Topic: I Have something to say

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  • #2792
    Avatar photoJoshua11

    can we become batndits ourself or take over villages or slay named charters or use magic

    1 named charters like a king of orcs or humans

    2 take over a kingdom or be bandiets

    Avatar photoMalthus

    The player cannot become a bandit, take over cites, castles, towers or villages or use magic.

    To 1 When attacking a bandid hideout there already are named bandid leaders. I don´t know if this is what you mean exactly. Otherwise you need to be more precise.

    To 2 No you cannot. Though it would make for a good total conversion or Addon to play as a different faction. But it would need tons of work to really feel different from what we are doing right now. This won´t happen within the next year if ever.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Total conversions wont happen without modding i think. After that im sure people will come up with sll kinds of crazy stuff :)

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoJoshua11

    no like to the human kingdoms there are kings you met that are named

    Avatar photoMalthus

    Total conversions wont happen without modding i think. After that im sure people will come up with sll kinds of crazy stuff :)

    Of course modding capability is a requirement for this to happen. Am I wrong or did that sound a bit more confident that you will be able to make the game modable? :)

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoJago

    Maybe there will be more named NPCs, unlike the bandits. Merchants or lords. Kings are on a completely different level, you’d need a bigger map, different human faction with their own kingdoms…
    It’d be a lot of work and distract from what the game is actually about: fighting an orc/undead/goblin-invasion. Not meddling with the upper crust.

    Avatar photoJoshua11

    if you do put some from of magic in the game for us to us though can it be rare NAMED wepoens.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Just mentioning: as we get a lot of feedback and cool ideas we will sit down together and discuss the main features for the final game. Cant tell you anything concrete yet but we will update you on the final game vision soonish :)
    So just bear in mind we cant say yes or no right now to every suggestion. Just keep them coming!

    Joshua: powerful legendary items are planned.

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoGOD

    Sounds useful. That would allow us to make more precise suggestions that are useful to you and bicker about the things we don’t like. :D

    Avatar photoJoshua11

    is there going to be a world generator system for like if you band dies by undead you can fight them again in that world and create leadends about that band

    Avatar photoGOD

    Don’t know about continuing as another company on the same map, but if you lose some of your mercs to wïedergangers in the current version and then procceed to flee the battle, the undead mercs will persist on the world map as part of that group. So there’s a chance of running into them again.

    Avatar photoJoshua11

    i know but if your company die will it have some sort of history so if you in the same world you can hear reference to them or loot there graves

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    There have been some discussions about starting with a new group in an already existing world, but as it is not really a core feature, we may consider it some time later in the development process.

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoJoshua11

    but if was implemented can you make mercs named there weapon if they have it for a long period of time and give 1 or 2 power ups for that weapon or shield or item so when they die they you can get back with an another company. and what about the undead i seem to only find the zombies what about the necromancer

    Avatar photoSky

    Sounds useful. That would allow us to make more precise suggestions that are useful to you and bicker about the things we don’t like. 😀

    Yep. That’s what holding me back of most suggestions. Having a starting point is a work half done. You guys at Overhype have a route in mind where to go from here, even if it might be just a vector pointing in some direction. We the players who could and probably would like to suggest things have not even that, making any suggestions not connected to the current state is more of a wish for maybe something you could at some point have in mind probably maybe. ;)

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