pengchi87's Replies

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  • in reply to: 2 Suggestions – Armored Unhold, New Parties #23068
    Avatar photopengchi87

    Agreed. Would add some more flavor to the game world.

    in reply to: 2 Suggestions – Armored Unhold, New Parties #23057
    Avatar photopengchi87

    Nice ideas, but since deserters ran away from the army fearing battle, shouldn’t they try to hide away most of the time? Sometime they might come out pillaging for basic supplies, but if I was a deserter in those times, I wouldn’t mess around much in the first place. I would rather keep to the countrysides or far shores that people can’t see me, and only in bigger groups would I engage in pillaging. My suggestion is that noble house contracts for tracking them down and killing/capturing them->escorting them back as prisoners could be implemented, since it makes much sense all the mechanics are already in the current game system anyway.

    in reply to: Guild / Hall of Brothers #22824
    Avatar photopengchi87

    Really nice ideas, some professions lack character aside from a few random events. Should be more use for brother backgrounds, in addition to what you’ve mentioned in this post, like fishermen and farmhands when stationed, could produce food, and bowyers bows, tailors clothing and so on… Hedge knights could train newbie brothers to about 1/3 his experience while stationed.

    in reply to: Some improvement ideas #22797
    Avatar photopengchi87

    Additional ideas about the merchouses – could call them stronholds instead.

    Player built strongholds that can house severely injured brothers(need to lenghten the heal time for severe injuries for this to work, and chance to heal permanent injuries by being nursed in strongholds-well of course cut off arm can’t be healed), and put them to work for additional income.
    Also, brothers stationed in strongholds could gather nearby resources, make goods(bowyers make bows with woods, blacksmiths weapons, tailors clothes- stuff like that, currently, they just rely on random events to make things(what use are professions then?), and just takes up slots with bad combat stats. Trade crafted goods when caravans come by(if reputation is high enough), with messengers that have requests(quests) if repuation is high enough.

    Wandering enemies might attack the stronghold from time to time, and if someone hates you, they could actively look for your stronghold and attack.

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