Topic: Map Seed Repository


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  • #21503
    Avatar photoNibblewerfer

    This is just a collection of seeds I have and would like to share, most of these are for easier starts.
    The format I am using is as follows:
    seed . traits of companions . # of settlements held by house . Ocean and port location

    2e19f . SurEE,Ath,StrBri . 10/5/2 . N,S 3 South ports
    8140e9 . BriOpt,Spa,IJAth . 10/4/3 . SW Useless Port
    3fa4a3 . LoyOpt,None,StrBri . 7/5/5 . E,SW 4 Port W,EEE
    7c87a5 . AthSpa,DetSpa,Tiny . 10/4/3 . N,S 2N,3S
    4718b4 . FeaDet,SFEE,LoyEE . 6/6/5 . E,S 2E,4S
    2a940a . SFSTR,None,SFSTR . 6/6/5 . N,S 3S
    322506 . BruDet,None,BraSpa . 7/5/5 . NE,S,W 1NE,1S,1W
    4c5f75 . StrBra,FeaCoc,BriBra . 6/6/5 . NW,S 1NW,2S
    3045fe . BraOpt,DeaTou,DetBra . 7/5/5 . N,S 1N,2S
    1cffdd . DeaEE,None,DetBru . 6/6/5 . S 4S
    2d6c44 . AthSur,Ath,Bra . 6/6/5 . S 4S
    589f49 . DeaIJ,ILQui,DexIJ . 8/5/4 E,SW 1SW,4E
    1dbba . ILDea,IJ,Blo . 7/6/4 W,S 4S
    3fb0ab . SpaBri,SFBra,Bru . 6/6/5 N,S 4S
    1b1a6e . FeaSpa,None,EEBri . 8/6/3 N,S 3S
    38a1ce . SurFea,QuiIL,DetSup . 8/5/4 S 4S
    7ea12d . ILSur,DetEE,None . 7/5/5 N,S 3S
    60f0fa . QuiSpa,Sur,Bru . 9/4/4 S 3S
    78b8e2 . BloFea,DeaStr,FeaBle . 9/5/3 W,SW 1W,3SW
    2a53b9 . Nonex3 . 8/5/4 S 3S
    2d3cc2 . IJOpt,AthBlo,None . 9/6/2 W 4W
    8e0d9c . SF,Tou,OptTin . 9/5/3 SW 2SW
    186265 . TouSF,BloBru,IJ . 7/6/4 NW,W,SE 1NW,2W,1SE
    8ffda8 . Ath,LoyIJ,Fea . 9/5/3 N,S,SW 1Each
    3aca7d . EEQui,EESur,OptDet . 7/6/4 NE,S 2S
    af5fc . EELoy,SpaDet,Irr . 6/6/5 S 4S
    302ee . BruAth,StrDet,IrrSur . 7/6/5 E,S 2E,2S
    128467. IrrIL,Str,DetSpa . 7/5/5 E,S 1E,3S
    e4d02 . Sur,TouBri,DexTou . 7/5/5 E 3E
    7e0fa3 . None,IJIL,DetAth . 9/6/2 NW,SW 1NW 4SW
    6995fa . BriLoy,SurDum,Loy . 7/7/3 NW,SW 3SW
    80c3a6 . Opt,IL,AthSF . 7/7/3 N,S 1N,2S
    5e45d2 . IL,StrDea,FeaBlo . 7/6/4 N,SE,SW 3SW

    Feel free to add your own in the comments.

    Avatar photoNibblewerfer

    I just remembered that I abbreviated most of the traits the format for abbreviations I is just the first 3 letters of a trait or the first letter of each word if the trait has a space in it.

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