Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #18845
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Cool Stuff :)
    can you upload a bigger version, it looks pretty cool. Are you painting with photoshop?

    The large artworks can consume quite a bit of time, it mostly depends on the amount of main characters.
    I just finished the last big picture and will now move on to smaller event screens for the late game crisis.
    After that its time for some more hats and fancy tunics :)


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    Avatar photoRusBear

    People on this picture looks like alive.
    As Stanislavsky said: “believe”.
    Paul, will you draw a hat that I taking off for you every time I see your art ( honestly, this is the horned helmet… but ) ) ?
    Now to the point: when I look at the “fancy tunics” and armor, then more I think that we need some armors with a cloaks.

    Avatar photoDanubian

    I want that helmet of his. It would be so appropriate for some bandits.

    Avatar photoRahziel

    Well, that’s a Bandit Raider’s helmet called Nasal Helmet With Rusty Mail, except here it have fluffy ponytail..
    Would be cool to add this modification as a unique helm of a Bandit Leader, if it’s not already there.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Its already there, its a named helmet. Allthough I changed the color of the headband.

    In general I like to take a little artistic license when painting these artworks, so dont expect everything to be exact copies of ingame items.


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    Avatar photoarteofwar

    Will the new sergeant sash only be dark blue or will there be different versions of it? Also would you ever consider adding a gyrfalcon as a special and rare variant of the falcon? I just think it would be cool to have variety and all it would do is change colors of things you already made.

    Avatar photogepardowaty

    Adding to my predecessor post, I’d love to see more various colours on the equipment. Eg. headbands, hoods, tunics, tabards etc.

    Avatar photoSuperCaffeineDude

    Cheers! generally I use GIMP when I get the opportunity to draw.

    (I upscaled my suggestions here)

    I take it you use adobe photoshop? The victory screen is looks real nice, very intricate. Look forward to seeing what you do for the Greenskin & Undead events!

    Avatar photoDanubian

    Its already there, its a named helmet. Allthough I changed the color of the headband.

    In general I like to take a little artistic license when painting these artworks, so dont expect everything to be exact copies of ingame items.


    Oh cool havent found that one yet.

    Avatar photoHowkin

    Cheers! generally I use GIMP when I get the opportunity to draw.

    (I upscaled my suggestions here)

    I take it you use adobe photoshop? The victory screen is looks real nice, very intricate. Look forward to seeing what you do for the Greenskin & Undead events!

    That looks good, like the hunter hat and juggler mask and the farm tools, Good job

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Here are just a few new event pictures, I am still doing some general polishing work before focussing on the event pics with full force.



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    Avatar photoDanubian

    Love the terrain picture (i think thats a steppe?), in fact that style is so gorgeous i wish i had a full set of terrain pics made by you to put into my Europa Universalis IV mod.

    And that heavily armored orc (i think thats an orc?), looks AWESOME. Love the chainmail covering the face.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    i wonder if we will get the ability to

    Cheers! generally I use GIMP when I get the opportunity to draw.

    (I upscaled my suggestions here)

    I take it you use adobe photoshop? The victory screen is looks real nice, very intricate. Look forward to seeing what you do for the Greenskin & Undead events!

    I wonder if we will get the ability to mod in weapons and items. They look great.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey guys,
    want some more event pics? Here you go!



    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoHowkin

    Hey guys,
    want some more event pics? Here you go!




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