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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17958
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Let’s just pretend you posted that yesterday. ;P

    Your taunt was successful, here’s something I did this week: reworking our Logo a little.
    For more info on the “artwork” you’ll have to wait for the blog post tomorrow :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17902
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    What about making the Ancient priests crowns lootable as treasures, would be a good way to counter the high risk – low reward problem

    Sounds reasonable, maybe we do it like that. Another solution would just be having them drop more treasure loot in general.

    Question about Orcs – are war paints for them still planned? I am asking because Dev Blog #83 kind of reminded me of the need of being able to tell to which side each particular Orc in the Battle of Orcs belongs.

    Its not planned anymore. I somewhere mentioned that I changed my mind about that. I dont think you should be able to tell them apart. Just like watching a fight between two groups of wild monkeys, no human would be able to tell who belongs to which group :)

    I wish the we had a base or headquarters

    There won’t be a base in this game. Maybe in Battle Brothers 2 :) It doesnt work in the game we decided to make here, but it would make a lot of sense if the whole worldmap etc would work differently.

    it’s just how skilled and lethal the goblins are that clashes with the troupe of them being a high quantity low quality race.

    Yeah thats the problem. We should have known that if we make “Goblins” the people have pretty exact expectations. Our goblins dont meet these expectations so people get mad.

    I’d really like to know what name you (guys) gave them. ^^
    However that be, have you something new to show? It’s been a while, since you did.

    We have a name, we will reveal it in one of the next blog posts :)
    I am working on a bigger “Artwork”, thats all I can tell for now. It took me last week and it will take the rest of this week. Beginning of next week I will get back to more frequent updates.
    I am really eager to show you the big piece, but it will take some more time.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17891
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    Paul, the modern vampire is no longer in the game? they will replace the Sectarians?
    If Yes, then that’s a shame.

    Hey there,
    the Necrosavant is the new vampire. The vampire until now did not have any real faction alignment and stood pretty much all alone. He didnt have any real purpose apart from just being there for the sake of having a “teleporting” enemy.
    I personally dont think the old visuals are so awesome that they shouldnt be replaced.

    is it possible to leave the game, the old image of the necromancer is a good character, worthy of its place in the game.

    The necromancer just got some additional visuals, he stays exactly the same as before.

    I heard the Ancient Priests helmets are not lootable and wearable by one’s mercs. I think that’s a real shame and a waste of potential. Would it be possible to add their helmets on top of (rusty) mail coifs (or another fitting helmet) to make them wearable by humans?

    I decided to not make the priest crowns lootable as it goes a step too far even for crazy mercenaries. The crowns are very iconic and unique to a certain enemy type.
    If we will have something similar I would rather add more unique helmets taking it in the “crown” direction but still featuring a “mercenary style” look.

    I am very confident that I will be able too squeeze in a few more sets of unique armor before the release.

    Regarding the names of the Orcs and Goblins. You are making a lot of cool suggestions, but the more I think about it, the less I am convinced that we can get away with just changing the names. These two factions are obviously Orcs and Goblins and it may even look silly if we try to give them some other name.
    Kinda reminds me of Games Workshop calling the “Orcs & Goblins” “Orruks & Grots” in Age of Sigmar (I suppose some kind of copyright issue or smth?). I think its pretty hilarious…..

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17837
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    I do like “Weiderganger”, though. I just wish my Deutsch wasn’t so rusty that I can’t remember the roots of the word.

    Its a term from german folklore. “Wieder” means “again” and “Gänger” means “walker”. So basically “those who walk again”.

    Hmmm … “Eaters-of-the-dead” … that wouldn’t be so bad. But all I can think of is, (PLEASE!! forgive me, Deutsch speakers!) “Todenessenern”?

    Sounds cool :) We’ll let you know what we decided on in one of the next blog posts!

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17827
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    Started? Does it mean that all high priority tasks are done?

    No, we are still working on the high prio stuff, thats why we had to put the combat objects on hold.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17816
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    I’ll go so far as to say this is some of your best BB-work up to now.

    Thanks man, but there’s more to come. I’m just getting started!

    Maybe think about adding something similar to the other “starting size”? This way there would be no confusion about where the horns came from.

    You’ve got a point there. I will let Christof implement them in their current form and then see how the transitions work ingame. If the change is too abrupt, I will add some starting size-with-horns-ghouls.

    Then what is stopping you (guys) from also changing the names of your Orcs and Goblins, or are you alone on the team in that opinion?

    We all think in this direction, but it might not be that easy. I feel that just changing the name might not be enough, as they also look like pretty classic goblins/orcs. But we will see. There’ll be some more internal discussing I guess.

    Are the creatures-that-soon-won’t-be-called-ghouls-anymore the “entirely new enemy” that has been teased in today’s dev blog?
    (Please say, “No.” ;P)

    No :)
    The new enemy may not be that visually impressive, but he will feature some fun new skills (fun for your enemies at least :))

    By the way, lots of people asked for “brandnew” versions of the ancient dead equipment. I am thinking about creating a few of those as named helmets and armors. I’ll let you know as soon as theres something to show :)

    but new combat tactical maps(cemetery, ruins, fort). At least a sketch or something like that, please – show the least bit of – calm us.

    Hey, we started work on these quite a while ago, but there where so many high priority tasks to be tackled, that they are still on hold. Heres some older pics:

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17783
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    Once horns are added they do look more like demons then ghouls

    The Ghouls will not only get a rework concerning their stats and visuals, but also lorewise.
    And they will get a new name. That said, they won’t be your run off the mill fantasy ghouls anymore.
    So I think we can get away with adding the horns :)

    On top of that the old Ghoul just had one visual. I basically just added more variety. The old one is still amongst them.
    Ghoul variety

    In hindsight I actually think it may have been a mistake to use the names “Orcs” and “Goblins” for two of our factions as they invoke extremely strong expectations and are already precisely defined by tons of fantasy reference. So whenever we stray from the path of the “known lore” people get confused or disappointed.
    Thats one of the reasons I dont want to call the ghouls “ghouls” anymore.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17769
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    looks a bit docile, but then I think that might make sense since it’s sated its hunger.

    Exactly. But what did he eat? Hehe.
    The two on the right are actually the same guy, just in different states of appetite :)

    Dead Ghouls

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17761
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    Heres an updated version:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17759
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    Will the Ghouls still be able change their appearance and strength mid battle by feasting on corpses?

    Yeah, thats their basic concept and we will focus even more on that. So the “upgraded” ghouls will be a lot stronger and feature some special moves to ruin your day.
    Of course its not very realistic, but lets just skip realism for a little more fun gameplay here :)

    Thanks God this project has such a talanted artist. You provide 50% of success of this game.

    Only 50%? *sadface
    Just kidding, thanks man!

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17750
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    I’ll admit it was the art that hooked me into getting the game.

    Marvelous job, all around!

    Thanks man, thats always great to hear!


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17749
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    I love the bigger maps, but sometimes have explored every corner and even know where the same re-spawns of goblin hideouts will be… I would love the opportunity to get on a boat in port and go to a whole new, newly generated continent to start over with my experienced mercenary band.

    Hey there,
    The more the better, I think we all agree on that. Nevertheless I would rather focus on filling the first continent with meaningful content before thinking about expanding the size of the game further.
    Just adding another continent would also throw up a ton of game design questions and balancing issues.

    I could answer with a lengthy post, but I am actually busy painting new stuff for Battle Brothers, so lets keep this thread Art related only :)

    As a little band-aid heres a work in progress preview of the new Ghouls. They used to be the laughing stock, but that will change soon.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17644
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys, I’m back from vacation and ready to rock some Battle Brothers Art Stuff :)

    Currently there is mail hauberk armor in game and it comes with many different colored tunics on it.Very nice. Will we get something similar(colored tunics, cloaks or other elements) for other high tier armor?

    I would absolutely love to create more visual variants for existing armors. I am pretty sure I will find some time in between bigger tasks. On top of that I am positive there will be more equipment in general for your mercs.
    The first big chunk will be the skeleton equipment which is mostly lootable and usable.

    The same goes for named/rare armors. Currently all named/rare weapons have at last 3 different versions. DO you plan make similar thing for named armors? Even small difference in details/color would be nice.

    I think regarding the named armors I would rather just create more of them. 6 Armors is not a lot, so my own ambition is to push that number as high as I can :)

    I look at some of ancient weapons and I want to ask if you plan to introduce some more 2 handed weapons from different families than sword/axe/polearm/hammer?
    Like two handed flails, cleavers or spears(not pikes) so if player choose weapon specialization he can more options to choose from?

    The new skeleton weapons will bring their own mechanics, but still fit into the existing categories. Nevertheless we will have another look at that once we implement them. I am absolutely looking forward to getting my hands on them ingame :)

    The sawmp-to-sea is less common but it exists – in Louisiana for example

    Haha thanks for saving me here :)

    Actually it would be cool to have a rocky coast or more variants of sea to land transitions. Unfortunately painting the coast tiles was the most horrible task I ever did and it took me almost 3 weeks. So I guess we will have to settle with the existing beach tiles :)


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17500
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there, no worries, I’m working as hard as always :)

    one of the helmets be damaged above an eye slit in such a way, that the lidless eye underneath, staring out of the hole, would be visible?

    Thats a cool idea, but as all fallen heroe equipment is usable by the player I think it would look a little strange on a regular human.

    I am working on the “ancient dead” as we now call them. They’re almost finished but I dont want to show you everything yet.
    The next two weeks there will be no posts as I am taking my long awaited vacation.

    To not let you starve too much, here’s some pics of the ancient dead.

    Here are the armors:
    This is how it might look on a battle bro:
    Here’s the ancient dead’s weaponry:

    There are two more units I dont want to spoil yet though :)

    Cheers guys!

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #17312
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    What about the Lost Souls? Are they in the zombie faction or the skeletons?

    They will belong to the zombie faction to give them some more variety.

    And you want to armor and shields, too, used the banner of mercenaries. This will be the game? To make it clear, I drew a picture.

    Hey Maximus,
    thanks for the picture, I know what you mean. I would really like something like that as well, but unfortunately its not that easy.
    Each Armor or shield uses a variety of different assets. A 70×70 pixel and a 70×140 pixel image for the inventory, a normal version for the tactical combat bust, a damaged version for the tatical combat bust and a dead version for the tactical combat bust. All of these have to be created by hand. It’s not possible to just change the “texture”.


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