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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24613
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    One question: there will be new taxidermist recipes?

    Probably not, as we won’t be introducing any new beasts to drop new materials. Apart from that it’s possible to own the new DLC without owning Beasts and Exploration in which case you won’t have access to crafting anyways.

    Hey Schandorf,
    The helmet looks awesome, but we already have this named helmet ingame:
    Wolf Helmet

    It’s a pretty light helmet, but the look is very similar.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24601
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    Hey Abel,
    the image you are referring to is pretty old. Back in the day I tried working in some photographs, like many concept artists do. After a while I decided that this realistic style is not really fitting the rest of the BB art style.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24591
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    I haven’t posted in a while. Now that I am working on some new event pictures, there’s finally new material to show.
    Let’s start off with the barbarian champion from this weeks blog header.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24320
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Speaking of map related questions, is there a reason Beasts don’t have ‘encampments?’

    The idea was to evoke a spirit of “hunting” them rather than attacking fixed locations. The Nachzehrers are an exception because they existed previous to most of the other beasts and basically were part of the undead faction.

    Why there is no pure white helmet paint?

    I can’t paint everything :) It takes a lot of work to create all helmet assets in a certain color variety.

    will there be new banners with the coming origins?

    Yes, there will be new banners, but not one banner for each origin. Each banner I implement comes with the according shield motifs, so it’s quite a bit of work.
    Maybe you will see some of these in the next blog post :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24263
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    Also want to ask how to open .brush files?

    Honestly I have no idea. I only wok with PSDs, PNGs and JPGs of course.

    Would you guys ever consider adding in a late medieval DLC featuring full plate armor, more lethal weaponry, and maybe even horses? (Goblins got them wolfriders ;))

    Never say never, but I don’t think so. We are expanding the Battle Brothers universe in different directions, but we try stay within certain boundaries. One boundary is the (very rough) visual time frame and the restriction to infantry combat.
    The reason against too much late medieval period gear is to maintain a consistent look throughout the game. The reason against horses is actually only gameplay related. We explained on several occasions how horses would break the basic way the tactical combat works. Wolfriders are an exception as they move very differently to horses and are more of a “fantasy style enemy” compared to the more realistic human fighters.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24180
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    1. If you find the time/find it in your big heart…. can you make Zweihander helmet paintable using the art assets already available? Colour schemes are pretty much covered. Blood Red colour is only new issue.

    Hey Force Echo,
    it’s not that easy. First off the color items don’t match the colors of the helmets (There is no blue/red combo for example), on top of that the helmets only feature colored ribbons, the helmets themselves are not painted. This in itself doesn’t seem so bad, but if I implement something, I want it done properly and there is so much on my plate right now, that it’s not possible at the moment :(

    So, yesterday I accidentally saw a picture of unity assets, and imagined it in BB and for a moment became happy :)

    Hey Doomich,
    what you are showing would be an easy solution and it might even work technically speaking. Nevertheless the “buildings” created with these tiles would look pretty strange. This would be comparable to the hills we have in the tactical combat. We can just barely get away with that look, but constructing entire buildings like this would not work visually – at least in my opinion.

    Missing in the purple and orange color palette.

    Hey ZXY44,
    At least one new player banner we add with the DLC will feature purple and golden. Better than nothing :)

    Hey Paul, will the DLC include extra-swole human body options for our brothers? :P

    The wallpaper gives me hope for even more customization options, hehe.

    Hey Andrew,
    We won’t add a new body type, there is just no room for more muscles under the armor in the layered system we use. BUT we will add new customization options. You’ll have to wait till shown in one of the next devblogs though.

    Cheers all!

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24141
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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24137
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I totally understand why the buildings were cut. I would however love more map variety. Graveyards with single hex grave stones, orc/brigand encampments with barrels and boxs (and wood floors to boot), etc etc. I still think map variety can be achieved without having to introduced big(multi-hex) buildings and structures.

    I agree, but we just never found the time to implement it. You always have to choose between adding this or adding new content/game mechanics. It’s a tough choice sometimes….

    If you get a chance Paul check out my suggestion thread on suggestions section, it is a little long but I thought hard about them ! Love the new helmets, Cheers :)

    Hey, I really appreciate the effort, but I try to stick to art related topics as much as possible in here :) Even though I myself deviate from time to time ….

    Please have some more patience, as I am trying to find some new art which I can post without spoiling stuff…

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24098
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hi Paul, I hope it doesn’t not looking as arrogating, but do you have some icons/images which haven’t been used in current DLC and which you don’t plan to use in new DLC? It could help with modding cause icons from another games aren’t suitable.

    What kind of icons are you looking for? Active skills? Backgrounds or something like that?
    The thing is that there are very few leftover icons as I tend to rework the old ones instead of creating new ones.
    Nevertheless, if you let me know what exactly you’re looking for I still might be able to help you out.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24097
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I also stumbled across this old mockup.

    Old? I was barely born when this was made :)
    We put quite a bit of time in exploring the whole Buildings on the combat map issue. The thing is it turned out to be really tricky to implement multi-tile objects with our engine (2D, height levels, hex tiles etc).
    Our last attempt looked like this:
    Tent cut
    We had to cut the objects, so that no element is wider than one tile and then piece them back together in the combat map. It was a hassle :( So we finally decided that our time is spent a lot better on improving the gameplay and adding content instead of finding a dodgy workaround to implement large structures.
    Apart from the technical issues, the gameplay effect of large objects would be very doubtful as they would basically just clog the map without adding any strategic depth (even though of course they would look pretty cool).

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #24080
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    Hey guys,
    can’t show you too much yet. I already did quite a bit of work, but I don’t want to show stuff that might not end up in the game.
    Here are the two new helmets as shown on the artwork. Bear in mind these are just normal helmets, not named ones.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23993
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    Hey Varhagen,
    nice to hear that you like the new helmet styles.
    The main reason why we decided against using 18 brothers in battle is very simple. We think it just takes too long and might make battles tedious to play.
    If you really like playing with 18 brothers I think someone got the 18 bros mod to work again. Have a look in the forums!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23963
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    Just a gentle reminder about this :))

    Hey there! soo….I talked to the guys and they reminded me of the reason we dropped this Banner. It’s just too similar to the “Arrow” Banner and color scheme. Although the knight helmet with the castle is pretty awesome, the noble houses would look very much alike regarding their colors. That’s the reason we decided to just implement one of the two.

    By the way, we got a little something in the works. First hints will be dropped on friday, so look forward to that :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23594
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    What I would like to see is black and blood red color scheme for helmets.

    Funny that you mention this. I already started painting dark red helmets during the creation of the DLC.
    Then we had to put the color on hold, because to create one new colored helmet version I’d have to create:
    22 Red Helmet versions
    22 Red helmet version “damaged”
    22 Red helmet version “dead” (lying on the ground)
    22 Red helmet Inventory icons

    Of course it’s not that work for me once I’ve finished the basic red versions, because all other versions are just alterations of the first. The thing is though, our programmer also has to implement every single icon. Which also is not that much work, but it adds up.
    So during the hot phase of creating the DLC we had to drop the additional colors for now.
    But again…never say never :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23581
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Given that the assets seem to be in the game, did they just never make the cut or is this maybe a bug?

    I’ll check that. They should be in the game just like all the others.

    battleforged super heavy armor bro or naked nimble unkillable machine. There is no room for medium armor builds in current meta.

    Yeah, we worked a lot on that perk already, but we’ll adjust it further. Just like you mentioned, the idea was to make medium armor builds viable (Barbute and Noble mail have been added to support this style specifically).
    It will take a little while, but we are definitely on the case.


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