Topic: Performance Drop in UI Beta


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  • #15601
    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Hey there! Awesome work on the UI update, I really liked it.
    The problem I’m having now is the performance drop in battles, on the world map, etc
    The UI per se is indeed very responsive, but somehow the new update has caused the game to stutter, especially in battles.
    Also, the cities now take some time to load the buildings
    Everything worked smoothly before the beta

    Avatar photoDanubian

    I cant play the game right now, but in general if you experience a performance drop off somewhere, say, a battle, try to make a save game where the perf drop situation is recreateable, so that the devs can fix it easier.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Thx for the tip, I did just that and created a specific save where this issue can be recreated.
    I also created a new game to test if it was a problem specific to that save, but no, it seems it started with the new beta, since even the new campaign has this performance drop, be it in battle or in the world map.

    Devs, let me know if you want me to send you my savegames

    Avatar photoRap

    Please send the savegame to – thanks!

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    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Hey there! Just sent the e-mail with the title
    Performance Drop Savegames – User: Rajiphun

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