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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18198
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    How many hours did you spend to draw the “campaign lost” or “retirement” screens? :]

    It’s actually a pretty short time, around 3 hours recorded.
    Of course thats not totally accurate. You have to add time for research and preparation. On top of that the time to edit and render the video.
    Overall that adds up to around 2 days of work.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18190
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    heres another time lapse video. This time the new “campaign lost” screen. Don’t worry, I’m sure you guys wont see this very often :)
    Campaign lost time lapse


    On top of that here’s a little something in preparation for the late game crisis:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18154
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Any chance we could get a version of this image without the title?

    Hey there,
    we didnt add this to the media site yet, but here you go!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18150
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys, glad you like it.
    For the next video I will record my photoshop interface as well. This would give you more detail on what exactly I’m doing, but might be a bit “hectic” to watch.
    I cant decide what format I prefer.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18127
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    Here’s a little teaser for todays Blog Post:
    Chest hair!
    There’ll be some art stuff in addition to the normal blog post.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18104
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I personally think female battle bros would fit into the game. We already had our writers create some background stories for female mercs. Each of these explains why this special woman wants to drop their former life and become a mercenary, exactly like their male counterparts.
    It’s just the workload holding us back.
    I expect this topic to come up a lot more the closer weg get to the release, but whatcha gonna do?

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18054
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Also, I it would be really sweet to have a “digital artbook” that included the progress graphics from this thread. … and also a skunk banner for my mercs! ?

    My plan is to put a lot of infos in the art book, just like the Keyvisual Blogpost. I’ve made 29 Progress shots of the keyvisual painting, so theres plenty to explain. It won’t just be a bundle of artworks. Can’t make any promises regarding the skun though haha.

    In my simple, uneducated understanding, it would have had a higher marketing value, if it had also been educational – but what do I know.

    If I remember correctly they had length restrictions for the vids. Those restrictions of course where just made up by some marketing guys I suppose.

    Adding the seam there was in particular one of the things I noticed that seem completely random to me; would have been fine without it. Why was it necessary to put a detail there, on that spot? Looks like you don’t know either. ;P Maybe that is one of the things that doesn’t really have a reason. ^^

    I wouldn’t exactly call it random. In general objects closer to the focus of the picture need more detail and better rendering. Apart from that its just my gut feeling and experience. Normaly I also make up clothing, armor, faces etc up while painting. It’s not like I always have an exact plan in my head :)

    By the way, that video gave me an idea: What about an unique “boob plate” armor for our brothers to wear?

    I’d be careful with this stuff. The whole “women” topic is already pretty explosive. Let’s not wake sleeping dogs haha.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18041
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Maybe if the banner occupied the shield slot (as it sort of looks like) the battle-bro could just wield a light sword.

    We thought about that, but it interferes a bit with the banner guy standing in the back line, supporting the rest of the group.
    If the banner works like a polearm he can be a lot more useful in combat instead of just standing around in the second row :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18038
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I think the time lapse is too fast.^^ Sometimes, when one finally notices, where you are drawing, you are already doing the next thing.

    I recorded the video without any photoshop windows and zooms. It’s a lot easier to watch, but just like you mentioned you wont notice when I zoom in to paint some small details.
    Here’s another video where I recorded all the zooms etc. It#s easier to follow what happens, but it can be difficult to watch.
    PS: Better turn off the music on this one.
    Time Lapse 2

    I think the time lapse is too fast.

    These vids where produced as casual marketing material for Shards of War and have no educational value whatsoever :) Thats why they are so fast.

    (you also interchange the left and the right part of the jacket buckle, the reference shows it the otherway around)

    I decided to have the buckle on the outer side, because it creates a more dynamic silhouette and makes it easier to “read” the jacket by not interfering with its internal shape too much.

    is the mirroring of the picture just a video editing shenaniga

    It’s an extremely important technique to assure that your picture is balanced and doesnt tilt to one side or that proportions are skewed. The picture has to work no matter if the image is mirrored or not.

    at 4:02 you close the hole in the pants on her thigh

    The hole didnt work, it interfered with the readability of her pose.

    at 4:09 you add more seams to the jacket

    Just adding details :)

    How long did it actually take to draw the single parts and finally the whole picture?

    The whole thing took around 4 to 5 days to paint with an additional day o´r two of sketching and gathering reference material.
    The concept artworks where done before that by another artist.

    Ok, number 1 and 2 – i see how it can be used like a pike, even 4 and 8…may be

    Lets just assume enemies simply get hit over the head with those things :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18021
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    Ok, but maybe you can tell that… the guy with the banner can use only one hand i mean use only one-handed weapons and the second hand will be busy by banner?

    It works the same way the battle standarts for the human faction work, it’s basically a pike polearm.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18019
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    Does it mean that we will be able to hold own banner in the battle? Will it give us some bafs if it does?

    Yeah of course it comes with its own effects. But I wont tell you how you’ll get it yet :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18017
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    Here’s a little insight on what Im working on right now.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #18014
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    have you also done these placeholder “assets” (is that the correct term? ^^) or where are those from and what purpose did they originally serve?

    Thanks for asking, it’s fun to explain how I work every once in a while. I first paint a very rough setup and then put in placeholders for the characters poses. Some of these placeholders are painted by me, others are just cut out of other images. You can clearly see a chaos space marine on the left side of the picture. His pose was pretty interesting, although I decided to do something else in the end.
    If you dont have a lot of time, this is a fast way to see if your composition really works and if the picture has the right “spirit” so you dont waste time on something which doesnt come together in the end.

    Have you ever thought about recording (and maybe explaining/commenting a little) the painting process of one art piece?

    Of course and I already did so, allthough its not for Battle Brothers. Its just a time lapse video for an artwork I did for Shards of War.
    Painting Timelapse
    The problem with these videos is, that it takes extra time in preparation and editing. As you all know we are under constant pressure to get shit done quickly. On top of that its difficult to record such a video when painting a big artwork where the first half of the process is only testing, finding the right composition and poses.
    Nevertheless I’ll try to record something, I think its awesome if I can show some more insights in the painting processes.

    since eyes (of enemies) can already glow red, why not make the Fangshire’s wearer’s eyes glow yellow in the night, just like the text suggests(, as long as this isn’t already a thing ^^)?

    If its a quick fix we might do it :) I’ll ask our programmer about it.

    Hey Paul, it seems to me that something is wrong with this part of the picture…

    I see what you mean. The whole dagger is there, but the part where it gets hit by the light looks a lot thicker than rest. I think I’ll leave it like that for now, even though its obviously an imperfection.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17991
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    Although I desperately miss a “Fatso-Nachzehrer” there

    I wanted to put one in, but decided to cut it later.
    Heres a sketch with the Nachzehrer in the very background


    Due to popular demand here is the very old keyvisual :)
    Back in the day we called the game “Terror from the Keep” and it was very heavily xcom inspired. The enemies where also inspired by snakemen etc

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17982
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    What do you think of a unique dagger (skin) made of a Nachzehrers horn/tooth/fang? Now that they have such big/long horns/fangs/teeth, I thought they would make a cool basis for a dagger.

    Sounds neat :) I’ll put it on my whishlist.

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