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  • in reply to: Considering the War Bow vs. the Heavy Crossbow #19763
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Not exactly as above, because, if a weapon did ZERO damage ignoring armour, it wouldn’t get applied a second time and so would still just do 60 damage. If 10% of its 60 damage ignored armour, and the target hit had 60 armour, then the armour would be destroyed and 6 hit points would be taken.

    Hmm… are you sure about that?

    If you had a weapon with 50% ignores armor, that dealt 60 damage, and the opponent had 60 armor – how much damage would you deal?

    in reply to: Headhunter seems like an absolutely worthless perk? #19762
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    I guess Glyph’s right in saying that the relative benefit of the perk decreases as the base headshot chance increases. It’s sort of like diminishing returns.

    Yeah I’m specifically speaking of relative worth here. The higher your base chance, the higher the bonus from the body shots are “waster” by a shot that would have already hit the head, and the lower chance of you picking up a stack to begin with.

    It may become more valuable, because those last few points offer the all important factor of reliability, but the chance of any individual stack mattering is reduced.

    I worked out a bunch of numbers and my math might be wrong, but it looks like if you’ve got a head shot focused build it gives you an average of 3% damage to take the perk? Of course, if you’re building an offense focused build, like with ranged characters, I suppose even 3% might find a place in your perk tree at higher levels.

    Would be nice if it was a bit better though – a flat 10% bonus would be much better than we have now.

    in reply to: Headhunter seems like an absolutely worthless perk? #19747
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    If your innate headshot is 0%, the ability has a 10% chance to trigger per attack. That’s a 10% chance to trigger on the first, second, third and fourth attack. (and a 34.4% chance of triggering overall)

    If your innate headshot is 25%, the ability has a 10% chance to trigger per attack until you get a headshot. That’s about a 25% chance to trigger over four attacks.

    If you add a flail and juggle skill to increase it to 40%, the odds decrease of the ability providing a bonus even further. Any stacks you acquire of this ability have a 20% chance to trigger over 4 attacks.

    And this isn’t even counting the fact that you’ll be receiving the opportunity to do so less often!

    in reply to: Headhunter seems like an absolutely worthless perk? #19746
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Of course, the better your brother is at already hitting the head… the worse this perk is as a result!

    in reply to: Fast weapon change #19742
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    This would be great.

    in reply to: Considering the War Bow vs. the Heavy Crossbow #19739
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Ah, okay, then this is all very wrong, and crossbows are much, much better than I thought. Thanks!

    in reply to: Considering the War Bow vs. the Heavy Crossbow #19737
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    So what you’re saying is that the damage is actually applied twice, once to armor and THEN once to health? So if a weapon said it does 60 damage (no armor pen, 100% effective vs. armor), it actually does (potentially) 120 damage total? 60 to armor and then, if the armor is destroyed, 60 more to health?

    I guess that would explain why the final shreds of armor falling seem to offer so little protection and lead to a surprisingly big chunk of health being knocked off.

    That isn’t how the dev log described it working (the one with the 10% number) but I agree that system seems like it would match what I’ve seen in game more accurately.

    That would mean that any armor that’s less than the armor damage done by an attack has absolutely no effect at preventing health?

    Considering how ineffective cloth is despite claiming to offer a certain amount of protection, that would make sense.

    in reply to: does monk heal? #19714
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Waaaaait a minute….How come there’s no doctor background?!!!!! Or field medic? lol

    Because none of them are stupid enough to think it’s a good idea to sign on as part of a mercenary unit.

    Although obviously your guys do have some sort of medical skill considering how quickly they go through supplies and the sorts of injuries they recover from.

    in reply to: Considering the War Bow vs. the Heavy Crossbow #19713
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Three things:
    1. Armor damage is dealt first, and THEN the current armor’s 10% is taken into consideration.

    That is how I calculated it. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear.

    2. The direct damage does NOT take away from armor damage.

    The dev post that described how the mechanic works says that it does. Maybe it doesn’t, or I may have misread the dev post, but it seemed very clear on the point that direct damage is removed from the damage dealt to armor. If this is not true, then obviously my post is wrong.

    3. Crossbow perk further increases the ignore armor efficacy by a 15% to a total of 65% ignores armor.

    Which would make it even worse against armor if the rest of my post is correct.

    Especially since ranged weapons generally don’t get 8 shots to hit before the enemy closes, meaning most of their time will be spent in the earlier party of the equation rather than the later part where crossbows start to pull ahead by bypassing what armor remains.

    BTW, are you the same GlyphGryph from Cataclysm? Just wondering :P

    Wow, I haven’t actually had someone recognize me from there in a long time. I am!

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