Hi there! I’m really impressed with how you managed to pull off the feel and combat style of the enemies in BB and just want to toss in an idea/a feature/a way to make enemies in BB even more “realistic” harsh and unforgiving, that may play well with “low fantasy” setting.
(Something like expert+ mode, or truer(-ish) enemies)
Here is a link to an effort to imagine how whould fantasy creatures exist in real(-ish) medieval world. (great example is Orcs).
I like the general ideas and the reasoning behind the conclusions. And feel, that BB may benefit from this ideas in its effort create realistic(-ish)/low fantasy medieval world.
“FANTASY RE-ARMED”: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWklwxMTl4sxf_Yvz8ePW7tcpDnhGpKV_