Topic: New Update Feedback.

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  • #12682
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    I’ve seen 2 issues in my games.
    1.) I’m not getting the terrain messages on mouse-over since the update.
    2.) After playing for a couple of hours straight, I couldn’t trade and none of the mouse-over info showed. These could be PC specific. I saved and exited, then got “Battle Brothers has stopped working, Windows is searching for a solution after clicking “quit”.

    Would a save game help?

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I think it would be best to send us the log of the game (heres how to find it)
    In most cases this helps us find the bug.


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    Avatar photoTk

    Guys i think i found some sort of bug in the game.
    I got a quest where i should deliver something to another town and on the way i get ambushed by undead.
    I won the battle and evrything seemed fine but then after the battle a dialogue showed up where my man are scared and want me to destroy the box. I said no and wanted to continue but the dialogue pops up right again no matter how often i say i wont destroy it and i cant move forward. Is this intended because my men have to low resolve or anything?

    Avatar photosqw

    Stat error.
    1. Normal wardog seems to be causing a -20 initiative penalty rather than -10 in the description. Max fatigue works correctly.

    edit: Oops, this is suppose to be for my own feedback thread. =P

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I won the battle and evrything seemed fine but then after the battle a dialogue showed up where my man are scared and want me to destroy the box. I said no and wanted to continue but the dialogue pops up right again no matter how often i say i wont destroy it and i cant move forward. Is this intended because my men have to low resolve or anything?

    Thats clearly a bug, thanks for reporting.

    PS: Please post bugs into the bug forum and attach the logs if possible. That way we have a better overview of all the issues.


    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Regarding the wardogs:
    thats a tooltip error. Reason for that is that reduced fatigue also automatically reduces your initiative. We just fixed the tooltip (the final -20 ini are intended).

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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