Topic: World Map Update( 29/02/2016).Discussion

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  • #12998
    Avatar photohar101

    I would like to see a “are you sure you want to leave this loot behind” function? I just missed out on a treasure because of my hastiness. Didn’t realize my inventory was filled to the rim!

    Avatar photoMeeky

    Contract-related business again:

    I’m trying to play a goodie-two-shoes playthrough. My standing with this given noble house is Allied, and my overall fame is Legendary. I’m Neutral as far as my reputation goes. But…

    I’ve only gotten three kinds of jobs from this noble house:

    A) Go patrol.
    B) Kill orcs.
    C) Kill peasants (refusing to do this).

    So, why can’t I get anything more interesting? I thought inter-House warfare and politics would come up. Are those type of contracts not out yet?

    Avatar photoqbot3000

    Ok, I played again today and am now around day 50. I have more observations:

    1. The Goblins are very hard. Several factors come into play here. First, my guys can’t get close without getting shot or netted. And that’s key to beating the goblins, getting close to them. It seems almost impossible to take on a goblin force larger than my own. I can’t get close without losing a quarter of my strength. Second, my archers are no use against them. And third, my chances of actually hitting them when I get close is less than a human opponent.

    2. I picked up a crossbow as loot from some bandits, but for the life of me, I can’t find a town that sells a quiver of crossbow bolts. So it’s worthless. Even towns with Fletchers outside of them, which I would expect to sell crossbows maybe, don’t have them. Anyone else encountered this?

    3. I love the patrol missions. It’s a license to do what I’ve been doing anyway, which is killing bandit parties of 5-7 thugs, but getting paid 110 crowns per head. I’ve made a killing on these patrol missions.

    4. I’m still looking for endgame. I think one of the developers posted an answer to an earlier question of mine regarding establishing your own noble house. The answer was that this is not a world domination game, but a game about a mercenary company. My answer would be this: What has been the traditional end goal of mercenaries in the past? No mercenary has ever wanted to die being a mercenary. The goal is to get rich and retire. So where’s our retirement? Just because a game is sandboxy doesn’t mean it can’t have an endgame. I think the sandbox model is more about HOW you get to the endgame, rather than substituting a perpetual sandbox for an actual ending. I’ll give an example – the game FTL. Great game. You spend the whole game fighting and moving from one star system to another, upgrading your ship and adding crew, all so that you can face the final challenge – a battle with a giant ship at the end. I think Battle Brothers could have a cool endgame like that. Perhaps a series of monumental battles or tasks that lead to an endgame – your retirement as a filthy rich mercenary.

    Avatar photodltoster

    Do you plan change of seasons? I think the game has playability for in-game yaer or two, so it would be nice to see more snow eventually or autumn forest. And on tactical map too.

    Avatar photoKerberos


    I know you’ve fixed the bug where you start the campaign on a deserted Island with no way of, but I’ve also experienced starting the campaign on the mainland, but with Howards hideout being on a derserted island with no way on to it. I figure you may have fixed this also (it was a few days ago), but I thought I’d mention it just in case you haven’t.
    Cheers, and kepep up the good work :-)

    Avatar photoSky

    I thought I’d mention it just in case you haven’t.

    You should post it in the bugs forums, it will be seen there for sure and way faster.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    So, why can’t I get anything more interesting? I thought inter-House warfare and politics would come up. Are those type of contracts not out yet?

    For the worldmap upate we only managed to properly implement 9 Contracts. We are working hard to get more in, there are 11 more designed and written. They just have to be implemented which sometimes is tricky as we have to bend or manipulate existing game mechanics.

    1. The Goblins are very hard.

    We are on the case and are pondering various ways how to best solve this.

    I can’t find a town that sells a quiver of crossbow bolts.

    I’ll check in on that, didnt have the problem yet. Let me know if more people experience this.

    3. I love the patrol missions. It’s a license to do what I’ve been doing anyway, which is killing bandit parties of 5-7 thugs, but getting paid 110 crowns per head. I’ve made a killing on these patrol missions.

    The patrols are still getting tweaks, as its pretty complex: The random generated world in conjunction with the very flexible patrol contract. It’s working okay allthough we are not perfectly happy with it yet.

    4. I’m still looking for endgame.

    We regret that there is no real endgame yet, but we have to build this up from the ground, so our focus is still constructing a solid foundation on which we can expand the game unitl we reach a real endgame. I know it’s frustrating, but we need to ask for some more patience in this regard :)
    We already have the plans and concepts, but as I said, we are still solidifiing the foundation at this moment.

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Do you plan change of seasons?

    I aggree that it would be totally awesome. I did an estimate on the workload for me and the programming and unfortunately its out of the question for now :(

    I’ve also experienced starting the campaign on the mainland, but with Howards hideout being on a derserted island with no way on to it.

    That happened sometimes, but I think we fixed this by now. if not, let us know!
    PS: the bug forum would be the appropriate place for things like that


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    Avatar photoRusBear

    1. Day 100+. There is one point. Setting the delivery of certain cargo. Fee 600 coins (as you know, famous for its huge and the cost of the group for 300 coins per day) but it’s test :) So take the job. Along the way, I want to take away a parcel of 18 mercenaries including 2 master sword and knight, 2 crossbowman in a good armor and the rest of the mercenaries, too, almost all the top gear. If so conceived that some tasks were clearly failures or unfavorable? Even so such a situation is given to ignore these tasks. Maybe it makes sense then to increase the fee for such tasks commensurate with the danger that lies in wait for you according to the scripting events. Or enable high-known groups to convince these “mercenaries” that you leave the parcel itself and it’s better to just find another job?
    2. Goblin – rider on wolves after killing a wolf or a goblin fro thee “whole” rider with the moral panic – stay the second unit with morality low – ie he fights again. I do not see the logic :)

    Avatar photohar101

    Psen in your post it says
    ” har101 wrote:
    So, why can’t I get anything more interesting? I thought inter-House warfare and politics would come up. Are those type of contracts not out yet?”
    But I never wrote that, it was ‘Meeky’… is there some bug on the forum? ;o

    edit: would also like to link to this thread:

    Allow some chance of recovering destroyed armor

    seeing as i think it belongs in this thread, really.

    Avatar photospidaminkey

    Usually a lurker but I love this game so much I wanted to give my 2 cents…

    • When taking a contract I wish I could toggle the contract dialogue to view the map. When I take my first couple of contracts I’m not 100% familiar with the map so I may agree to a contract that’s cross country. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it would certainly help at the start of the game and not break immersion.
    • Cities for factions are very spread out and not grouped. Not sure if this is intended but I would figure a particular faction would occupy one area of the map, rather than being scattered out across it. It makes picking a faction to work for easier and could possibly lead to some cool future mechanics. For example, becoming friendly with Faction A and unfriendly with Faction B may make the fog of war appear on Faction B’s land.
    • Adjusting the height levels during a battle does not adjust the tree height. Rotating the map helps sometimes but a battle in the forest makes it very hard to gauge where paths are.
    • Read a lot of discussion on stats gained from leveling. Is it true mercenaries with lower character traits, such as Gravedigger or Tailor, will have a lower ceiling than mercenaries with high character traits, such as Retired Soldier? If so, I think this is a bad idea. Why couldn’t the tailor become a better soldier than the retired soldier? A tailor could be a great fighter but he chose to live his life a tailor. A soldier could be a terrible fighter that simply had no options in life other than joining the army. Let each brother decide their own fate through battles and RNG! :)
    • Along similar lines, I read people complaining about the randomness of stat distribution. Not all mercenary groups are started with their best leaders. Sometimes the best member of a group is someone who joined in the middle of the group’s history. The founding members just happened to survive the last battle with their old comrades. That doesn’t mean they’re any better than the dead they left behind :)
    • Lastly, I saw someone mention the unknown difficulty of contracts when signing up for them. I love how the player is forced to determine difficult enemies based on equipment and appearance rather than some stats that show up. In order to keep this same level of immersion, maybe in the contract reference some equipment the enemies had. “A group of bandits in mail…”, “Bandits slayed peasants with bolts…” If there were no survivors or witnesses of bandit attack, that may prove the enemy is quite difficult. Just some ideas that I think are better than simply color coding contracts based on difficulty or some other cheap trick.

    And that’s all I can think of for now. Thank you very much for making such an amazing game. I cannot wait to see what comes next!

    Avatar photoRusBear

    perhaps this soldier can safely go on a well-deserved retirement!
    on girls and mead him accurately enough!

    Avatar photoMeeky

    For the worldmap upate we only managed to properly implement 9 Contracts. We are working hard to get more in, there are 11 more designed and written. They just have to be implemented which sometimes is tricky as we have to bend or manipulate existing game mechanics.

    Okay, awesome. Thanks for the reply, that’s what I needed to know!

    Avatar photokingslomein

    1. The Goblins are very hard. Several factors come into play here. First, my guys can’t get close without getting shot or netted. And that’s key to beating the goblins, getting close to them. It seems almost impossible to take on a goblin force larger than my own. I can’t get close without losing a quarter of my strength. Second, my archers are no use against them. And third, my chances of actually hitting them when I get close is less than a human opponent.

    Yes the goblins are hard. But they aren’t that bad if you know a few tricks. Fighting them at night makes there archers switch to melee 8 times out of 10. When I do this I have my archers switch to pole-arms and seem to be able to cut through goblins like butter. However I’ll admit getting caught in the daylight buy a pack of goblins is the worst.


    Why orcs spawn in goblin settlements?

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