Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #1817
    Avatar photoJaybanger52

    Do you have any plans to add minor animations in the game? I don’t mean sword attacks or anything like that, I believe that you guys have answered that already. I’m talking about thinks like flies, wind effects, etc. I mean effects that help the world appear more alive, rather than having the only thing moving being the thing the player is currently clicked on.

    You could do things like breath effects in cold weather that would increase with high fatigue, flies around a corpse, wind through trees, etc. Just an idea.

    Avatar photoJaysen

    Great ideas right there!
    We will definitely add more details like that as the game goes on, i especially like the breath cloud idea ;)

    We already added some stuff like this on the worldmap with the clouds and now flocks of birds (didnt show them yet). So we are on this! It will add a lot more atmosphere to the game.

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    Avatar photoRap

    Flies actually do spawn already as corpses lie on the ground for a long while (10 rounds? I don’t remember exactly), buzzing around and crawling all over them. That is, unless it’s raining.

    I experimented with wind moving through trees around the same time I added the flies but it didn’t look very convincing. Maybe I’ll look into it again at some point.

    Breath effects in the cold is a pretty cool idea, definitely going to try that. As we add more terrain types, we’ll also add some more fitting weather effects, like dust storms in the wastelands, snowing in the north, and such.

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    Avatar photoMalthus

    As you talked about rain in combination with corpses, did you mean, there will be weathereffects on the tactical map? Would be awesome to have a fight against orcs in a thunderstorm with flashes thunder and rain -> lower visibility range in heavy rain -> lower hit chance with range attacks and things like this would be cool aswell to not only make weather cosmetically but also a factor that can influence battles.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoJago

    The new werewolf-bodies are looking good!

    : Yup.

    Weather and light effects from the worldmap will also influence the tactical combat. A raincloud or fading light will also appear on the tactical map both visually and with gameplay effects. For example rain reduces the range and effectiveness of bows and crossbows and low light reduces overall vision range. Not all creatures are adversely affected by low light conditions, such as werewolves, and some even gain strength at night, such as vampires.

    Avatar photoRap

    There are already weather effects on the tactical maps – rain and fog with different intensities. It’s pouring down in the ‘Defend the Hill’ scenario of the combat demo, for example. There’s no thunderstorm yet but it’s on the todo list. Weather currently doesn’t have an actual gameplay effect (though nighttime does), but like Jago quoted, it’s something we want to do as well.

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    Avatar photoJaybanger52

    I know that you guys are working on this part time, it must be a bit frustrating to hear people suggesting things that are on your to do list. I was just playing the demo again the other day and thought that it might be fun to see some simple things like that.

    Better yet you could have the movement animation a bit slower or something for injured brothers…..

    I do love the art in this game!

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Thanks man, I gladly take that :)

    I just thought about heavily injured brothers leaving a bloodtrail on the ground :)

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    Avatar photoJaybanger52

    I was thinking the same thing, especially in snow..

    Avatar photoTrig

    There’s no thunderstorm yet but it’s on the todo list. Weather currently doesn’t have an actual gameplay effect (though nighttime does), but like Jago quoted, it’s something we want to do as well.

    If horror films have taught us anything, it’s that the undead must feel particularly comfy in thunderstorms. ;)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys.
    To answer returning questions: Yes there will be more different tactical environments, including dungeons and whatever else we want to do :) So the sky is the limit.

    Here are a few fake screenshots of how those might look like when we get them into the game!




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    Avatar photoJago

    Gosh! These look freaking awesome!!! O_O

    Avatar photoTrig

    Ah, very splendid. The options really are limitless then. I hope you guys aren’t too sucessful with this game. We don’t want you quitting work on it, selling it to some major label that’ll mess it up and moving to a tropical paradise for the rest of your lives. Selfish, sorry. :p

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hehe, maybe we move to a tropical paradise nevertheless. But Don’t worry, we’ll continue working from there :)

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    And here comes some more to sweeten up your weekend:
    Our very first real Legendary Item “Ghostbane”. Before you ask, the screen is a fake again, the dmg numbers etc are not accurate.

    : This may look somehow familiar to you :)



    At 50% of original size:

    Ghostbane Big

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