Topic: Don't draw tree on the 3rd level

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  • #13749
    Avatar photoTrailblazer

    There is a tree on the marked tile, but game doesn’t draw it. I think it was there at the start of the battle but not sure. Now I can only see a tooltip about the tree and can’t stand on this tile. Don’t know if this bug is common because I don’t fight on 3rd levels often. But I’ll post screenshots here if this occurs again.

    Sorry for screenshot, but I can’t take it properly. Game always show tooltip about fatigue instead of mouse cursor. I think it’s a bug too. First screenshot taken showed the global map (game was in the battle mode actually).

    Avatar photoTrailblazer

    Screenshot and log.

    Avatar photoTrailblazer

    OMG 800 Kb limit…

    Avatar photoTrailblazer

    Sorry guys. Delete this post please. The tree is there but transparent.

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