Topic: Game crashes on saves, loads, autosaves


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  • #30109
    Avatar photouriclothbrok

    Firstly, have to say. I love battle brothers. Have over 500 hours in it.
    I had taken about a 4 month break and when I opened it back up it started having critical errors.
    It is always the same thing. I will attach the Game Log and an image of the error that comes up.

    The crash occurs whenever I manually save the game or when attempting to load the game. Also on (most) autosaves before a battle.

    ***Interestingly right around the time the issue started I played the game via my laptop using a different display though a USB-C. The next time I started the game, it started up in not the correct format, the game was stretched as if it were still on the much larger display. I did a reset configuration which may have been what started all the issues.
    Yesterday (after weeks of attempting fixes without success), I was using the same display and the game ran without any issues.
    I do not know what setting should be changed if there was something that set it off. I tried going to preferences of the BB exe app and changing compatibility settings, but no luck.

    I have done research and saw that it is usually an anti-virus software. I only use Windows Defender. I added the BB exe and save file as well as autosave file, BB folder to the list of exceptions.
    I have uninstalled all mods. I have uninstalled the game, reinstalled, verified game integrity on steam, uninstalled, deleted all files, reinstalled. Still no luck.
    I tried it on a different device and it works fine, but my laptop is where I mainly play, and it is not working.

    DxDiag, from one of the crashes is attached as well as screenshots of two different crash pop-ups.

    Avatar photoAvalancheMaster

    Bumping this, I recently bought an Asus A16 and followed the same troubleshooting procedures you did. Tried playing around with AMD settings and that didn’t work. That crash sometimes happens upon first loading a new save but typically when loading the first battle. The save files in Documents default to “read-only” which I heard might be the cause on a reddit post but every time I apply settings it resets them back to read-only.

    Avatar photoelayshrewd

    it’s possible that there’s a graphics-related issue causing the crashes.

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