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  • in reply to: [FEEDBACK] 700+ Hours Total In BB #20999
    Avatar photoNamespace

    * when dogs/bleeds/allies last-hit-kill an enemy, the Player loses out on loot (solution: check overall damage)
    [to elaborate: if an enemy dies, and the Player did 50% or more *total* damage to it (Armor + HP), then drop]

    I think they fixed dogs a few patches ago. I noticed that enemies killed by my wardogs drop loot now. I am fairly certain that people who bleed out still don’t.
    I also like your quality of life suggestions.

    in reply to: There need to be missions to rebuild ruins. #20996
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    go get 10 set of woods, 2 sets of tool & supply, and have at least 2 brothers with labor or 1 with mason background, to help a settlement to rebuild. getting few coins as reward and a great boost of relationship as well.

    Hehe. What happens if the Greenskin Invasion destroyed your only settlement with a woodcutter? :P
    I really like that idea though.

    in reply to: Post Release Feedback #20994
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    @Sekata I hardly even get named stuff from orcs in general. And yes, I do sometimes clear orc camps if an important town has the greenskin status. However mostly those camps are easier to take on without a contract, so I go scout the area and kill them without a contract when there are only a few warriors. Or, wait until I get a 1-skull contract that changes the enemy composition if I don’t think I can take them on otherwise.

    Fallen heroes should get up even if decapitated. Pretty sure they are not supposed to use bite though. They should still have the basic punch ability if you take away their weapons, no?

    I also think they should not be able to get wounded during an event while camping in the mountains.

    in reply to: 5 days till game release #20991
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    Well, sharing is caring! :) But give the wiki a try: I post here cos I can’t seem to edit the wiki myself.

    Alright. I found saves with Pikes, Warscythe and Crypt Cleaver, sadly none where I actually have the 1h cleaver:

    Ancient Bladed Pike
    Crypt Cleaver

    in reply to: Early game far too hard. #20990
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    all replies appreciated :)
    I see now that my map is totally messed up, I only have 2 small villages at the top, then two at the bottom -which is like 3-4 days travel away from eachother. None of the other places will even give out missions because they are locked.

    Seems to me there needs to be some crafting rules on map creation to ensure you can actually get enough level one low rep missions to actually play….

    Exactly. I notice huge differences in my playthroughs depending on map constellation. Optimally you have small “circles” of civillian settlements where you can get quests and trade goods.

    in reply to: The Fangshire helm bug #20988
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    Goblin have very high ranged defense, while 53/49 skill is very low for an archer. I’m pretty sure everything works as intented.

    I agree. If you had the ranged debuff it would show a little icon for it. Did you open your inventory and check his actual stats? As nope said, goblins have really high ranged defense and you will need 80-90 ish ranged skill to hit them reliably.

    in reply to: Post Release Feedback #20978
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    @namespace: One thing I do love about the game is how much debate there is about perks being viable or not. I would like the game less if there was a very clear optimal path. There’s a surprising amount of allowance for play-style development and experimentation. It’s interesting that you don’t use Indomitable. I’ve always loved it because it helps my front line troll/tank orc warriors. What’s your strategy for dealing with the giant bastards?

    Kill before be killed. I also take them with 2-handed guys. They all have reach-advantage and 35-50 melee defense. High armor and HP with Steel Brow and Battleforged. As soon as I get some reach advantage stacks they are almost immortal. When they are fatigued and can’t use an AOE attack anymore usually their initiative is very low, so Orc warriors attack first (while RA is still in effect). I then use recover, which brings their initiative back up and I can attack before the orc warriors in the next turn again and get RA stacks back. Ofc they get supported by archers and 2-3 shielders with hammers. Generally since the last beta I try and only have them get surrounded by 3-4 orcs at once (instead of 6 before) because getting attacked builds up fatigue. I have to say though, I don’t engage orcs if I don’t have to because it’s high risk for little reward. Even if they pay ~4-5k, I will get the same or more from daggering hedge knights, leaders and fallen heroes. Decayed plate armor sells for 700-900c, Helmets for 300-500 and Hedge knight armors usually for around 1k+.
    Indomitable sounds like a good skill tbh but I never have the perk points. Since I had a guy of mine get oneshot by orc warlord with 2-h axe in beta I now take Steel Brow. It didn’t even break his helmet, durability went down from 330 to 150 and apparently 60+ dmg went through). Now they have 80+ hp and Steel Brow I just hope this is enough.

    in reply to: 5 days till game release #20975
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    Rhomphaia, ancient Dead two-handed sword (at least I think its ancient dead. Got it from an event)

    Honor Guard’s weapon. There is also 2-handed Cleaver (Crypt Cleaver) that has same skills as normal cleaver and Split Shield. Rhomphaia is like a Warbrand with better armor effectiveness (like all ancient dead weapons) and a 2-handed polearm that has an AOE skill (which works amazingly against Monsters and zombies). It’s also really great to level your new guy and support your Greatsword guys. And pikes and onehanded cleavers (from Honor Guards and Necrosavants).

    I can see if I can make some screenshots if you would like :).

    in reply to: Early game far too hard. #20974
    Avatar photoNamespace

    Hi guys!

    It seems to me that the amount of quests available is mostly depending on your map. I started a new campaign yesterday, most civillian settlements are close to the coast (in the south) – since south of that there is no land, there is less physical space to spawn camps and missions. I constantly get caravan escorts across the whole map for 600 gold. I rather decline that one and go to the next settlement to see if they have a raider contract that actually gives some gold.
    Don’t get me wrong. Caravan quests are great in the (late) midgame to lategame where hardly anything can kill you anymore. However early there are many roaming groups that can simply annihilate your whole team and we don’t have the crowns to get anything from the “well supplied” status as long as the destination produce high value trade goods like salt, gems etc. maybe for cheap tools – but let’s be honest it’s still not worth going across the whole map for and possibly having to abandon the caravan anyways.

    I would like to see more contracts that are actually worth doing and don’t require you to go across the whole map.

    The main problem is that we don’t know how the game is scaling difficulty and the devs don’t give an answer. You getting 7 raiders at an early stage should not happen in Normal difficulty imo. I expect that on expert and don’t mind losing a guy or two in exchange for some T2-T3 weapons and worn mail shirts.

    Also, I think skeleton contracts are ones of the easiest in early game and they sometimes give high-value loot like chalice or ancient coins, gemstones. Keep a few swords, flails etc to deal with them. Use shieldwall if you get surrounded and break their formation with shield bash if one of your guys gets in trouble. Even in lategame, I do not get why people are complaining so much about skeletons. The only time I get into trouble is when they come with ~10 necrosavants and priest. As soon as you have some guys with Greatswords legionaires fall like flies. Also duelists can usually kill them without even destroying their armor since their base HP is laughable. Even Honor guards are not much of a threat when your guys wear Coat of Scales and decent helmets with Battleforged.

    Anyways, I do agree the early game is a bit too hard compared to late and midgame. There is almost no difference between a lv1 and a lv3 brother because they will mostly have the same gear while their stats don’t increase that much unless they get +3 melee defense rolls. On the other hand, once you get Underdog, Berserk and Bow Mastery you party gets immensly more powerful but enemies don’t.

    in reply to: Post Release Feedback #20971
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    Hey. I agree that taking on Orcs and Goblins without quests seems like ridiculously high risk for basically no reward once there are shamans/orc warriors.
    The only times I go and destroy those camps is when I get a tip for a named Item there (from tavern) or during patrol quests for extra heads and there is basically no real threat there.

    As for perks: I always use recover. It helps a lot in long battles and especially against those pesky zombies. And it is even more important now imo since getting attacked builds up extra fatigue. I also always dagger enemies with good armors (Leaders, Hedge Knights, Fallen Heroes) and that takes tons of fatigue.
    As for the rest: I have never used Nine-Lives, Adrenaline, Taunt, Indomitable, Hold Out. Since the “last beta” I have not even used Lone Wolf, Nimble, Fearsome, Executioner. I simply never have enough perk points to use any of those.

    in reply to: Add more monasteries ( #20970
    Avatar photoNamespace

    I agree. In one of my campaigns there are exactly two temples in the biggest civillian cities, both of which are in the south-eastern quarter of the map.
    At least add some to the Mid-sized towns (civillian ones) and maybe the huge military settlements (e.g. Turmfeste).

    in reply to: Night battles and eye strain #20966
    Avatar photoNamespace

    Hey! Ty for the quick fix. I would like to add to this, actually. Personally I find battles during fog or heavy rain to be just as straining for the eyes.
    Fog even more so than rain.

    in reply to: Pause after town exit. #20965
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    And if you play on ironman the auto save lags the game for a sec or something like that when leaving towns and doing other stuff like that. so a auto pause would then remove that lost time.

    Exactly that. I try to always pause before I enter a city or hit space as I leave the town. I still get that lag though. After unpausing, my party “teleports” a few steps. Having the game do that for me would be great.

    in reply to: Brigand Marksman has extra range with short bow #20917
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    Oh my. I did not realize they increased the range on short bows. This is awkward

    in reply to: Constant, consistent crashing #20897
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    Hey. I had some crashes a while ago too. What worked for me was to switch from Full Screen to Borderless Windowed mode. It’s probably a different problem but there is still the off chance that it will help you.

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