1: it took me hours before realizing alt-RMB can fix your weapon or armor at the weapon smith or blacksmith. The tool tip should be made bigger or include it in the tutorial.
2: it seems it’s cheaper to buy tools at $250-$300 range than it is to repair them at the store. Is it true? I’d have thought on-site repair should be cheaper than buying DIY repair kits.
3: related to the 2nd point, maybe make on-site blacksmith repair can convey some bonus to dmg (like professional sharpening) for limited number of encounters? This will differentiate Tool maintained weapons and Smith repaired ones at a town – especially if it’s more costly to do so at the town/city.
4: the flavor text doesn’t convey the difficulty of the contact except for what type of enemy you might encounter. Sometimes I go into the price negotiation screen only to notice the contract is paying too much (too dangerous) for me to take on. Instead of accepting and breaking the contract and thus taking a reputation hit, I’ll just haggle until the employer gives up. That’s a really silly situation to put the players in and currently the biggest weakness I can see from the current contract negotiation flow. Please make either the negotiation more realistic or give player more info prior to reaching the price negotiations. Haggling should not be used as a refusal tool.