Topic: a team with 12 xbows is just too op

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    Avatar photoJohnsmith24601

    Ulrich: Just try it :D It works with those enemies too
    RusBear: 1. Not everybody’s got hours to upload a video just to prove his point on the internet. Some of us have a life.
    2. “Oh standing around while your enemies rush to you is definitely more important than shooting at them. Cuz, more defense!!”
    That’s your argument :D

    Avatar photoZensalin

    RusBear and Johnsmith24601, guys pls don’t get abusive to each other.

    But back to topic; I can’t really believe that this works against orc warriors and chiefs but if you say so, why should you lie.
    Their armour is ridicoulisly high and takes nearly no damage, I am only able to kill them with billhooks and crash their armor with warhammers, my crossbows make them nearly no damage, (we won’t even talk about archers in this case ^^) and my heavily armored brothers are slain within minutes, but maybe the orc warriors are just my nemesis, as I have no problem with every other type of enemy.

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    What? No ? ? ? With the bags and belts perk you get 4 slots, so your merc’s gear’d look like this: xbow+xbow+spear+shield.



    Gosh, it’s been awhile since I’ve played this game. Forgot ammunition has its own dedicated inventory slot, lol. Just to confirm since everyone keeps bringing it up: you did try this tactic against the big fat orcs, right?

    Avatar photoJohnsmith24601

    My personal experience is that I could often take out one orc warrior before they get into melee range, two if I got lucky. Because you’re firing 24 bolts and one of them is bound to crit. And having one less orc warrior to deal with is a big boon. You don’t wanna play cha-cha with such dangerous enemies in melee. When they get close just go all out on the offensive. Whack them with big two handed weapons.

    They are too accurate and do too much damage for you to prolong the battle. Don’t even bring a shield to this fight. Bring 12 billhooks. Some brothers will die, but that’s what happens when you go up against 10 orcs.

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    My personal experience is that I could often take out one orc warrior before they get into melee range, two if I got lucky. Because you’re firing 24 bolts and one of them is bound to crit. And having one less orc warrior to deal with is a big boon. You don’t wanna play cha-cha with such dangerous enemies in melee. When they get close just go all out on the offensive. Whack them with big two handed weapons.

    They are too accurate and do too much damage for you to prolong the battle. Don’t even bring a shield to this fight. Bring 12 billhooks. Some brothers will die, but that’s what happens when you go up against 10 orcs.

    Huh. What level are your guys? Are they fully levelled and geared up? I generally don’t take casualties against the orcs once I’ve capped out my team in levels and gear. That was before the update which made some damage always punch through armor though, so not sure if my tactics still work as well. I remember on one occasion the last few orcs got tired out and had to pass turns due to lack of stamina, haha.

    Avatar photoZensalin

    I remember on one occasion the last few orcs got tired out and had to pass turns due to lack of stamina, haha.

    This is how I deal with orcs, when they try to push I draw back and fire at them until they are fatigued and can not attack any more, then they get surrounded by billhooks and other melee fighters.

    I wonder how (if at all) the orc warriors and their armour got reballanced, because seriously their armour takes nearly no damage ^-^

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    I do like original ideas for tactics. I kinda use this for my xbowmen. Except I have only 3 and they use 2-H greatswords. But I still don’t understand how you’d take on 20 or 25 orcs with 6-8 orc warriors or an army of 35 undead with 10 Fallen Heroes and some Lost Souls.

    I remember on one occasion the last few orcs got tired out and had to pass turns due to lack of stamina, haha.

    this is why I love using maces against orcs. Just beat em senseless

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    I do like original ideas for tactics. I kinda use this for my xbowmen. Except I have only 3 and they use 2-H greatswords. But I still don’t understand how you’d take on 20 or 25 orcs with 6-8 orc warriors or an army of 35 undead with 10 Fallen Heroes and some Lost Souls.

    I remember on one occasion the last few orcs got tired out and had to pass turns due to lack of stamina, haha.

    this is why I love using maces against orcs. Just beat em senseless

    I don’t quite remember the size of the forces I fought back then, but wouldn’t that many enemies destroy anyone?

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Not really. Go to the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread.

    [suggestion] Clearly unbalanced enemies

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    Not really. Go to the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread.

    [suggestion] Clearly unbalanced enemies

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    Nicely done. Wish I could recall how many orcs I used to fight back then so as to compare, haha. But I don’t remember having a problem anyway.

    BTW, how did you retreat to find good battleground safely? Just running in the opposite direction works?

    Avatar photoJohnsmith24601

    Hahaha running away from the big hulky orcs to tire them out. That’s hilarious!! Awesome strategy

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    get all of your men to the edge of the map and then retreat. Anyone on the edges will 100% survive. Then you’re back on the world map and if you attack the same group you’ll be given different battle terrain to work with.

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Well, if you can get the Goblin leader crossbows, they work great on Orcs. Not only do they do more damage, but they will knock them back one. I never tried 12 crossbowmen, but as vital as they are to my tactics, I may try that out sometime. As I often use throwing axes, most of my mercs end up w/ half-decent ranged, anyway. Once I got a crossbow, I stopped using regular bows. The hit chance is just too low. A crossbowman with “bullseye” can be downright scary.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoLove Gun

    Well, if you can get the Goblin leader crossbows, they work great on Orcs. Not only do they do more damage, but they will knock them back one.

    The knock back should not work on Orcs. They are supposed to be immune to knock back.

    Avatar photoSky

    The knock back should not work on Orcs. They are supposed to be immune to knock back.

    You sure about that? Was it not only the big orcs immune?

    Besides nice tactics, never tried to make a full party with this setup but having few of such guys in my games. They do work perfectly. As someone already said in BB the only real limit is your imagination for tactics, almost anything works if you can play it out.

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