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Tagged: idea for a million
- This topic has 193 replies, 113 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 11 months ago by
8. November 2018 at 17:11 #23294
ParticipantI have 9 archers with prompt advice or rebuild please?
18. December 2018 at 22:17 #23736xterminal86
ParticipantI think I already saw someone talked about it somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it anymore, so I just post it here.
The “Try Out” option does not look very useful. Obviously, something like that suggests itself, so that user won’t rely completely on RNG.
But how about replacing “Try Out” with something like “Take a closer look” which could be more expensive, for example, but can show potential talents of a recruit instead? Something like:
HP (*?)
Melee Attack (**?)
Melee Defence (***?)
etc.I think even suggestion about talents of a recruit is more important than some additional negative (or positive) trait.
20. December 2018 at 10:50 #23745IgorBrehm
ParticipantI think I already saw someone talked about it somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it anymore, so I just post it here.
The “Try Out” option does not look very useful. Obviously, something like that suggests itself, so that user won’t rely completely on RNG.
But how about replacing “Try Out” with something like “Take a closer look” which could be more expensive, for example, but can show potential talents of a recruit instead? Something like:
HP (*?)
Melee Attack (**?)
Melee Defence (***?)
etc.I think even suggestion about talents of a recruit is more important than some additional negative (or positive) trait.
Agreed, if you spend enough time with the candidate to notice his special characteristics (traits) such as if he is a coward, then you can surely also be able to notice if he has any particular talent for something. For sure you would give him some weapons to test his skills first if you are performing a tryout.
28. December 2018 at 11:17 #23790Baine
ParticipantI really like most of the new beasts (except alps, those are simply terrible… and hexes are well, on the border between fun and terrible).
I’d love to see more monsters like:
Giant – similar to Unholds but more target focused, slow but deadly (have to kite him?) Like a Thug version of the Unhold maybe. Ability to throw a brother over several (3?) tiles and damage them heavily.
Could have ranged ability Boulder throw – he uses one turn to pick up a rock (rip it from the earth) and a 3×3 tiles area will be highlighted that will be hit by the boulder next round. You have time to evacuate or risk severe damage.
Kobolds – come in small numbers, use debuff magic to make your guys miss/poison them. Quick and stabby. Come with all kinds of beasts. I imagine them like Leprechauns.
Bat/Giant Bat – Flying unit that is harder to hit in melee, does do low/medium damage and has low range defense. Can latch onto brothers and drain HP/root them, unless they free themselves or are helped by others.
Beastman/Minotaur/Centaur – Half man half beast, wielding two handed weapons made from tree trunks or seldom using better weapons they captured after battles, the minotaur could knock back people or impale them with his horns while the centaur can easily circle your men to attack the weaker archers with good mobility (similar to goblin riders). No armour/light armour but high HP. Centaur could gain stampede where he tramples everyone around him and/or pushes them aside.
Wisp – Usually found in forests or swamps, these balls of light are hard to hit due to their blinding aura and will force a unit with weak resolve to move to them. Similar melee to ghosts maybe. Low HP and come in low/medium numbers.
Werewolf – Similar to the beast men this thing comes accompanied with direwolves and two forms. In human form (during the day) it can boost the wolves (enrage them) around it and will use ranged attacks to support the wolves. In beast form (at night) it will have dangerous swipe attacks and can bite a brother, poisoning them/bleeding. -> Might have the option to give a brother a werewolf perk after biting them? Making them stronger at night or something.
Zuesler – Fire being, a burning skeleton that can set a unit on fire by attacking it, giving it DoT effect which is 50%armour/50% HP.28. December 2018 at 11:17 #23791Baine
ParticipantAlso an idea for a new DLC:
Invasion setting with a new culture invading the lands (mix between Vikings/pirates maybe?) Maybe having slave beasts/monsters that they use to win battles – a beast tamer that sits in the back like a necromancer and keeps the beast in control. Killing him would unleash the beast and it would fight both sides possibly. New weapons like muskets or early gunpowder type weapons.
Maybe even have the new faction offer contracts if you decide to fight for them. Slave caravans, attack villages, plunder. Maybe a full on rogue alternative.31. December 2018 at 22:26 #23817varow
ParticipantMake nimble penalty for 2H weapons with the exception of perk “Strong”. More logic and build calculations.
7. January 2019 at 15:31 #23859varow
ParticipantRebalancing of “Footwork”.
To make it’s fatigue cost (and AP?) dependent on how heavy armor is worn and what terrain is under feet, so a lighter warrior makes it easier to move and attack while a heavy knight isn’t so agile.10. January 2019 at 09:04 #23878xterminal86
ParticipantIt doesn’t make much sense that a great sword, great hammer, as well as puny dagger all do 1 damage to shield in case of normal attack. Besides, I don’t think you can actually use sword or hammer to “split” a shield.
Maybe shields should take different amount of damage from different weapons when you block normal attacks, and “Split Shield” should be axe only skill (I don’t know how to modify it so that it could actually be useful in this case)? Or get rid of “Split Shield” altogether.
Also shields could take less damage if they are metallic (orcish).12. January 2019 at 19:39 #23895varow
ParticipantWhat if “Nimble” was not only benefiting from light armor but also from low HP? By analogy of armor’s Maximum Fatigue threshold there might be Maximum HP threshold (for example 50) granting a higher bonus to damage reduction. Thus such baackgrounds as Ratcatchers, Swordmasters, Flagellants wouldn’t need to invest many points in health to survive or spending a perk on “Colossus”. Being lean and light with 1H weapons they are faster and harder to hit directly.
For all that the hardest task is surviving until “Nimble”.27. January 2019 at 16:28 #23997xterminal86
ParticipantCould you add one or two fancy hats and increase probability of noble hats appearing in the shop?
I woud like to outfit my arbalesters in some kind of uniform. :-)13. February 2019 at 12:50 #24014Christophe
ParticipantGood Evening, I wrote 5 suggestions few days and week ago. And they didn’t validate yet. What are the rules to obtain their publication ? Best regards ! Christophe.
23. February 2019 at 01:20 #24357varow
ParticipantI like how quick hands is nerfed but it seems to much in some situations. I think there shouldn’t be a fatigue cost for just dropping things from hands, Maybe even AP cost may be 0 when you drop one weapon or a shield. It’s realistically and gives more tactical flexebility. When youre tired in a battle you can just instantly drop a shield to have more fatigue or damage bonus. Picking up from the ground still fatigues so there is no disbalance. It’s also very useful for duelists when they take shields just to get to the shooting enemy without wasting a perk on quick hands.
25. February 2019 at 10:57 #24362xterminal86
ParticipantI’m not sure if it’s a good idea, actually, but how about introducing the possibility of raising talent star in Training Hall?
The cost can scale with recruit’s background / base stat value.1. March 2019 at 15:18 #24377BatBro
ParticipantHi devs! Can you add an option for oncoming DLC, so that player can deal with all three crises in a single run? Or four, if you’re planning to make some invasion of Northmen a-la Warhammer FB. First one should be nobles’ war, I guess, so towns wouldn’t be lost forever too early. After that – whatever. Player’s crew should be cool enough to handle greenskins, undeads or vikings, regardless of circumstances.
1. March 2019 at 18:32 #24399JasonArgo
ParticipantHey folks.
I was thinking about Taunt perk. For now it is very situational.
But if Taunt grants stacked debuff on attacker for every missed hit it will be nice mechanic, like reversed overwhelm.
Also it might be resolve testing for a foe that can decrease or increase (raging him) his morale, like at first he must pass lowering morale check and if he pass it starts uppering check as second.
At third option, it might get +1 to “surrounded” for a foe, granting +5% or +10% (with backstabber) to your brothers hitchance against him, and again, granting some resolve check or decrease.Please, think about it.
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