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  • in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7421
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I like the idea with the soldiers, well see :)
    Meanwhile some more:

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7417
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I started adding the civilians populating the villages. Before you ask, no they are not animated :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7410
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey Danubian,
    it depends on the angle you have towards the castle and -of course- if the back wall has the same height as the front wall. If it has the same height and its at the same level of elevation as the point of view, you wont see it.

    On a side note:
    Actually I am using a “fake perspective” for all the buildings. All interactive buildings (and the stronghold) are painted as if point of view and object are on the same level of elevation, wich wouldnt be possible in reality. I leave out the foreshortening.
    Reason for this is that the buildings will appear on random spots within the village so I have to paint them in a way that they always look okay, no matter where they are placed.
    It’s a bit difficult to explain, but I hope you get what I mean :)

    This is what the real perspective might roughly look like:


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7374
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Thanks for the support guys!
    And thanks for your patience. Although this update is taking a loong time, it will be totally worth it. When this comes out you will finally get the first impression of what Battle Brothers is really going to be like :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7351
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    There is a special buy option on the Steam Store page when you scroll down a little. Right below the normal buy options.
    “Buy Battle Brothers Supporter Upgrade”

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7349
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Thats great to hear!
    Do you have the Deluxe Version or the normal version?

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7347
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I wonder if Orcs and Goblins get the same kind of treatment or will their distinction be limited to banners only?

    I want to do exactly that, but cant promise (time constraints etc). As Orc clans will tend to fight a lot among each other it would be very nice to give them a variety of looks.

    Standard bearers will have a big impact on the morale and combat performance of the human fighters. Of course taking them down doesnt win you the battle, but it should help quite a bit. Together with the new human factions all other factions will get a balancing/progression overhaul during the worldmap rework. We will have a close look on the faction specific units and their impact on the battlefield.


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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7334
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Also do you separate tabards from armor or the banner-man have just tabarded version of gambeson?

    The Tabards are put on top of the normal armors. This will be a unique feature for the AI human factions for now. Implementing another Inventory slot for the player means a bunch of UI work which we cant deal with at the moment. Same goes for the Noble House banners. They add unique combat mechanics for the noble houses just like the goblin overseer or the undeads necromancer add mechanics to their according factions.
    Knights Helmets and shields will be lootable though.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7333
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hehe I know what you are talking about :)
    It was poking fun at you regarding the horned helmets.

    The crested knight helmet will be the only horned helmet I’m afraid. But there is more crazy crest stuff.
    How about a knight with a castle on his helmet? Here you go!

    Castle knight

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7318
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    So, I wanted to know: when we enter a noble’s castle in-game, will their banners be floating on the town screen as well as the world map?

    The Banner will definitely fly on the worldmap, so you can see what Faction controls the Settlement or if it is independent.
    In the Village screen there will also be a clear indicator of the Settlements allegiance. In what form exactly remains to be seen.

    The current state fo the Settlement will be represented for the most part by the attached locations. If all of them are lying in ruins, the settlement is doing poorly.
    If this isnt obvious enough we will think about more visual clues for the settlements current condition.

    I cant give you more village art right now, but heres a little teaser for the human factions:
    (HOLY MOLY that IS a horned helmet!)

    Noble House

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7240
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    In the screenshots Psen has posted, we can clearly see the differences between the towns / forts / etc. But can we notice that on the worldmap at a glance? That’s what I’m asking.

    to clarify this: At the moment there are 6 Types of settlements subdivided in two basic categories.
    Type 1: Military: Motte-> Small Castle -> Big Castle
    Type 2 Civilian: Townhall -> Mayor Hall -> City Hall
    You will see what exact type of Settlement it is on the worldmap.
    What we wont have is different “looks” for each of the 6 Types. There will be overpainted versions for the snowy regions (snow on the roofs etc).
    The settlements on thw rodlmap will look different depending on the amount of houses surrounding it and the attached locations.
    When you enter the settlements the village screen may be very diverse, depending on the avalaible interactive buildings.

    I know sometimes its hard to understand why we are so strict regarding anything that is not “make or break” for the game. But if we dont leave everything out that is not 100% neccessary this project would totally fail with just the 3 of us working on it.

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7223
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Does that mean you’ve scrapped the ingame banner generator idea, so we could customise our banner ourselves?

    Not finally, but we shelfed it until we are done with the majority of the worldmap rework. When that is finished we will get to the “candy” :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7216
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    A skunk is a little too “north american” for my tastes but I can offer you a Badger Banner. Woulkd that suffice? :)

    PS A duck banner will be coming as well :)

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7215
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Paul, can you please show us few pictures of noble houses in game?

    Unfortunately not yet.
    Heres why:
    First thing we did is write the game design of what role Noble houses play in the game and how they influence the game world and player.
    Second thing was to come up with a cool procedually generation system for different noble houses.
    Third thing was me making up a system how to represent these houses in game.
    – Random Banner (the Charge of the banner actually refers to the character of the house. A warlike house will sport smth ferocious like a ram, axes, lions a bull or antlers. A Benevolent house will sport smth noble like Crowns, Horses, Eagles, Acorns or Fleur de Lis).
    – Shields (These Banners will be shown on the faction shields in tactical combat)
    – Surcoats (Faction Soldiers will wear surcoats of the according colors, while faction militia will just wear armbands in the according colors)

    So as you see for me the first thing is mash up a giant host of banners. Then select how many and which ones we want to use in the game. After that I start producing the ingame assets like shields and surcoats.

    Shields will be lootable by the player. If the surcoats will be lootable is stil under discussion as it would either require another inventory slot and/or producing a mass of new icons/items for the player. As we would rather spend our ressources on more important stuff its not likely to happen.

    Something I am pondering right now is how exactly the Mercenary Banners for the player will look like. We either say the player just chooses from the same pool of banners like the noble houses or we make another set of banners for the player. I honestly like the idea to have the mercenary banners look different to noble house banners.
    We will see….

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    in reply to: Paul´s Art Corner #7214
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Out of curiosity, do you have any more sweet town screen art samples to show us?

    As I go back and forth between village screen and worldmap graphics to create a consistent look I do not yet produce a lot of “final” graphic assets.
    That means: Everything still Work in Progress :)
    Two things for these images: In the swamp I didnt add any interactable buildings, that wont happen in the real game.
    In the snow I want to overpaint all assets accordingly, with snow on the roofs etc.

    A small castle in the swamp:
    Motte with Bailey in the snow:

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