Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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    Avatar photoWillsama

    futur Uniques

    Theyre uniques or “named weapons” if you want. They don’t look too over the top yet as I still have the hope of implementing legendary items some day .)

    Didn’t know about legendary untill…yesterday, your twin never mentionned them, i’ll have to “harass” him some more since he is so secretive :( Can’t wait for those Uniques and even more for the Legendaries if you ever get the time to implement them ^^
    Thanks again for the great art :)

    Avatar photoDanubian

    I really hope modding support will come up in your priority list some time soon, as i have a very strong urge to mod this game :D

    Avatar photogepardowaty

    I really hope modding support will come up in your priority list some time soon, as i have a very strong urge to mod this game ?

    Same here!

    Also, do you guys thought about weapons like Estoc? Should fill a gap for penetrating one-tile two hander with rather low damage.
    About armor – I absolutely adore all the unique stuff you’re producing Paul. How about some “face” helmets for “legendary” stuff? I don’t know, I simply love them for some reason.
    face helmet.
    other great examples:

    Avatar photoDanubian

    New items all look great, even though they dont really fit into my strategy. The 1 handed spear in particular seems very very pricey for what it offers. It costs like military grade weapon, but doesnt really match their power, mixed feelings.

    But hey. its definitely a step in right direction. We need more content, even more items and specially more enemy variations (different types of enemies within same factions).

    Avatar photomuzgob

    Possible ideas for the development of armor in the game.

    Avatar photomuzgob

    Full plate armor

    Avatar photoWargasm

    New items all look great, even though they dont really fit into my strategy. The 1 handed spear in particular seems very very pricey for what it offers. It costs like military grade weapon, but doesnt really match their power, mixed feelings.

    But hey. its definitely a step in right direction. We need more content, even more items and specially more enemy variations (different types of enemies within same factions).

    Yeah, the other new weapons are mostly great, but the spear’s a disappointment: astronomically more expensive; only does an extra 2.5 damage versus the boar spear; only as effective versus armour as the boar one was before; also a little more fatiguing to use. Better to save the money for a magical sword that’s unusually effective against armour.

    The War-Bow’s not too exiting, either. It’s just a modest linear upgrade from the hunting one, but there’s nothing to make it as appealing as a crossbow. With the War-Bow you can (if you hit) do an average of 72 damage (not very effective against armour) to an enemy once per turn, with a +10% chance to hit so long as you don’t move at all. With the new (much cheaper) light crossbow, you can (if you hit) do an average of 40 damage (much more effective against armour) to an enemy TWICE per turn, with a +20% chance to hit, and you can move before or between shots and shoot the same enemy or two different ones, and/or prime yourself for your next turn. No contest.

    I think the new 2-tile Long-Axe is going to take away any purpose of the Fighting Axe, since the latter is c. 3 times more expensive and is not able to smash a standard shield in a single turn without wasting a perk on Crusher. My new companies are going to have a lot of quick-handers armed with longaxes, pikes, crossbows and back-up swords and shields.

    Avatar photoDanubian

    I dont see the use of shield crushing 2handed weapons. Those few enemies i could use shield crushing against are so powerful that i cant be wasting turns to break shields. Its just too slow and too fatigue consuming. IMO needs to be rebalanced or redesigned.

    Avatar photoMeeky

    I haven’t gotten a chance to use the warbow, but while I DO like the crossbow more in general, you need to discuss perks when comparing the two. Namely: Perfect Focus.

    Yes, a Crossbow has more oomph. Bows, however, can potentially hit four people in a single turn versus 2 for a crossbow. If you’re targeting lightly-armored or injured opponents, this could lead to 4 kills for your archer in a single round. Quick Shot on a guy with high Ranged Attack is perfectly useful. A crossbow can hit two guys in one turn with Perfect Focus… or only 1 with Perfect Focus if you have to reload BEFORE you shoot (since having 1 AP left means you can’t act in a round even though you’d theoretically be able to fire your crossbow with Perfect Focus when you have 1 AP).

    Typically, I run 2 crossbows for every 1 bow I have, since bows are much more situational and crossbows are generally better all around.

    Side note: Devs, I’d love it if y’all allowed Crossbows to act with 1 AP left if they have Perfect Focus activated. I dunno if that’s possible, but presently you HAVE to fire first (not reload) in order to get 2 shots in a single round. This does silly things to a crossbow user’s action economy. But then again, you’re changing the entire perk system soon, so…


    I was wondering: do you have plans at any point to make short/tall characters visibly short/tall on the screen? I know there’s a short traits, and I know Hedge Knights are frequently described as massive. Do you plan on making them have slightly different scales in size at any point, or will you leave the traits text-only?

    Also, since you’re working on unique weapons soon: I was thinking that the flamberge would make a great rare/unique two-handed sword. I could also see a falcata being used as a rare Military Cleaver. And I’d definitely point to Persian weaponry for rare weapons in general, as they’re… they’re just gorgeous weapons.

    Besides that… I dunno if you can make it look good on the screen, but a sword that looks like Damascus Steel (also known as Wootz) would instantly deserve to be a badass weapon.

    Avatar photoLasseFin

    One of the coolest things about this game is the High Medieval Period theme. Helmets like the ones posted above, Salets, Armets and Bascinets are very anachronistic and feel really out of place in the game. I hope the artists stick with the theme of the game rather than make it into a weird pseudo-medieval-renaissance game like D&D.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Possible ideas for the development of armor in the game.

    Cool suggestions, but I will stay away from full plate armor for now. I know I am a little inconsistent in the choice of period regarding some items, but hey, thats the beauty of making your own game :) I just paint what I like most .)

    Regarding the combat value of certain items: I’ll stick to the topic ART in this thread. Only thing I can say is that “a lot” will change with the perk rework. We will inform you guys ahead of time as always. Apart from that: weapon stats will be adjustet according to player feedback and our own testing, so nothings set in stone.

    I was wondering: do you have plans at any point to make short/tall characters visibly short/tall on the screen? I know there’s a short traits, and I know Hedge Knights are frequently described as massive. Do you plan on making them have slightly different scales in size at any point, or will you leave the traits text-only?

    As much as I would like to do that, I think its not possible. I would have to create multiple image sets for each armor for each body (tiny, fat etc…) which would mean a lot of work for me.
    Othrwise we could only scale the images to be smaller or bigger, which tends to produce blurry images and loss of detail.
    So, thats not gonna happen unfortunately.

    Also, since you’re working on unique weapons soon: I was thinking that the flamberge would make a great rare/unique two-handed sword. I could also see a falcata being used as a rare Military Cleaver. And I’d definitely point to Persian weaponry for rare weapons in general, as they’re… they’re just gorgeous weapons.

    I deliberately dodged the flamberge until now. They look awesome, but also feature a very distinctive late medeival look. Again: never say never, but theyre not in for now.
    I like the Falcata idea and by coincidence I am painting the cleavers as we speak. So Il will make one looking like a falcata :)
    Regarding the persian weaponry, we still have the skeleton rework pending. They will introduce a set of ancient weapons. even though theyre not persian, at least theyre somehow exotic looking.
    Here are some of them:

    I dunno if you can make it look good on the screen, but a sword that looks like Damascus Steel

    The idea was brought up before. I could try, but I think it would just look noisy in the tiny images we are using. We’ll see…


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    Avatar photomuzgob

    Avatar photoMeeky

    That falcata made me swoon. I WILL find that falcata in my game, and there will be glorious head-choppings.

    Definitely liking the undead weaponry. Out of curiosity, are you going to be reusing the old Fallen Hero armor anywhere? I.E. the current one which I’m assuming won’t be used for undead after the skeleton rework comes about?

    Avatar photoSarissofoi

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    Really cool.
    Do we get some unique or legendaries?

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