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poacher=bowyer=witchhunter (+5 range skill) < deserter (+10, but lower resolve) < hunter (+10) <=sellsword (+10 and some other bonuses) as i know. But there is some base stat range, so it’s common to get poacher better then hunter sometimes etc. So Try get 55+ base skill with 1-2 stars at least, or 50+ with 3 stars. In average 1 star means ~5 points at level 11, so 60 skill with 0 stars is equal to 55 skill with 1 or 50 with 2.
At start you can try poachers – they are pretty cheap and bonus is good enough. Anyway, i think you need crosbows until you reach ~75 skill to use quickshots with near the same accuracy, so archers are better to pick up in midgame, when you can equip them with basic xbows and then with warbows.NiteParticipantAh, yeah, i missed it. Just use it’s numbers for calculations. Here come more detailed report:
At first damage dealt to armor (modified vs it), and then deal to damage to health (modified by penetration), which is reduced by 10% of new armor value. And this damage must be more than 15 or 1:
Dmg*vsHP-(Armor-Dmg*vsArmor)/10 >= 15
Dmg*vsHP-(Armor-Dmg*vsArmor)/10 >= 1some math:
Dmg*vsHP – (Armor-Dmg*vsArmor)/10 >= 15
-(Armor-Dmg*vsArmor)/10 >= 15 – Dmg*vsHP
armor/10-Dmg*vsArmor/10 <= Dmg*vsHP – 15
armor/10 <= Dmg*vsHP-15+Dmg*vsArmor/10
armor <= 10*(Dmg*(vsHP+vsArmor/10)-15)
armor <= Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-150>> armor <= Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-150
>> armor <= Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-10This way you can get armor values at which demoralization caused.
And second step – what a difference between armor values needed to deal 15 or 1 health damage? Lets some math go:
armor-armor2 = (Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-150) – (Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-10)
armor-armor2 = (Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-150) – (Dmg*(vsHP*10+vsArmor)-10)
armor-armor2 = 140So easy answer!
As armor difference is static, so mostly useful information will be how many hits you need to overcome it. It depends on damage vs armor, so just =140/(damage*vsArmor).hits needed (average) to overcome the difference
Warhammer 1,6-2,1 1,81
Fighting Axe 2,0-3,2 2,60
Winged Mace 2,3-3,6 2,98
Military Cleaver 2,6-3,5 3,05
Flail 2,5-3,6 3,07
Fighting Spear 3,3-3,2 3,23
Noble Sword 3,3-3,2 3,24
Two-Handed Hammer 0,8-1,2 0,97
Greataxe 0,9-1,2 1,05
Billhook 1,0-1,6 1,30
Great Sword 1,3-1,6 1,46
Longaxe 1,3-1,8 1,58
Battle Standard 2,0-2,8 2,40This means fearsome is better at weapons with bad vs armor stats.
Also, there is some maximum armor to deal 15 damage with weapons:
Noble Sword 0-0
Fighting Spear 0-0
Fighting Axe 0-83,75
Flail 0-70
Military Cleaver 0-54
Winged Mace 28,5-130,5
Battle Standard 50-130
Warhammer 67,5-140
Billhook 120-255
Longaxe 137-239,5
Great Sword 232,5-345
Two-Handed Hammer 270-480
Greataxe 290-400This means if your enemy have 300 armor then you dont need fearsome for Greataxe user :D
Fearsome will reduce threashold for demoralization of 300 armor to like it’s 160, so LongAxe and BIllhook will proc it at 1st hit with high chance, while w/o this perk you will need 2 hits.If you fighting 500 (?) armor orcs, even Greataxe or 2h Hammer will cause no effect to their moral at 1st hit. While fearsome give them a chance to proc (~57% for 2h hammer, ~36% for greataxe).
Overall i think fearsome is great against orcs and brigants, picked up by tanks and some support guys like sergeant. But also work well on archers as they cant kill armored units fast, but can turn them fleeing (but it still needed to lower targets armor first)
NiteParticipantfor battle hammer it means you can start demoralize enemy at 205-280 armor (based on min-max damage), while w/o fearsome it will happen at 65-140. So differrense is ~2 hits more for same effect. For 300 armored enemies you will need 3-4 hits to the body instead of 5-6. Sorry, i didnt calculate it for some other weapons.
NiteParticipantyou can use duelist in heavy armor. Or with throwing weapons (range skill).
NiteParticipant1. There is missing ability to repair items in towns – sometimes it realy needed fast, and you have no backup armor in stash etc. Maybe blacksmith can do it for you.
2. Also, combat log is pretty poor. I want see not only hits, but misses too. Maybe there will be an option to show miss/hit/wait/abilities used etc. I know enemy stat is hiden from a player to make it more exp based etc and this is great, but let us at least see what happened visualy on the screen (some times when i have to wait many others actions i just go for a kitchen to get some tea or like).
3. Fighting with many units are realy annoying (like helping big caravans/troops and vs ~20+ enemies). It’s ok when they act, but somethimes there is shooting war while others are just skiping their turns, and skiping and skiping. So suggestions:
3.1. Maybe there can be a button like “end this turn now” (for your guys).
3.2. Even when all skiping their turns, this takes time too. You can just press “wait”/”end turn” for you brother and go next – you need to wait ~1+ sec for order-board animation. I want an option to reduce this time – i want just press Enter, Enter, Enter for 3 guys in a row fast. And waiting enemies takes realy a lot of time skiping their turns too. Make it much faster pls. Maybe near instant, but with some indication floating over their heads (like “berserk” skill, but with timer/cancel sign icons). And let “unit wait” displayed in combatlog.NiteParticipantGifted is +3 mellee skill, +3 def, +4 fatigue usualy (10 stat total). Or +4 range skill/def, +4 fatigue for rangers (11 stat).
Shield Mastery is +3.75 mellee def on round/kite shields and +5 on triangle ones. A bit more than 3, but no +fatigue, skill etc. But realy helps vs axes and also boost range def (+3.75/+6.25).
Fast adapt is +8 skill after miss. If your chances is like ~50% it usualy means you will gain 8 skill on every 2nd attack, so it’s like +4 average on every attack. But no fatigue or def. Great to deal with perseption skilled ones.
And you can take these perks both for boost low quality merc.
Anyway gift is good even on some undertalented characters with great base or on nice talented, but low starting stats.Maybe making talented to up 4th stat as well will make it better but not OP (resolve/initia/gibrid attack skill etc/2nd def or hp for tanks).