Topic: Congrats & (Minor) Suggestions

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  • #3718
    Avatar photoBlyska

    I see your point, that’s true.
    Obviously this kind of feature would need a lot of careful balance in order to preserve the current game feeling, which is awesome. Nonetheless I still think it’s possible, in my very humble, player-side, point of view ;)

    PS : Anyone knowing where the saved games are located… ?

    Avatar photoSky

    c:\ProgramData\Overhype Studios\Battle Brothers\

    so is the log.html for bug reports.

    Avatar photoBlyska

    Thanks !

    Avatar photolfish

    As far as weapon specialization goes, I think the current perk system works great. There are already lots of perk builds that greatly favor certain weapons, but don’t just give a boring ‘+5 damage to axes’; instead, axes naturally get a large damage bonus to headshots, and there are perks that increase your chance of hitting the head. Similarly, if you make a character with dodge and nimble it greatly increases you’re ability to make high damage ripostes with swords. Bloody flail is only useful with 2 handed weapons and flails.

    I think more perks that favor certain weapon traits would be good, but am not interested in a simple ‘now you get +10% to hit with maces’ deal, no matter how it’s implemented.

    Avatar photoSky

    Unfortunately the 2h axe is not the best example. The 2h sword is far more usable. While the axe aoe is purely situational, the sword has a much better variety for attacks rendering the current 2h axe almost useless.

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