Wolves's Replies

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  • in reply to: werewolf pelt #4255
    Avatar photoWolves

    Crafting would be actually pretty cool.

    Could also give mission objectives like: FIND blade (kill boss), hilt (kill group) and guard (traven to kill xy) of the magic deamon sword of death.

    This, or Wolfhelmets =)

    But I think crafting is a thing for the future.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    in reply to: Weapon durability #4231
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    Yup, breaking weapons in the late game are annoying – In lategame battles you have to open the inv all the time to check if you must switch to an other weapon.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    in reply to: No Pikes + Savegame of my current party. #4229
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    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    Thank you guidon101! I can’t look @ it as I’m currently not at home, but in a few hours I will be able to. Very interrested in your party / tactical approach.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    The company from 22 orcs where 1 leader, as minmium 10 orcish heavy warriors, 2 Berserker and the rest… gave me problems even on level 11 of my brothers. A very strong contender, pretty fun, respect.They broke almost all my armor and even almost killed my heroic Spearman on top of a wall of shields… now I want to play for the orcs :)

    Hahaha! Same here, I also thought: “Oh snap, I should hire dem Ork Boys instead!”

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    Reading your comments and others on the forums I think my style of play is not comparable in some way.

    I play the game in “total ironman” – No reload, no savescum, no hire to view stats, dead = dead, lost = lost. Like a rouge like.

    That influences my tactics and desicions a lot. As stated in the analysis thread, my priotitys are 1) economic gain 2) no loses.

    Berserkers are curious, as they seem weaker than the other adult Orcs . . . until they get a few kills in. A berserker hopped up on battle rage is more than capable of causing a party wipe.

    Seems like you haven’t had a chance to really fight werewolves yet. They’re particularly dangerous when encountered in the early game, so you should fight them at that stage to get the best impression of their power.

    A berserker never managed to kill someone of my party. It seems some kind of strange luck that even if I lure them into settlements, the ability never triggers. Maybe because I tend to focos them, because of their lack of armor and heavy weapons.

    I started a new campaign (focus on total minmax) and encountered WEREWOLFS a few times now. I think most of my tactics involve LURING emenys into settlements of any kind or into caravans and thet them tank for me.

    Gotta say wolves, that boar spear suggestion already made early game so much more doable. Thanks for the tip!

    If you need any more hints / explainations I will glady help.

    Haha, it was actually mostly just really cool, since my playstyle involves frequent casualties anyway. 😛 I play with a dedicated group of berserkers, acquired through seeing which recruits survive charging straight into enemy lines with two-handers.

    These kind of unit divergences are some of the best details in the game. An enemy that is powerful, but only powerful under certain circumstances really keeps you on your toes. It’s why I’m happy that a part of how they balance things is through tweaking AI behaviour. I’m hoping we see some slight tweaks with the berserker AI though, so that players get to see that aspect of their design more often. If I’m remembering correctly, they get increased damage, resolve, initiative and damage resistance for every kill. The amount depends on the number of kills and each turn they lose some of it. They also have the berserker perk, so they regain AP, too. They’d be pretty fearsome if they made the most of that.

    Whoa. I made them priority targets without thinking too much about it because they were unarmoured and used high damage weapons. I never realised how scary they could get. I’ve gotta avoid bringing in cheap milita into fights with them haha.

    I love that, thats so different from my approach! Great!

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    in reply to: I want this game to succeed (Feedback to devs) #4201
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    “I want this game to succeed.” So much!!!

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    I very much appreciate your imput guidon101!

    Could you upload a savegame an advanced party please?

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    “Actually, I was worried that everyone would think those backgrounds are overpowered, and render the rest of the other backgrounds worthless… so I am so glad you have a different opinion and playstyle :)”

    The background is dependend on the needs and goal of the player. The SELLSWORD / KNIGHT for example have the highest potential, but currently my playstyle is based on 1) max economic gain & 2) max safety (no loses).

    I think that explains the difference of our opinions, its only a question of the perspective.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    Avatar photoWolves

    Wow! Thank you guidon101 for your imput on this, its greatly appreciated.

    Rawbonus = Addition of all hard stats, without boni like +5% chance to hit / head or +15% more or less xp, as they represent some kind of “bonus” level ups at hiring.

    To level a DAYTALER to a KNIGHT, you would need approximately 4 lvlups, if both start with the same basic stats.

    A DAYTALER lvl 4 = a KNIGHT lvl 1 – raw stats wise, but has as an upkeep of 10 compared to 25 and 4 perks, but has lower potential overall, because he has already spent 4 lvlups to catch up with the KNIGHT raw stats wise.

    I see (+-% bonus XP) not as a bonus/malus at all, because its not a relevant stat. If you play perfect, you will reach the lvl cap no matter what.

    (+-% hit to head = crit) on the other hand is a hard bonus for crit based positions in your party like “MELEE SUPPORTER (PIKE etc.)” or “RANGED”.

    On 1) the wighted value of a stat depends on the position of your unit (mercenary) and is therefore depended on the role you want the unit to be.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    On Orks, I’m not saying that they aren’t beatable, they are ofc, but its not as cost efficient as lets say RAIDERS.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    @RAP: Thank you for participating! – That is a point I anticipated a bit. Tailor -> Repair, Bowyer -> Bonus Ranged Ammo etc.

    Yes, that makes it very hard to base the analysis primarily on numbers. I maybe should simply give feedback on the current status and the tactics I use so far, could be of better use.

    Shall I make a new thread for my general feedback or use this one? It would be like that:

    SO FAR, I see no reason to recruit anyone with high upkeep (KNIGHT, SELLSWORD, SWORDMASTER), because they are simply not worth the upkeep, because they block you from certain missions like: GO there get 310 gold, SEARCH FOR X get 325 gold.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    @GOD: My personal version has more data in it, but I’m still thinking about its relevance.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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    3. Is there a average baseline asigned to all stats on char generation depending on the background?

    2) Well, before we know this charts, a number based analysis of the different possible builds is a bit pointless. I Should ajust my approch on the analysis then… make it more experiance based (40h so far).
    For example I never even botherd to recruit a GRAVEDIGGER so far, because stats wise he is just inferior to the GRAVEROBBER.
    I always recruit LUMBERJACKS as heavy melee tanks, because its +25 for 10. So its, if the DAYTALER is the baseline (0 for 6), the LUMBERJACK gets 6,5 for every 1 upkeep as bonus, which is less than the avg 10,5 per level, but its a great base model to build a char on.

    That said, with my playstyle I never run into problems with gold to far, based on ITEMS, upkeep on the other hand, blocks missions for you.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    Avatar photoWolves

    Thank you GOD!

    “Average Bonus Level ON Start Coefficient” is RawBonusStats/AverageLevelStatIncrease

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

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