Avernite's Replies

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  • in reply to: Undead Trophy doesnt work #21467
    Avatar photoAvernite

    TLDR: Turtle until zombies are dead and spam rally with 2-3 sargeants.

    Thats actually exactly what i do, lol.
    Have an xbow, 2 polearms, 2 shields and the rest are 2handers.

    in reply to: Undead Trophy doesnt work #21440
    Avatar photoAvernite

    I don’t know.
    But I went to the ghost with the intention of whacking it, it screeched, and my bro became scared.

    It might be that other brothers around had morale check and it caused the check on the ‘protected’ guy.

    Anyway, the undead trophy is not nearly as useful as I thought it would be.

    in reply to: Undead Trophy doesnt work #21429
    Avatar photoAvernite

    Yes thats precisely what I am talking about, check the screenshot.
    I walked to a ghost, it feared my dude.

    Not on the 1st try, i must say, but if a ghost fear several times – it works, so undead amulet doest really let you tank ghosts

    PS Btw iam trying to complete this fight for 2 days now and I cant… so i had plenty of times to test the fact that undead amulet doesnt work (also, ghost are incredibly op, I think they should have less melee defence, and really they shouldnt be able to fear confident bros on the 1st try thats bs)

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