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ParticipantI think the map needs work, but as a QoL I’d love the chance to edit the map or use “made” maps as opposed to relying on the almighty RNG.
Specially inregards roads, some maps have terrible road placement to the point they break immersionHanekem
ParticipantCool idea, reminds me of the old Pirates game, with all the start up options.
Actually, I had a similar idea to this one, less developed than yours and it not only would add replay value, but depth to the game
ParticipantI’m uncertain about greek mythology, but I’d dig giant rats, bears, and european monsters like wyverns and trolls
We’ll see I guess, I’m sceptical they’ll have time for a multi-tile system, but some cool 1 tile beasts would be nice.So the Greeks aren’t Europeans?
I know what you mean, but more variety is always good, but the basic idea was of having monsters that need to be killed in a certain fashion to make it stick or to avoid it becoming a bigger problem Or that need to be fought in a certain manner to avoid an ugly (and/or quick) death
Ha you got me, that was quite ignorant of me sorry :p. I mean to say a lot of this takes place in dark forests, marshy soils, cold rocky climbs, and freezing snow, so my presumption is all these pale white men are stuck somewhere in the medieval north (NE Germany, Poland, Denmark, W Russia, Lithuania etc.). A place where in some pockets catholicism still has yet to reach, and rumors of trolls, witches and heathen gods are numerous.
And so my immediate thoughts exclude ancient greek monsters, but if there were to be an expansion with mediterranean-esk folk and sweet-ass byzantine gear and greek fire, (and there the devs made large monsters a thing) then I think it’s only right to throw in harpies, gorgons, and the like. But otherwise I would only suggest manticores, sirens, and the like depicted in medieval bestiaries and folklore.
Well, the southern edges of the map tend towards warmish and quite a bit of desert, plus you already got Lamellar armor, which wasn’t used all that much in northern Europe and was more of a ME/East Europe kinda thing.
Still, it would depend on the lore of the setting, though having a monster or two that aren’t exaclty what you’d expect, to keep the player on its toes. like, a merchant transporting a Minotaur or a Lamia or what not towards a coliseum or towards a noble faction to sell for profit (to a menagerie?) got loose and stated killing.
OTOH, and though a bit of an out of topic, a fair folk faction would be kick ass. Dangerous to deal with (even in the best of terms) with an alien sense of morality, but capable of providing large bounties (though do keep cold iron on you at all times)
ParticipantI’m uncertain about greek mythology, but I’d dig giant rats, bears, and european monsters like wyverns and trolls
We’ll see I guess, I’m sceptical they’ll have time for a multi-tile system, but some cool 1 tile beasts would be nice.So the Greeks aren’t Europeans?
I know what you mean, but more variety is always good, but the basic idea was of having monsters that need to be killed in a certain fashion to make it stick or to avoid it becoming a bigger problem Or that need to be fought in a certain manner to avoid an ugly (and/or quick) death
ParticipantWell, Horses were expensive, warhorses moreso, they need food and care and training, if wounded might need to be put down and if they fall in battle they might be pinning the rider, making him an easy target.
I’d love to have Horses in the company, even if the FAQ says it is unlikely, but only if they are properly implemented (with all the associated costs and dangers that go with horsemanship) mostly it’d be a great tool to do a pursuit (honestly after the pike, a charge against a spear-wall is not a good idea) or to hunt archers. (less full armor knight on horseback and more light cav)That said, even if we don’t get em, they should be in the setting, and belong to the noble factions’ arsenal (both as elite shock troops and scouts/harassers)
ParticipantWould depend on how/if Camp followers are implemented.
a Blacksmith on your payroll would determine how fast, and how many weapons and armor can be repaired at once (and maybe up to which percentage, after all an apprentice smith won’t be as good as a master smith and, personally, I feel no item should be repairable to 100% (maybe high 90%, depending on the skill of your blacksmith and to make a difference between new and worn)That said, wear and tear mechanics have never been done right in a game, so if they do go this route the devs should be extra careful.
ParticipantI think on a hex map 3 tiles might work well for large monsters, since 4 hexes will put the creature at a slant, for bears I think the devs could get away with 1 tile.
But generally would love both to have large monsters, and to have more beast slaying quests, like the direwolf mission, since hunting large non-sentient beasts for profit seems like a very medieval thing to do for a small mercenary company.
I also like the honey bee setup, that’s funny. I’d love some beginner quests for chump change, maybe a free barrel of mead.
Plus there is that age old RPG tradition of hunting Rodents of unusual size
But yeah, monsters, from the mundane to the mystical, from the easy to the oh god, I think that’s my spleen! would be lovely.
They need t be distinct, and challenging in their own unique ways.I’d really love to know the full list the Devs are going to introduce. wonder if there is any insta-kill monster (like the Gorgon) or those that need to be killed in certain ways (Hydra) or monsters that have more than one segment (mostly for the Hydra, but also Dragons, giant snakes, and other nasty, nasty critters) and can be targeted individually
ParticipantLike I said, the debs says they wont have a fighting player Avatar.
Not that there won’t be a player Avatar.
Honestly, having a Captain would be interesting, his or her backgrounds would shape the game (what is easier for the company, what the “endgame” might be)
But Barring an avatar, I’d like to have Company upgrades, which would be more or less the same wit the exception that instead of being a person that is tied to the perks or enhancements, it is the banner.Yeah it’s off-topic but tiz a slight shame the devs are opposed to having a player avatar, maybe they’re worried players would be too protective over it on the battle-field? I guess having a customizable portrait is the most likely thing we’ll see, but as one of those last editions.
The wages not being capped does make a kind of sense though, people always want more, and the cliche policy amongst an adventuring body is each man earns a share of the booty (i.e. 25% captain 25% officers 25% men 25% maintenance), and on that premise those men might go without pay for months with the promise of future riches.
I think that was how Pirates operated.
ParticipantWould be interesting to be able to renegotiate the payment to your men.
This reminds me, it would be nice to have a CAptain of the Company character. I know that the FAQ says that we won’t be able to generate a fighting Captain, but having a captain that can level up and have some sort of stats (Charisma, for instance, to get better deals) that mark the advancement of the company would be great.
Not only we’d have a face in game (even if we’d never be on the line) but we’d get to decide how to improve our company over time (better prices, better logistics, better command, etc) it could even synergize with Camp Follower when/if they are added
7. September 2016 at 15:10 in reply to: First feedbacks after last update (new skills and injuries) #17112Hanekem
ParticipantMy one concern is that a couple of the injuries cause a % decrease on damage dealt, that is reasonable for most weapons, with the exception of the Crossbows. the effect of those wounds there would be to increase the AP cost for reloading (since it is where strength is applied with that weapon)
I know making a unique rule for one weapon type could be annoying codewise but it bugs me, and wanted to bring this to attention -