Topic: How to Report Bugs


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  • #313
    Avatar photoJaysen

    Hi there!

    Thanks for helping us with the game. If you want to report a bug please try to follow these steps:

    1. Describe the bug and how it happened: What did you do before and while it appeared?
    2. Is it reproducable? Can you intentionally make it appear?
    3. Attach a screenshot if possible.
    4. Attach your dx.diag. This file includes information on your hard- and software configuration.
    5. Attach the Battle Brothers “log.html” file. (Please note the log gets overwritten once you restart the game so make sure you copy the log right after the bug appeared!)
    5. Attach a save showing the issue, if there is any.

    1. Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard (for win 8. For win xp and 7 press the “start” button).
    2. You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen
    3. Type dxdiag in the text field
    4. Click OK
    5. Select “save all information”

    Send us the log.html file that will usually document the error and is crucial to fixing it. The file will get overwritten if you start a new game so be aware of that. You can find it in the “Battle Brothers” subfolder of your “My Documents” folder, and should zip (or rar) it because the forum has a size limit for attachments.

    You can find all saves in the “Battle Brothers\savegames” subfolder of your “My Documents” folder, and should zip (or rar) it because the forum has a size limit for attachments.

    We will try to fix any issues in a timely fashion!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photoJaysen.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoRap.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Avatar photoRap.

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    Avatar photoSalperticon

    I’ve got a question about bug hunting.
    We’ve been discussing the AI behaviour a bit over there in the Game Suggestions part of the forum, and iason told me that it were not only archers, but also different types of units who act in a certain way.

    That made me wonder:
    Is it worth / useful for the developers at this point of the game, if we as the players actively to go and run a deeper analysis of such cases?
    Like trying to reproduce such cases from other people and see if we can find the same problem.
    Or will there be a particular beta phase for bughunting at some point, and during alpha we just pick up what we find on the way because it changes too much?

    Plague Rats - we're not famous, but we get the job done.

    Avatar photoRap

    It’d be immensely helpful in fixing some of the more elusive issues if you could also take a look and try to find a way to reliably reproduce these. Thanks! :)

    I’m pretty sure there’ll be a period of time before the game’s final release where we focus on polishing and eliminating bugs exclusively. Still, the more we can eliminate now, the better for all of you playing the game already.

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    Avatar photoTheIronDuke

    Posted in response to the wrong thread. Too many windows open. I don’t see an option to delete this post.

    Avatar photoCandew


    I had just finished a contract to deliver goods to the town of Damwald. When I checked the marketplace to buy goods, I noticed I could not purchase any.

    I exited out and tried to save my campaign at this point, but the game hung and produced the crash report I have attached, along with the other requested.

    Avatar photoRap

    Fixed. Thanks for reporting.

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    Avatar photoarteofwar

    I could use some help, ever since the update I cant start the game. I hear the intro theme but the screen stays white and I get a message saying “A critical exception has occurred. See the log file for more details. The program will now terminate”. I looked through the forum to try some of those things that other people used to get it to work, like starting as admin and so on, but so far nothing has helped. If you guys could figure out whats wrong I would be very grateful, I am dying to try the new features.

    Avatar photoRap

    According to your DxDiag.txt, your video drivers are from 2011. I suggest you update them to a recent version from here.

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    Avatar photoarteofwar

    It worked, thank you!!!

    Avatar photoRa

    1. Weapons disappear when you try to switch it e.g. make a shot with a crossbow and try to switch for billhook with dragging it over or right mouse button click. And billhook disappears but quiver will be moved to the “pockets”.
    2. I’m not sure how to reproduce it but it happens somewhat regular.

    Avatar photoEtBellatorLucis

    Hello. Some days ago I downloaded beta version. After some time I noticed, that my squad doesn’t use medicines, but my battle brothers are treated. On the first screen I show, that one of my battle brothers is wounded, On the second I show the number os medicines and the time of day. And on the last I show the same day, but another time. Notice, that number of medicines doesn’t change. But battle brother was treated. This bug has appeared in the beginning of any new game in BETA version.

    P.S. Sorry, but I can’t find log.html. And I can’t attach one more screen, because it’s the limit of 4 files. Sorry fo my English. I don’t live in English speaking country.

    Avatar photoRap

    That’s not a bug. Medicinal supplies are used to treat injuries now and no longer to recover hitpoints. See the tooltip of medicinal supplies for more information.

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    Avatar photoYsambart

    1. Describe the bug and how it happened: What did you do before and while it appeared?
    I was 100 days into a beginner campaign and was at a town I had visited many times before.
    I went to take a contract and got a dialog box with all the procedurally generated database code instead of the filled responses. I could not select either option, keep going, or go away.

    2. Is it reproducable? Can you intentionally make it appear?
    Will try.

    3. Attach a screenshot if possible.
    Can do.

    4. Attach your dx.diag. This file includes information on your hard- and software configuration.
    will do

    5. Attach the Battle Brothers “log.html” file.
    will do

    (P.s. well done, first crash in almost a year of beta play)

    Avatar photoYsambart

    Log from bug above attached

    Avatar photoRap


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