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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18854
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Its already there, its a named helmet. Allthough I changed the color of the headband.

    In general I like to take a little artistic license when painting these artworks, so dont expect everything to be exact copies of ingame items.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18845
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Cool Stuff :)
    can you upload a bigger version, it looks pretty cool. Are you painting with photoshop?

    The large artworks can consume quite a bit of time, it mostly depends on the amount of main characters.
    I just finished the last big picture and will now move on to smaller event screens for the late game crisis.
    After that its time for some more hats and fancy tunics :)


    Retire 4

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18700
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Just to reiterate my suggestion, an entertainer costume would be fun if there’s time :p (knife bundle = 4 tile light option??)

    Awesome picture :)
    After I finish all the must haves on my to do list we will see what I will be able to squeeze in regarding additional outfits and equipment.
    But as I am planning to do some more “noble” tunics and headgear the jester outfit might actually make it in as well.

    By the way, here is art pro tip #37: Never paint a guy with scalemail :D This stuff takes all day…..

    Scale mail

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18660
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Dont worry, were not done here yet :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18650
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there,
    I’ve read the suggestion and will reply, because its somehow art related.
    More diversity and a smoother item progression is always a plus. Nevertheless the idea has several downsides to it which might not be obvious.
    First of all the inventory and shops would be spammed with tons of items if we would have 6 quality grades for each item. Combine that with “not putting a lot of work into the art” and all quality grades would more or less look the same.
    The result would be players constantly hovering over similar items to read the tooltips to tell them apart, which is a usability nightmare.

    You could then implement more filtering options to the UI but that means more programming work…

    As I mentioned before, I dont think the idea is bad, it just needs more work than you think to be properly executed. As a matter of fact we already created “rusty” versions of all weapons at some point during developement to have more item diversity. We then decided to have different “tiers” of weapons instead of quality grades to have an item progression.
    So you could say our tiers are your quality grades, just executed with a lot more effort for a clean implementation.


    btw heres a work in progress shot of another retirement screen – this time its a happy end :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18634
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Also, “masked” face helmets. Just how badass one of your bros could look with that metal face on his helmet :P

    Hey there,
    the Lorica didn’t make it in as went a little more for a “germanic/celtic” look.
    Nevertheless there are a few lootable helmets with facemasks. All part of the next update.

    ancient dead

    And by the way I forgot to add this:
    A normal heavy crossbow

    hvy cross

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18601
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    never saw a goblin with an unique weapon, goblins don’t have uniques yet?

    They dont have them in the classical sense, only the spiked impaler as a kind of unique crossbow.
    I would rather paint more unique weapons for humans to be honest as I feel it would fit better.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18590
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    does it mean you have created a new third dagger skin

    What a question :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18573
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    heres some new weapons to further smooth out the itemprogression.
    A Tier 3 Dagger (Rondel), a Tier 2 Billhook (hooked blade) and Tier 2 Warhammer (military pick).



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18492
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys, heres what I’ve been working on this week:
    Another retirement screen.
    Now there is only one missing and dont worry, the last one will be a lot more positive :)


    Retirement 2

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18418
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    reporting back for duty.
    I have not been to Gran Canaria, just spent some time with the family recharging the batteries :)

    Now lets get back to work! I’ll have another artwork ready to show by the end of the week.

    Happy new year by the way!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18272
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    If i had my own way id have you work on items and items alone for like a month or something, until we have unique version of vast majority of items

    In a perfect world I would love to do that (no smiley here, as they now seem to mutate to giant monsters when quoted). Nevertheless I am still confident I will manage to push more items into the game before release. Alongside the ambitions we already added a bunch of armors and accessory items.

    Paul, anyone told you that you have the talent? They lied – you have the gift of God.

    Thanks man, I feel honoured!

    What this game really needs is legendary items, but they has to be not only the items which have chance to hit head or damage boost. They have to provide us with new experience and unique abilities. Like Frangshire helm does

    I totally agree. As I mentioned before somewhere we have a complete design document with around 100 legendary items including unique skills etc. Unfortunately we dont have the manpower to implement them for now.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18254
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    In case you missed it, heres another retirement screen and the according timelapse video.
    Retirement time lapse


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18249
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Specifically if there will be possibility to reclaim them and rebuild?

    Yes and no, it depends. In this fridays blog post we’ll explain how it works.

    Do ruins can become infested by faction who destroyed them or generic beasts/bandits/undead?

    Also yes and no :) Sorry for not beeing more precise, but this will also be explained in the blog post.

    Do you plan throw few ruined settlements for a player to find and help reclaim them or help noble houses expansion?

    There won’t be ruins right from the start (at least we did not plan that yet). Nevertheless Noble House expansion is something that will happen during certain late game crises.

    Could it be predicted like getting courier from noble house who will ask for help or some plans that are recovered as loot from battle against enemy factions?

    Yes, there will be events and other signs foreshadowing a late game crisis.

    Also do these events happen separately from player activity or they are only connected to it?

    Can’t answer that one yet, ask me again after friday :)

    Also I must admit that I really like this armor dying soldier wear – isn’t this old plate coat? Are you plan to add it again to game? Would be great.

    It’s a combination of chainmail and leather armor which doesn’t exist in the game as of now. It’s just artistic license at the moment. If I find the time I will try to push in as many equipment items as I possibly can before release :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18247
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    At 0:35 you have added the wrong text to the picture. ;P

    I think you mean the placeholder text. While I was painting the final text had not been written yet so I had to just put in some random stuff to get a feel for the look.

    Right now one is prone to think, the depicted person was shot on the run and is about to die all alone.

    Everybody dies alone :)
    No but seriously, I intentionally showed a lone guy crouching through the undergrowth before breaking down and giving up. I wanted to convey a feeling of desperation and hopelesness.

    As for the ruined buildings, what about adding stains of fire damage to some of the windows or the holes in the roofs? But then again, if there would have been fire, then most likely the whole building would have burned down, unless the residents would have extinguished the flames in time.

    The ruins will have smoke coming out of them for some time after beeing destroyed. I still have to see them implemented and then I will make some more adjustments if neccessary.

    here some oddities I noticed recently:

    Can’t say whats the reason right away. We’ll have a look at it when we find some time!

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