Maksi666's Replies

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  • in reply to: Background passive campaign benefits #25412
    Avatar photoMaksi666

    wow, this out of combat changes sound so well thought of . they are beautiful because they dont give direct combat bonuses , but small bonuses perfect for expanding the game depth, in which i mean further party customisation, where choosing a character would finally not only come down to good traits and stars. anyone feels there is a bug with stars, that sometimes characters will get +3 melee attack instead of 4 melee attack even though they have 3 stars in melee ?~~
    on the sidenote~~

    Avatar photoMaksi666

    would be nice to expand the obituary information imho , with armor, perhaps a click and check his character sheet at time of death to grief upon ..

    in reply to: Selling Lock #25410
    Avatar photoMaksi666

    great idea, happened to me twice already, especially after 12 hours of playing when the body is shaky and mind blurry

    in reply to: Enable surrender or capturing of enemies #25409
    Avatar photoMaksi666

    i personally think this idea sucks, and i will tell you there already are awesome ways to grab the armor off the dirty brigand leader, but i wont spoil it because its a great part of game exploring the possibilities for yourself! keep playing, and you will discover many more ways of playing

    in reply to: More "upgrades". #25408
    Avatar photoMaksi666

    perhaps upgrading in a blackmith shop just like in dark souls? look, its just ingame economy. one person spends his gold on his things, and another one wants to waste it on upgrading his sword 5 times. if its balanced ‘in gold’ and ‘in power’ , it could be a nice addition . more armour slots could be a nice addition too along with more items necklaces, i agree but lets see what the gamedevs have in plans for the game ?

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