Topic: Not a bug but serious problem for IM mode leaving settlements.

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    When I leave settlements game has pause for couple seconds. I think this is because of iron man mode autosave. Problem is that worldmap time is going at this time and parties moving. This is 100% happening cause i made some observation with tailing enemy – i have a save game with after battle stage, i enter village with an enemy party near village guard tower and when i leaved enemy was near settlement and 2 militia party raised from village and tower was already on him, they are were not on map when i was entering settlement. If this is an autosave issue i think you do not need mine data (savegame, log, config), but i append it if you do. My HDD is not speedy, maybe users with SDD not suffering from this issue so much, but men with lower hardware bets not to choose IM right now. Cause you will missed 3-5% of game map time and have such situations with moving enemy ocassionaly. When autosaving before a battle the game puts an environment on pause, but leaving settlement this doesnt happen. Do not know why, maybe there are problems i am not capable to suppose from what i know. It helps if entering settlement game will autopause i think.

    Avatar photoWargasm

    I think this might also explain some of the weird things I’ve seen. For example, when doing a “defend against raiding parties” contract and there is more than one party to defend against, there is always a delay of a few seconds before your incessant clicking will result in engaging the second raiding party (even though you’re right next to them the whole time).

    There are also several other weird things related to inappropriate fights before/after entering/exiting settlements or before/after attacks on caravans you’re guarding, which seem sometimes to result in settlements/houses reacting as if you’re attacked them (even though you didn’t use the controls that should be necessary to initiate an attack on them).

    Plus there are occasions when you join fights between caravans and raiders but get shown only You-vs-Raiders on the pre-battle screen, only for the caravan et al to show up again in the battle (or vice versa: it might look like it’s you and the caravan versus the raiders, but then the caravan is gone and it’s just you outnumbered by raiders). Possibly this inconsistency around which party is/isn’t in the fight is the reason why settlements/houses sometimes think you’ve attacked them (i.e. if the raiders disappear once the battle begins, it’s just you and the caravan and you have to be the opposing sides, and so it gets registered as an attack initiated by you).

    I think I’ll try playing in non-ironman mode to see if those problems disappear.

    Actually, having re-read what you wrote about environment pausing before auto-saves before battles versus before/after entering/exiting settlements, I think maybe there are certain types of battles (i.e. sudden, complex ones involving more than two parties) for which the environment doesn’t get paused (or for which the environment dynamics are shifting too rapidly within the space of less than a second, so that different data about the battle composition gets saved at different times and/or in different places).

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    Actually, having re-read what you wrote about environment pausing before auto-saves before battles versus before/after entering/exiting settlements, I think maybe there are certain types of battles (i.e. sudden, complex ones involving more than two parties) for which the environment doesn’t get paused (or for which the environment dynamics are shifting too rapidly within the space of less than a second, so that different data about the battle composition gets saved at different times and/or in different places).

    Maybe. I oriented on that fact (is it fact? Now I need to play because i am now in doubts), that after battle world is on pause. But it can be that autosaving take place before battle and world is pausing after save is done (it is before battle starting for sure, because when i loaded autosave one time it was pre-engaging situation and i have to find (notice, it was close but my company did not see them maybe becaue visibility range expands taking some time too as i saw in early alphas footage with visible circles of party awarness) and attack this party again). So it can be that world shifts slightly in time in pre- and after- battle situations too. I remember this (autosave after leaving settlement)was an issue for me in earlier betas (pre-goblin i think) and devs just removed autosaving in this occasions.

    I afterthinked on this topic and now i suppose that autopausing environment leaving (better even entering) a settlement will be a good game expirience optimization too – because it takes time to click a space key manually or to click on a new destination point and the company just standing for a sec. This is 1-2% loss of a gametime too me think.

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