Forum Replies Created
Sir Duckpunch
ParticipantI will have to disagree with you.
Even in the current day, private military contracting companies which are basically the modern day mercenaries, do not just accept contracts from the highest bidder, the notion is completely absurd – These companies have ethics and a reputation, what if the highest bidder is ISIS.So yes, politics are always involved, ethics play a major role in many companies decisions. The individual humans beliefs also play a huge role, if a person believes he is fighting “Evil” then he is more likely to kill, but if he feels he is doing wrong/injustice or was raised a certain way, he may find it more difficult to do something or may even desert the group or abandon the cause.
Sir Duckpunch
ParticipantYes, imagine the possibilities :b
Also, you don’t have to be the “Good” guy, because the way the game is right now you are slaying zombies, bandits, werewolves, goblins, orcs. All of which are “evil”.
It would be cool to align yourself with a faction that was totalitarian,firm lawful and unforgiving(Empire). Or a faction that was religious and believed in cleansing the land of scourge at any cost(Holy Order), or a faction made by the people, and for the people (wild west) with little law, but strong morale values, or code of honor.
Depending on which faction the player decides to align with, different events could come to pass. Or join no faction, and see how things play out.
Just ideas, but adding politics to a game always makes it more interesting and strategic.
Sir Duckpunch
ParticipantIf you like to play hardcore(and so do I by the way), then wouldn’t it be safe to assume that you would enjoy the added level of difficulty? You have to roll with the punches so to speak and make the best out of the situation. In real life you are not able to stare someone in the eyes and obtain a list of traits, characteristics, and personality traits.
The only thing that I believe they should emphasize more, is what each background class brings to the table in terms of stats.
Sir Duckpunch
ParticipantYes, I see that.
I actually tried to access the data files, but they are compiled scripts; CNUT files, so I have no idea how I would be able to access the info within the data.
All research I have done indicates that it is impossible to do.
Its quite frustrating, considering the background classes don’t tell you the particular stats that the units will receive. I am assuming the developers want it to be a secret?
Sir Duckpunch
ParticipantYes, id like something similar to that idea.
Perhaps a faction could offer you a long term contract to align yourself with them, and assist them in their endeavors and in return you receive a small weekly wage. Doing something which contradicts that factions interest would lead to consequences between your contracting faction.