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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23069
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    In that regard, do you think it would be possible to have different color schemes for the clothing or padding layer underneath armors like this one?

    Hey robert, of course that would be possible. The problem is though that all color variations have to be implemented as individual items the workload can get out of control pretty quickly, especially when we have so many important things still on our to do list.

    Have you ever considered adding different additional properties to different armor types?
    For example scale armor should weight more than chainmail, but could offer like damage reduction against arrows/bolts?
    Similarly padded armor could offer slashing resistance or something? etc

    Hey Danubian,
    we had extensive discussions about this just a few weeks ago. In the end we decided to not make it a base game mechanic, but to implement it with the armor upgrades. There are certain upgrades reducing ranged or melee dmg etc. So youll be able to customize your armor.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #23063
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    Hey guys, here’s another new armor. A light scalemail this time. Just like the first one, it will fill a gap in the normal armor progression.

    New Armor 2

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22995
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    The Schrat look like they’ll be a nasty foe, but they had me wondering about weapons with fire-damage for instance; torches, fire-arrows (ability), and pots filled with pitch/tar, is there any chance that might be within the scope of this expansion? It might be a nice way to do a real take on “magical spells”.

    We actually had some discussions about this while creating the craftable Items for the expansion. In the end we decided against it, but “IF” there should be another expansion, chances are that some kind of fire damage will be included.

    you’ve created some lovely ladies (and hags lol), is there any chance we could get some not so lovely ladies appearing in our ranks? (wenches, run-away maidens, vengeful widows, etc.)

    Unfortunately the real reason why there are still no battle sisters hasn’t changed yet: The large and widespread adjustments we would have to do to the texts/event system. I suppose that some players would be okay with battle sisters just not partaking in any events or texts, but that’s not the way I would imagine the implementation of such a feature.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22981
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    Hey guys, finally I’m showing you something you haven’t seen in the blog posts yet :)
    This is one of several new armors which will be integrated into the normal armor progression. That means they can be found and bought just like any other normal armor.


    New Armor

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22964
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    Hey Guys,
    sorry for beeing absent again. I really enjoy reading the discussion in here :)
    It’s a very interesting and difficult topic when it comes to deciding on what items and styles one would consider appropriate for the game – especially in a “low power fantasy setting”.

    Here are some examples of late medieval weaponry that should obviously be out of the timeframe, but got implemented right from the very beginning of Battle Brothers:
    The Billhook (or Bill) is a weapon beeing used mostly in the 16th century.
    The Warhammer beeing commonly used in the 14th+ century.
    The Pike commonly used by Landsknechts, 15th+ century

    I focused on painting these Items in a simple and “early” looking style to make them fit in with the rest of the gear.
    Nevertheless I decided to draw the line when it came to actual plate armor. We have the coat of plates though, which would be typical for the 1250s or 1300s.
    As you can see the borders are very fluent throughout all of the BB equipment. My way to decide what to include and what not is mostly based on the visuals of the items, not their actual time period.. Plate Armor has a very disctinct “high power” look to it, that I don’t want in the World of Battle Brothers.

    The thing is, that the more items you add to the game, the more you will have to stretch the boundaries of the depicted timeframe to give you more flexibility in designing meaningful weapons with actually new purposes or fighting styles.
    The best example for this would be the fencing sword.

    So to sum it up, I just individually decide on each item if I think it visually fits the game or not, using the very rough timeframe of 900 to 1300 as a guideline.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22820
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    Can we have both versions of the asset (old&new) ingame for better aestetic diversity?

    I’m not a fan of the old assets, but you almost got me. I’ll think about it :)

    It would be great to see one friday update about new armors and helmets ;)

    This Friday will have an even more interesting topic: The new Crafting System.
    Nevertheless there will be a post about new armors as well at some point.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22801
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    1 unique double blade battle axe, please. I know – you can do this!

    Hehe. I can try to squeeze in a named Orc Mansplitter Axe. If I really manage to do it remains to be seen :)

    The Armor of the Greatsword guy is already in the game. It’s a named armor:
    Named Armor

    While working on some new Armors I decided to work over the lamellar armors. I always thought they’re hard to read and have a strange shape in general.
    Here are the new versions (lower row):

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22760
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    Hey guys,
    Sorry for not replying all week. While absorbed working I sometimes actually forget that I activated this forum again :)

    Regarding the Unholds I’ll ry to make them a little more distinct – if I find the time. Apart from working on new stuff I try to squeeze in a few reworks of older assets I dont like anymore.
    And by the way, of curse they can’t be CCed. The only effect that can be applied is “dazed” by the new maces as far as I know.

    The suggestion to add a few more human faces came up repeatedly and I will see what I can do – no promises though!

    Here’s a little rework of the greatsword I did so that it actualy deserves its name. The old asset was one of the first weapons painted roughly 5 years ago.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22678
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    Here’s some more details of the Unhold and its skill icons:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22661
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    Sure thing,
    this is a screenshot of the ingame hexen assets. The bigger picture is my mockup screen where i adjust the ingame assets and test their look before exporting the final assets.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22628
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    As I mentioned before I’d like to show some more, but I won’t spoil anything.
    So each friday after we reveal some new stuff I will post according art and sketches.

    I can give you one little thing. The header graphic for the announcement is part of a bigger artwork I am painting for the main menue. We will see if everything works out the way we planned it, but I like it a lot already :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22616
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    Hey Juanval,
    of course I will rekindle the fire in here :)
    I don’t want to show any spoilers in until we showed the new stuff in our weekly blog posts though.
    For starters here are some progress shots of the new monster artwork. Enjoy!

    Monster Progress
    Monster Progress 2

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22402
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    Hm….. What Paul is doing now after Battle Brothers release? :)

    Hey Ulrich,
    I’m pretty busy working on the new game, busting out concept and prototype art left and right. As much as I would like to show something it’s still way too early in development to share any infos.



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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #22095
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    So, will we be able to buy this stuff from armorer? Or is it only for noble houses?

    The painted helmets will appear everywhere, just like the painted round shields for example.

    can you provide some information about the release date?

    Before the end of the month!


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    in reply to: New Blacksmithing And Equipement system #22080
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey Jikma,
    awesome stuff, you obviously put a lot of thought and work into this. Your ideas really sound like cool additions to the game. I especially like the colored gambesons, they have a nice medieval touch. Don’t worry about the quality of the assets, they are pretty good and have a cool low-power style.

    We actually considered a layered system to freely compose armor earlier in the development. This makes sense, as real life armor works exactly the same way and it would allow a lot of visual variety.
    We finally decided against it because of several reasons. First of all you would have to come up with a pretty complex UI screen to track all the different armor layers and the UI is already cramped.
    Secondly it would be difficult to implement the system into the game design in a meaningful and understandable way. How would you calculate armor points if someone choses to wear a mail shirt without padding underneath? In real life the protection value would suffer a lot. Regarding armor values we don’t have a lot of levers to pull. Theres basically just armor points and fatigue malus. The system would be a bit boring if you just stack up armor points for each additional layer.
    So we would need more levers, like different protection values for cuts, blunt weapons etc.
    I think this would be cool, but gets way too complicated for our scope of the game.
    Thats why we dont have something like this in the game.

    To sum this up I would have loved to implement this in a different way: By adding a “vanity” slot to the UI where you put surcoats, scarfs, hoods or whatever you want to wear over your armor. These items wuld just change your appearance and have no gameplay impact.

    Regarding the Blacksmith, thats a cool idea and I think you could somehow make it work within the existing game mechanics.


    By the way, here are painted helmets I prepared for the upcoming 1.1 patch:

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