I would really, really, really, like to see a speed up function on both the overview map as the in battle map. Some battles take _ages_ just because there are a large number of allies/enemies involved and the game insists on slowly moving them around, making me twiddle my thumbs in frustration. And when looking for a location on the overview map things can get very boring, especially since sometimes the instructions (plains to the west, forest south of here) can be very fague. Currently I don’t do _any_ of the search location quests because they are just too mindlessly boring.
Another thing I find aggravating is the games insistence on following the ai when it makes it’s moves. Time I much rather spend looking at the terrain/my own troops and planning my next move. (I saw a button in the settings which seems to have something to do with this, however turning it on or off doesn’t change the following of the ai’s movement.
Other than that I find the game very good, I think it can be a classic. On a side note I would like to see some manner of safe levelling when you lost a couple of mercs. especially in the mid/late game if you loose a high level merc it is very hard to lvl a new one safely, you tend to run into strong opponents with little possibilities to lvl a low lvl merc.