Topic: Asinine Rotation & Retreat crash

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  • #13831
    Avatar photoMiudo

    Well I have possibly 2 bugs to report. A little background first:

    I got a Three-Skull Escort the Caravan quest. The caravan left and in the first turn of the road I get this specific event where turns out that we were carrying 8 Withered Vampires inside the boxes of the caravan and they got loose…

    Alright, so to arms! The quick vampires act first and using Darkflight go near the Caravan unit (the donkey/mule thing). Oh crap, oh crap! What to do? I had this Brother with the Rotation skill so I tried it and… managed to switch places with the mule. See screenshot below.

    Not sure if you consider this a bug, but well, it didn’t work out for me anyway… The next round the vampires flew there and devoured it… I kept fighting until one point I saw we had no chance, so I hit the Retreat button, but after that I got stuck on the transition screen for the world map, when a crash window appeared and the game exited (no screenie for it, but the log file is attached).

    Oh and the log file is a bit laggy to open. Prob because the game was running all this afternoon…

    Avatar photodltoster

    I think this is the same crash as in mine game crash caravan. It was fixed (in a gamedev version), so this fix will be in the game with the next update. As for now, try not to loose the caravan. Or not to take this quest.

    Avatar photoRap

    Both fixed now. Thanks for reporting.

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    Avatar photoRahziel

    On the note of Rotation skill and it’s targets – you can also rotate wardogs. Is that intended or bug of the same category?

    Avatar photoRap


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