Topic: Suggestion for a new ability

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    Avatar photobengarrett1971

    I’ve a suggestion for a new ability…it would be be somewhat like spear wall, but with the aim of protecting one of your other brothers. You’d select a neighbouring battle brother to protect, and then any enemy attacks against that brother (that are in the attack range of the protector) have a chance to be interrupted/intercepted, hitting the attacker (like spear wall does). Probably the ability would have a corresponding penalty to the protector’s own defence.

    It could have come in handy to protect Kurt (in the EA “Let’s Play”, ep. 4)! You could call it something like “Protector”, or “Guardian Angel”, or “Bodyguard”.

    Avatar photoJaysen

    Nice idea, we actually had planned a skill similar to this for shields. One that helps protect a character on an adjacent tile. With this you could increase the defense of the other guy instead of your own defense like you do it with shieldwall. However, it turned out that this mechanic is so extremely situational that you will use it only very rarely. So we put it back on the idea-shelf for later. We want all skills in the game to be really useful and meaningful and this one just did not fit in. We still have it in the back of our heads, though ;)

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I’ll just add something here:

    We exchanged the “guardian” skill for the “rotation” skill. With that you can switch positions with another adjacent brother. We thought that this is a lot more useful in a variety of situations and easier to understand. On top of that for the “guardian” we would have had to implement some kind of visualization showing who is protecting whom at the moment to keep track. We always feel a bit reluctant to add extra UI elements to the tactical combat, so that was another reason why we decided against guardian.


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    Avatar photoRap

    I’d also like to chime in ;)

    That aspect of one character protecting another did survive in the ‘Shieldwall’ skill in that multiple adjacent characters using shieldwall give an additional defense bonus to each other, since those guys are now interlocking their shields. This makes a shieldwall stronger, the more people you put together. And it feels pretty authentic to me in the way that works.

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    Avatar photobengarrett1971

    It’s hard to think of things you guys haven’t already come up with ;-)

    I can see that the UI to show who is protecting whom would be both tricky and potentially a bit unclear. It does seem like it would be a bit of a niche skill, but might come in handy if you want your brutish shieldbearers to look after frail archers or new recruits, or perhaps to put their lives on the line for their captain. The fact that “Shieldwall” helps adjacent brothers is excellent, but it still means brothers without shields are a bit neglected!

    Good luck with EA, can’t wait to get playing…

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