Hey there! First off, Battle Brothers is a great game and I’m really enjoying it. Sorry that this is a re-post. Feel free to delete the last thread. For some reason it didn’t include my attachments.
However, I am running into a problem that usually occurs later in the game where as I save and quit (ironman), the game stops working (CTD). When I attempt to load the game, the game freezes on the loading screen, and I receive the error message “A critical error occurred.” Upon selecting Ok, the second error message pops up, “A critical exception occurred. See the logfile for more details.” It should be noted that the first error message’s number is always different (when I attempt to load again), while everything on the second error message is consistent.
This has happened on more than one occasion and usually happens post 100 days in game. I believe I had just crossed 100 days on the save file. However, I have had one save file that did not have this error post 100 days.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help!