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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23545
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Now, after the ‘Explorations & Beasts’ is released, do you have any plans to show us some teaser art of your new modern/futuristic game project?

    Hey there, nice to hear that you’re enjoying the DLC. Right now we are very busy with the release aftermath, so it will take some time until we show new stuff. We’ll try to update you as soon as possible though.

    Hello Paul! Really enjoying the DLC right now. Do you have plans to extend the Art book with Beasts & Exploration content maybe along with Kraken Banner pack? Reveal some lore behind the creatures, unique places etc.

    I’ll double check on that, would make sense. Allthough I’d prefer concentrating on creating new content to be honest (for BB or another project).

    Would you mind to upload a larger version of Stonehenge girl picture? The picture looks very detailed, it’s just very hard to catch all the points on the event window.

    Stone Circle Woman

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23441
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Just have to say Paul, browsing through this thread, watching the game and art progress and come alive is a real treat. I don’t think I understood how much art could contribute to the making of the game until I came here. Thanks for the continued efforts, and may you enjoy even a fraction of the joy you’ve given us all.

    Thanks man, it’s great to hear that. I’m trying my best :)

    Hey Paul, that “zweihander” image from the latest blog post, is it from a new event picture? I don’t remember seeing it in the game.

    Maybe I forgot to post it here:

    dead alp

    Good luck tomorrow guys. Fingers crossed for you ! :) Well done with everything I hope you have
    a nice celebration, you deserve it.

    Thanks for the support! The biggest fear is always that there are a lot of bugs popping up, even though we tested the DLC thoroughly. But we are pretty confident that everything runs smoothly.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23423
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there,
    that’s right, the base inventory has been increased by 9. The Ambition to increase it further is not repeatable, but we now have two ambitions like that instead of just one.

    On top of that here are two event illustrations I made yesterday:

    Dead Lindwurm

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23403
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    And that new armor on the left brother! Haven’t seen it yet in blog posts

    I think we haven’t shown it yet. It’s called Noble Mail and has a very good ar/fatigue ratio for late game nimble etc builds. This one is not a named armor, but can be bought in shops.

    By the way any chance that we get some armors that are cheap and not fatigue efficient to have some heavier cheap armors that company can afford much earlier(kind of medium armors in protection but heavy in fatigue cost)?

    I thought about that as well and it is a distinct possibility if we crate more content.

    Also any chance for restoration of ancient dead armors, helmets and weapons?

    Honestly I never thought about it. Interesting idea though. The armors would have to look more like a mix of ancient/medieval though to not throw off the overall look and setting too much.

    1. I was wondering, will there be any more “Legendary” gear, I won’t put spoilers in this thread but you know 2 armour sets (1 from location, 1 from event) + fangshire.

    I will only confirm what people found out by looking at the new achievements. There is a Legendary sword to be assembled.

    2. Will there be any new named armor sets? Like how a unique named set was added with lindwurm. Sorry for the questions but I love trying to collect all the gear haha.

    Unfortunately not, we focused on smoothing out the basic armor progression by adding 4 new armors and all armor upgrades can also be attached to named armors. So this way you can customize the look of your guys somehow.
    There are two pieces of equipment craftable at the Taxidermist which almost count as named items, because they are pretty unique.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23393
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Will they work with the paints?

    Of course:

    Regarding Sallets with visor; I totally agree that they look awesome. The thing why I don’t want to have them in the game is, that they literally scream “Gothic Platemail”. That’s just a line I don’t dare to cross for the sake of the game’s atmosphere and visual coherency.


    it would be neat to also have a visor down version of the Heraldic Bascinet.

    Yeah that would be cool indeed :) Can’t paint them all ;(

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23371
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Now that dog armor is an attachment, will you be able to use it on the wolves?

    Haha nice question. I didn’t plan for it, but as the graphic is just placed on top of the other it should be possible. I’ll double check that :)

    Regarding the helmets we already have a pretty smooth progression because of the different paddings of the metal helmets and the variety of chain mail coifs.
    Nevertheless we decided to introduce two more light/mid tier helmets to support medium armor builds. Both of them have good fatigue ratios and are rather expensive. They can only be bought in shops and not be looted. (—disclaimer: these are not yet implemented as this post is written—-)

    On the left we have the Barbute with 190 armor and -8 fatigue (may be subject to change). Even though the absolut armor value is not too high, the Armor to fatigue ratio is very good.
    On the right we have the Sallet with 120 armor and -5 fatigue (may be subject to change). As its big advantage the sallet will have no penalty to vision, hence can be worn by archers who can still shoot at max range.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23364
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Soo, here is the new mermaid banner:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23362
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Will more faces/heads be making into the patch/dlc?

    It would be nice to have, but I doubt it :(

    Also, will enemies(brigands, mercenaries, etc) carry or use the attachments?

    They don’t use them, but they can drop them as loot.

    Will unique (named) armours get buffed? I fear upgraded regular armours will outperform them otherwise. Or will unique armours be upgradeable as well?

    Of course unique armors will be upgradable just like all other armors :)

    Any chance you might add skull cap, cervelliere or some other lightweight cheap helmet?

    No promises yet, but we are discussing it literally right now.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23355
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I hope you’re not disappointed, but this is the upgrade I am referring to.
    Some metal plates riveted on top of the armor. It’s a basic upgrade which an be bought in towns.


    In other news I’ve started reworking the mermaid banner.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23334
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    – From what I understand from the dev diaries, you will only be able to use one attachment per armor. Is this correct? Was this due to clipping/graphic compatibility issues(i.e: using two different types of shoulder pads and getting wonky looking clip as a result)? Or due to balance issues?

    Actually both. We wanted the player to decide what upgrade to attach and not mindlessly stack one over the other, increasing his power to ridiculous levels.
    Apart from that it would also look very silly :)

    – All in all I must say it is pretty cool that you managed to make the attachments universal, with no clipping issues or any of the sort, even with the limitation of one attachment per armor. Did you have to tweak/modify the graphics on some of the original armors in order to achieve that?

    Yes, but it was within limits. I only had to change the placement of some armors (mainly bandit armors) so they align better with the attachments. There will be a few odd cases where the attachment graphic might look a little wonky, but overall I think it works pretty well.

    – Are the attachments permanent or will you be able to remove/exchange them at will?

    We decided to make the permanent. Most of them are pretty drastic modifications to the structure of the armor (for example riveting plates all over the fabric) which would be very hard to remove. Furthermore we wanted the Player to take proper decisions and think before committing to attach an upgrade. In my playtesting runs it works pretty well this way and doesn’t feel that restrictive.

    – Will the simple attachments you can buy in shops include cloaks made of fabric? Might seem like a silly request, but those fallen hero armors that have them on look pretty badass and you already have the assets. It would be a cool cheap customization option for mercs on a budget or to use on armors which are already too heavy(obviously a cloak of fabric would add pretty minor/insignificant bonuses).

    We actually discussed that quite a bit. The main issues here are: If we implement “cosmetic” upgrades it’s a bit of a pain if you can’t remove them again. Furthermore I would have to offer them in a variety of colors and patterns which would again mean a bunch of work.

    Our favorite solution has always been an additional inventory slot for “cosmetic” items, but it’s difficult to add something like this to a finished game, as there are so many issues with ui and other dependencies.

    So -at least for now- the armor upgrades are very special items to make your mercenaries look cool and “mercenary-like” while at the same time providing significant stat boosts and unique bonuses.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23331
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    True detectives in here :)
    The Statue belongs to the Ancient Empire of course, so I was looking for roman statues as reference. While researching I stumbled across Constantine’s statue. His pose is pretty badass, sitting on a throne casually leaning on a sword. The whole shape of the monument was exactly what I had in mind for this location.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23325
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Can you please show us how this legendary location with ancient statue will look on global map?

    Hey Yoricksha,
    thanks for the compliment.
    It will look like this:

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23321
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Will there be and Helmet attachments via crafting? e.g. fur lining

    Hey Trappist,
    of course we discussed this. The problem is, that compared to armor, helmets have very distinct shapes. So if I paint an attachment overlay for a full helmet it would probably not fit on a kettle hat.
    Painting each attachment for each helmet means a ton of work for me and we can’t deal with that at the moment.

    Maybe we find a clever solution someday.

    Here is the ancient statue artwork from the last blog post in full resolution:

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23295
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Say, can the shoulder pads and metal rivets be used with every and any armor? Or do attachments only work with some specific armors?

    Every attachment works with every armor. I’m a little proud that I managed to pull this off by dynamically combining the assets.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23289
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey Foz, here are some answers:

    – Will every available company banner have the option of painting shields with the company logo?


    – As for painting helmets, will we just have the old 4 options(black, blue/white, red/yellow and green/white)? Or will we have color options compatible with each available company banner? I ask because several banners have different color combinations.

    Unfortunately only the existing options for now. I wanted to add more, but the workload of adding a colored version for all the helmets is pretty high, and it was more important to spend my time elsewhere. I’m trying to get in a mono dark red option to go with the kraken banner, but I can’t tell if I’ll manage to in time.

    Also, will there be any new banners aside from the Kraken one available for the supporter edition?

    No, for the same reasons as above.

    Also, any chances we will get heraldic/colored tabards as armor attachments/customizations?

    The reason here is that we don’t want the look of the company to be interchangeable with the noble houses. Something so knightly as heraldic tabards doesn’t exactly fit the mercenary theme.
    Of course if we would just have to flip a switch and “allow” tabards for the player we would probably do it. But everything we want to implement comes with a distinct amount of work for us and other features would be left out instead.

    Sorry for so many negative answers, but as I mention ever so often we have to be very careful about where we invest our limited time. Otherwise it would not have been possible to create such an extensive game with a team of only 3 people.

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