Topic: Suggestions (After 100+ Hours)
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- This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 8 months ago by
30. May 2015 at 00:28 #4460
ParticipantBeen playing this game a needless amount of time on my wife’s steam & here are my thoughts (if any of these are similar or suggested by others I do apologize but there are several pages & not a lot of them are labeled & I had no interest in sifting through them)
The game is in alpha and in no way a full realization of what it will be upon completion, I am aware; with that said!
(ps-these are mostly generalized due to the fact the current development, direction, and overall progress of the game is amazing and I’ve no doubt the game developers can fill in the blanks)*Map size is fine if you add zones for travel from one “map” to another, each with a truly random generation.
*More diversity between one “Castle”, one “City”, and several “Villages” per random* map.
*Regional “Favor” or “Disdain” generated through quest completion or protection provided to the area.
*Multiple Mercenary groups (up to groups of 12) that roam about completing quests and killing creatures.
*Ability to pay other mercenary groups or guards to aid in otherwise impossible or unfavorable battle situations.
*Ability to attack Villages, Cities, Castles, Merchants, Guards, ect.. (choosing to be bandits, doesn’t mean you’re still not battle brothers)
*Addition of Bounty Hunting, Bounty Hunter(both as a background, profession, and single/group individuals you track & kill), towns would be able to set Bounties on you (assuming you generate enough “Disdain”) for crimes such as robbing/killing merchants, attacking a town, ect…
*NPC’s you can sanction to create new roads from one location to another in exchange for coin (or favor earned through events.
Village/City/Castle/Stronghold creation (or the ability to “take” and over time build upon the current structures)*In-Game “Trophy” collection. (IE: Warlords & Leaders always have unique names, perhaps a trophy taken from them… a head on a pike, skull, specialty armor/weapons, ect)
*Ability to organize your brothers and move them into a proper OCD tailored order. (for the love of god… please)
*Addition of Aging with high-end ratio (1-Year = 10-Year)
*All physical stats should have a natural progression as you gain experience (Not levels) – Leaving the level cap at 11 but continue to let your Mercenaries generate experience in addition to the stats you select to increase per-level.
*Age should naturally degrade your physical stats* (Physical Stats; Health, Max Fatigue)
*Progressive damage to Moral & Resolve through continued loss of Mercenaries. (IE: Hundreds of battles later you still have your 3 founding members, and with it they have recruited and lost 30 mercenaries, their moral and resolve would have been damaged over time through it (Unless Immoral, or Carefree)
*Add Immoral & Carefree Traits. <3
*Mercenaries with Duel Wielding trait. Duel Wielding @ a -1AP Cost to skills (no change to fatigue generation through skill usage)
*Harder Settings (Less rewards for completed quests, overall cost and recruitment is more expensive, larger groups of enemies, battles with several Bandit Leaders, or Orc Warlords, Items that degrade below 5% can not be repaired, Mercenaries will have a chance to abandon if “over-all moral” drops to low from continued battle loss, fleeing battles to often, mercenary deaths)
*Different Game-Modes;
I’d like to be a 12-Orc group that goes about in a survival-round type situation where hoards of humans attempt to kill you & you see how long you can stay alive. King of the Castle style.*Mercenary Placement & Battle Formations. Ability to set battle formation before a battle (yet are subject to terrain restriction or if you are attacked and did not initiate)
30. May 2015 at 05:24 #4463ManaSeed
ParticipantWalks to nearest faucet, wash hand for an hour, then approach Vinure.
“Sir, may I shake your hand?” *the hands are still wet*
>> *Regional “Favor” or “Disdain” generated through quest completion or protection provided to the area.
It would be nice if we have Fame/Renown and relationship/fondness with faction/regions. Greater fame reduce the chances of enemy engaging you in world map. Furthermore, enemy unit with significant lower fame has lower morale at start of battle(everyone chickens out a little when they face the Legendary XXXX, right?).>> *Multiple Mercenary groups (up to groups of 12) that roam about completing quests and killing creatures.
Would it be fantastic if we have a mercenary ranking system? We can compete against other mercenaries, challenge them to a duel, or scout their ace.Having very high fame doesn’t necessarily make your brothers rank high in mercenary world. Your gang could’ve made a name by just slaughtering around. Higher mercenary rank gives access to higher pay and more difficult quests.
Both fame and mercenary rank will diminish over time as people forget you and your rival mercenary rise when you’re idling.
>> Ability to pay other mercenary groups or guards to aid in otherwise impossible or unfavorable battle situations.
A lot of people have probably mentioned this, and I know devs are working on it. Still, I hope this will be implemented soon (oh boy I’m excited). Otherwise, it’s like being in a class with a lot classmates and you’re being isolated.>> *Addition of Bounty Hunting, Bounty Hunter(both as a background, profession, and single/group individuals you track & kill), towns would be able to set Bounties on you (assuming you generate enough “Disdain”) for crimes such as robbing/killing merchants, attacking a town, ect…
*rub hands with t-shirt*
“Sir, can I shake your hands, like one last time?” *the hands are still pretty wet, dead lord…*If it’s not too troublesome I wish we could have “Incident Detection” or “Witness” system. When you kill innocents(or guilty orcs), you’ve a chance to be seen or reported. Chance of detection depends on numbers of towns, road, buildings in vicinity, daytime or night time. If you kill an orc near the city at daytime, the related orc faction has 99.99% to hate you. If you assaulted a merchant at night, where no buildings/units are nearby, the related town has 3% to hate you.
Also, maybe it’s nice if we have “informant” system. You can pay crowns to get information on the location of other merc and the hidden base of orcs, as well as their numbers. Of course you can scout/search the area yourself for a specific enemy base, if you’re willing to take the risk of encountering several enemy scouts at same time. On the other hand, if you happen to find a hidden orc base (especially those with high bounty), you can “sell” this information (before it is wiped out). Once you sold/reveal this information, other mercs will try and rout it.
>> *NPC’s you can sanction to create new roads from one location to another in exchange for coin (or favor earned through events.
Village/City/Castle/Stronghold creation (or the ability to “take” and over time build upon the current structures)
“D-Dear Sir, can I-“I think it might pretty fun if towns can be destroyed completely, or turned into city (after a long duration of unhindered trading with caravans)
Since new roads can be built, it’s nice if roads that’ve not been used for long time disappears. For example, a road which leads to destroyed town.>> *All physical stats should have a natural progression as you gain experience (Not levels) – Leaving the level cap at 11 but continue to let your Mercenaries generate experience in addition to the stats you select to increase per-level.
If possible, I actually prefer “proficiency” style in stats growth. For example, every melee hit you perform (whether miss or hit) has 0.01% chance to increase melee skill by 1. Furthermore, your stats growth is affected by your opponents. If your lv1 unit performs melee hit (whether miss or hit) on lv3 enemy, your unit has 0.09% chance to increase melee skill by 1. On the other hand, you have 0.001% chance to gain stats from enemy which has lower level than you. The stat growth cap from current system still applies, so you won’t gain more than 4 melee skill per level.
I believe people who’ve been experiencing hell would be stronger than those who train with weaker opponents.
>> *Progressive damage to Moral & Resolve through continued loss of Mercenaries. (IE: Hundreds of battles later you still have your 3 founding members, and with it they have recruited and lost 30 mercenaries, their moral and resolve would have been damaged over time through it (Unless Immoral, or Carefree)
“Sir, by now my hands are probably dr-“I couldn’t agree more. If your team has won several battles recently, they should have higher morale at start of battle. Oppositely, they should lower morale if they’ve not been in battle for long duration or been suffering losses or deaths.
I believe the following is already in progress, but just in case it isn’t.
Fast forward(or quicken) the time/pace on world map(and in battle)
30. May 2015 at 06:49 #4465Vinure
ParticipantI wasn’t keeping track of ideas in great detail, more just what I could remember as I went along, and then my wife made mention to the suggestion section. I ” ” a lot as to a lack of generalization to what terms sound better, or what ideas were more so fleshed out, you however took care of that and I thank you.
1. June 2015 at 02:04 #4527Dogmeat
ParticipantI really hate the idea of aging. I’d rather the X-Com approach be used, where your elite veterans are your elite veterans until death take them. I want losing my elite mercs to be memorable, not a depressing inevitability due to the ceaseless passage of time eventually making them weak, incompetent old men.
Similarly, the idea of progressive, permanent morale/resolve damage is not appealing. I really think it kills the satsifaction inherent in an RPG game about building a merc unit to have your most experienced mercs suffer cumulative penalties and degradation. In my ideal low fantasy medieval setting, the battle-hardened mercenaries are not a bunch of cowardly old cripples who jump at shadows. They’re steely, determined hardasses who don’t flinch when an orc berserker comes barreling down at them. As for the Immoral and Carefree bits, how about we just assume that everyone willing to kill for money is either Immoral or Carefree and thus the lack of remorse at being a mercenary is automatic and not something that needs an in-game representation?
1. June 2015 at 12:11 #4533Asterix_von_TWC
ParticipantReally agree with much of this:
*Map size is fine if you add zones for travel from one “map” to another, each with a truly random generation.
*More diversity between one “Castle”, one “City”, and several “Villages” per random* map.
*Ability to attack Villages, Cities, Castles, Merchants, Guards, ect.. (choosing to be bandits, doesn’t mean you’re still not battle brothers)
And aging is great but not essential for me
1. June 2015 at 12:51 #4537Sky
ParticipantI hope you do realize that a year is 365 days, and for the age to actually have any effect it will take hmm… some time…
1. June 2015 at 13:43 #4538Asterix_von_TWC
ParticipantI hope you do realize that a year is 365 days, and for the age to actually have any effect it will take hmm… some time…
He meant scaled aging like a lot of games have
1. June 2015 at 17:33 #4540ManaSeed
ParticipantSince you gaiz are so interested about the age thing, here was what the devs had said.
Q: How does the game deal with the passing of time? Do characters age and get physically weaker over time and age?
The whole game takes places over a period of several months, not years. Aging isn’t a part of the game and most of the Battle Brothers will die before having the chance to grow old anyway.
↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑This game gives me similar impression before I read the FAQ.
But the game can be something like this too…Reim Century 12
This land is roamed by undead and orcs. Humans, a lesser clan and easy prey to various predators. Some intellectuals of the kin believe extinction will arrive in several decades. The situation is dire enough for most people to give up hope in restoration of mankind. The hopelessness ultimately turns into malice and madness, which given rise to bandits. This has greatly prevented resource from falling into the hands of predators, in the most ironic way.Reim Century 14
Questioning your past, you and your brothers took up the sword to search for an answer. Nonetheless, your group is merely hired blades with suspicious background in the eyes of many.– as frontier in mercenary business, your active participation will catalyze its growth, which increases the amount of mercenary groups available
– plantation field is a good source of provision, make sure enemy does not destroy it
– river is another source for food, if the place is secured, new towns could be built there
– securing trading routes enables towns to exchange commodities such provisions and weapons.
– in messenger quest, make sure structure plans arrive safely, it greatly helps the town development
– as you retrieve artifacts for scholars, you might learn unrevealed history, such as Orcs and Undead didn’t exist until one day….
– when even royal army has failed to hold the line, it’s up to you fend off the invading army.
– by retrieving lost history records, you might find the mastermind behind all this, if there’s one.
– focus your defense on a single town when everywhere else cannot be protected, but make there’s a safe route for everyone to fall back to this town. Refugees holing up in this town will turn it into a citadel, where you can keep defending it until you come up a good plan to strike back.
– attacking orc’s supply unit or strategic spot to give enough advantage for royal army to turn the tide of the battle
– find out the weakness of indomitable undead army by venturing deep into their area
– restoring faith in humanity by completing one of the most impossible quests. This inspires and motivates human to expand their power.
– explore the coldest place to find surprises you wouldn’t imagine
– loading your cleared save in new game plus will advance the time by 10 years, the result will be an extension to previous events by taking all factors into account, but the changes may or may not favor you.
– try completing the personal goal of a brother. It can be accumulation of wealth, gaining fame, or reclaiming his homeland.
– the shared goal of you group has no time limit, and it can be passed down to next generations
– will you wipe out every clan other than humans? Or is there a way to co-exist with them?The hands you used to hold weapon…. has the power to shape the world too.
- Battle Brothers: War of Century –( ̄◇ ̄;) If we have that much game content, aging system might be relevant and fun.
1. June 2015 at 19:12 #4541Sky
ParticipantA year is still 365 days long, it will still take hmm… a while…
2. June 2015 at 01:35 #4542ManaSeed
Participant>> He meant scaled aging like a lot of games have
(I can’t believe I got distracted and to forgot to ask this…)
What is scaled aging? Is aging system that common in most games? Likely limited by my preference and genre of games of I’ve played, I can’t recall games with aging system all of a sudden.Ermm, Sims?
>> A year is still 365 days long, it will still take hmm… a while…
*staring at my previous post*
*then stare at the post before it*(Hmm…… I wonder if he’s talking to me or awaiting my response? Anyway, I’ve more or less related thoughts to supplement to the age topic.)
Hi gaiz :D it’s me again! ……….why the long face?If I remember correctly, when my brother was dying (5/60hp), which equivalents to 90% injury, HE ONLY TOOK about 50 in-game hours to heal completely.
Well…. if anyone in reality suffers 90% injury…..
It should take longer time than this for them to heal. Hmmm….. I’m not a doctor but I think It should take 53 ~ 55 hours for him to heal up, BUT DEFINITELY NOT 50 HOURS.
By now you should see there are 100 excuses to modify the time system just to implement age system, without 1 good purpose to support it.
Like I’ve stated and shown in my previous post, this game’s story is about several months long.
If a game allows your character to age, it must be expecting him to accomplish different kind of things that can only be done in a very long duration. The game probably wasn’t expecting your character to age by doing the same thing every day (for example, hunting down every enemy in endless mode, even if enemy is not endless). Why things like that aren’t allowed, you asked? BECAUSE IT WOULD BE TOO SAD. Don’t we age by doing the same thing every day in reality? O|¯|_
If this game is about a mercenary band turning into a legend by saving human civilization from brink of destruction, it would be different story. You can spend 50 years to rebuild towns, restoring prosperity in human society, correcting power balance between factions, and change human’s positioning in the world. You’re basically shaping the world and rewriting history. How could that happen when you’re not even a royalty or ruler? The location you choose to protect might turn from a town into capital, not because you any have say in it, just because the place is safe and the timing is appropriate. You’re just a small cog that happens to turn the wheel of fate, in the way you couldn’t imagine.
The founders of your group have always been bluffing about earning sufficient wealth to build a castle of their own on the most beautiful land by reclaiming it from by orcs. Time elapsed and era has changed. Now the founders have all passed away, none has fulfilled the promise to reclaim the land, but they have accumulated more than enough crowns for a castle and servants. And their fellow brothers are still pursuing the same dream, which has been passed down as legacy.
Why can’t we have DLC like this!? The meaning of early access, you ask? Wait a minute, I’ll google it.
щ(ºДºщ) People~~~ come and
buysupport this game!!!The moment I saw how caravans impact the town’s economy, and how mercenaries can impact caravan, I see a lot of potential in this game.
It can handle both battle element and city building element while having an interesting relationship between them.On an irrelevant note, I just encountered a withered vampire for the first time, oh boy I’m excited!2. June 2015 at 12:25 #4543Sky
ParticipantOk, let me try different words. The aging in games are scaled compared to real life to fit in the game world they are in, in this gameword you have hours and days as the standart time units. Now for aging, since this is a lowfi world, you should have more or less realistic time system so it would take a merc to age a year abour 365 days. Anf if you scale it even more, that would not fit in and would not make any sense at all, it would still take more time than he probably survives. Unless you are a save scum ratling that is.
Besides the devs already said there will be no aging since there is no point to it. You will have dynamicly acquired unit traits like injuries and event results that will completely compensate for not having the negative trait gain by the ageing that would still take 365 days to get a full year…
2. June 2015 at 14:24 #4544ManaSeed
Before I begin to ask questions…… just one thing. Are you’re talking to me or Asterix_von_TWC? Since you’re explaining scaled aging, you’re answering my question. But later you’re disagreeing age system, so you must be talking to Asterix. But you can’t be talking to two people in a same paragraph….. What am I missing here?
2. June 2015 at 15:04 #4545Asterix_von_TWC
ParticipantJust to be clear – as I said multiple times elsewhere, I am NOT for aging really, can support someone else’s good ideas, but I AM for a different speed game clock, where travel and actions would take longer in “real” time.
2. June 2015 at 21:11 #4546Sky
ParticipantSecret technic.
To the OP (original poster) ofc but at the same time about the scaled aging in other games regarding BB, while ending it with already known facts (as for now at least) about the dev position regarding this matter.
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