Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #24675
    Avatar photoForceEcho

    Excited to see tomorrows update ! Time for more forum activity and hype as the time gets closer :)))

    "A plethora of peasents"

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    as I am painting some more event illustrations its only fair to start sharing a few of them!
    Poachers and Peasant Militia Origin artworks:


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    Avatar photojuanval

    Your illustrations are simply amazing. Always a pleasure to see your art.

    I love poachers, as brothers or enemies.

    Avatar photolaViper

    Hi @Paul, the same qustion as before – do you have any images or icons, which haven’t used in future DLC and you can share them with us. I continue working under small modification and would be glad any “bb-style” images instead of grabing them from another places.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hi @Paul, the same qustion as before – do you have any images or icons, which haven’t used in future DLC and you can share them with us.

    Hey IaViper,
    unfortunately not. I got a more effective in my work, so there’s not really anything we don’t use.
    If you have any specific icons or images in mind let me know and I’ll see if I can share them with you – as long as they’re not commercially used of course :)

    Now that we released the DLC, here are some more full res illustrations. Enjoy!


    Barbarian King


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    Avatar photoColourlessAmoeba

    Hey @Paul,

    I want to pick up drawing, mainly because I have some drawings I want to have coloured, but don’t want to spend 60$ to get each professionally coloured.

    I would like to know what program you’re using, if any.

    Thank you!

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey ColourlessAmoeba,
    the basic tool I use for everything is Photoshop. You can have a 30day free trial version and then you’d have to pay. But there are alternatives for free which should be just as good for the beginning (just google “free painting software” or something).

    The most important thing is, that you get yourself some sort of digital pen and tablet. They are available for roughly 60 to 100$ (wacom intuos S for example) and it’s well worth the price. You won’t get anywhere with a mouse if you want to get into digital painting.

    I hope that helped,

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    Avatar photoLykos

    Hello Paul,

    I’ve spent the past couple of weeks slowly reading through the 108 pages of this thread and now that I’ve reached the end I decided to register so that I could comment.

    I came across your Artstation profile and proceeded to write up something of a wall-of-text but unfortunately when I went to send it, it said your profile was set to not receive messages (which is totally fair enough) so I thought I’d post here instead. I suppose this gives me the chance to cut out all the waffle from my original message!

    Just wanted to say that I love your art style and all of the graphics that you’ve produced for this game. Like a lot of fans of BB it was your art that first grabbed my attention for this great little game and sucked me in!
    I was quite surprised to see there was no art from Battle Brothers uploaded on your Artstation profile, not that that’s a criticism by any means, just an observation! I’m curious, will you be uploading work from BB on there or are you planning something else for your portfolio? Do you have any portfolio content anywhere that features your in-game graphic assets (because they are incredible!)?

    I really like the old school vibe I get from Battle Brothers, even down to the old Floppy Disc icon for saving games!

    I wanted to finish by saying that your work has greatly inspired me as a fledgling artist. I’m self taught (and still going) myself. Would love to see some more of your artwork and would be very interested in seeing into more of your working processes.

    Avatar photolaViper

    If you have any specific icons or images in mind let me know and I’ll see if I can share them with you – as long as they’re not commercially used of course :)

    I don’t know exactly what I will do in future about images. Right now I have a pack of images used in my mod. So I would be glad if you can check them and amend bad ones. Cause I just took it from WoW icons, removed background and put into frame if nedeed. So I’m not good at working with images and I was a bit impatient during making this. And it is not in BB-style a bit.

    Avatar photoNobal

    Hi Paul, can you show us or paint us how Davkul actually looks like? Thanks for respond.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I was quite surprised to see there was no art from Battle Brothers uploaded on your Artstation profile, not that that’s a criticism by any means, just an observation! I’m curious, will you be uploading work from BB on there or are you planning something else for your portfolio?

    Hey Lykos,
    when Battle Brothers evolved into a fulltime job for me, I stopped updating my Artstation, Deviant Art profile and personal portfolio because I didn’t have the need to showcase my stuff for job applications anymore. Apart from that I’m simply too busy to keep it all updated :)

    Do you have any portfolio content anywhere that features your in-game graphic assets (because they are incredible!)?

    There are quite a few assets in the BB Lore and Art book which is included in the supporter edition.

    I don’t know if you have seen these, but there are a few painting videos on the Overhype Studios Youtube channel:


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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hi Paul, can you show us or paint us how Davkul actually looks like? Thanks for respond.

    Haha, nobody knows what he really looks like and I guess the ones who actually see him, will not be able to tell anyone about it afterwards ….. :)

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    So I would be glad if you can check them and amend bad ones

    Hey laViper,
    I actually won’t be able to spend any time preparing icons for your mod. What I could do is provide you with the actual icons used in BB if that would be of any help.

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    Avatar photovarhagen

    Hi, Paul. The new DLC is unreal cool! Thank you! Are there any further plans for the development of the game?

    Avatar photolaViper

    @Paul, ok, no problem. Actual icons I already have access to them, but using it can confuse players – at least I have to recolour or modify with another way. Or as before convert icons from another game/projects.

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