available for our guys in the equipment pannel. Currently it’s a bit annoying that all my spearmen start bunched up and being able to move them around in the slots and have that order of guys appear in battle would be cool.

    Avatar photoRealityCh3ck

    I came to the forums today to see if this had been suggested yet. I too would really like a way to influence my starting formation.

    Avatar photoPoofinger

    I’m glad to hear that there is some form of deployment set up in the works I’ve logged 50 hours in game so far and my number one main complaint is the basic set up of my formation. I understand the night and forest battles where the formation is scattered, that’s cool. However, when you can start the battle in formation I think its ridiculous for me to have to deal with a straight line of 12 guys when I feel like equipping all of my mercs with billhooks or ending up with archers deployed on the outsides of my lines when they could easily be tucked away in the middle of my second line. I also dislike having my line form directly behind/among trees and bushes. There should be some leeway in where your company starts out in a planned combat.

    Avatar photoRusBear

    Just wanted to write about tactical placement before a battle( not ambush) but I see it’s already planned. It is very good.I get real pleasure from this game even with my modest knowledge of English – these descriptions of the characters, jobs, and faces …just. For hardcore you can enter formations as a perk-I mean that it becomes available only after the receipt of such perks. Or the range tactical placement of your brothers depends on this perk. It doesn’t matter. Most importantly it is planned.

    Avatar photojaegerdude

    Looks like this was quite a useful and discussion encouraging post.

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