Solone201's Replies

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  • in reply to: The Story of Commander Lars #23003
    Avatar photoSolone201

    “The final bandit, the one with the mace, begins fearing for his life, now understanding that this is no mere man. This is a killer too.”


    in reply to: Please give us a higher difficulty setting #23002
    Avatar photoSolone201

    For the contracts, they just need to remove the skull indicators without changing the level of the missions. Like before. Every mission was a kind of a risky bet back then.

    Personally I don’t like to grind for the sake of it, but I understand the call for a new challenge.

    in reply to: Improved Combat Log and Tooltips #23001
    Avatar photoSolone201

    The beauty of bb is its “randomness”. The game tries to give a sense of a battlefield: you don’t know the exact armour hp of your opponent while fighting; the game is doing great already with the visual, since you can estimate how much armour (or hp) your enemy have left just by looking at him. If we add to much information the game is going to be too precise, and I don’t think it’s for the best.

    in reply to: Suggestions Forum #23000
    Avatar photoSolone201

    It’s about the leveling up of our battle brothers. After level 11, they receive 3 points they can use for 3 “specialties” (I’ve forgotten the right term). It’s a good idea because it keeps the game interesting, but I have an issue with that because it can make your characters too powerful – which doesn’t really follow the spirit of the game imo.

    My suggestion: after level 11, each BB should receive 1 (one) free point, with the possibility to add a second point at the condition to lose a point to one of the specialty of the character (the choice of that removed point can even be randomized, to keep things dangerous and interesting)

    I hope you guys are going to take this into consideration, or at least that you are going to balance that issue somehow. Thanks for that game.

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