OldGreyBeard's Replies

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    Overall, This update is a major improvement on what I see the game being: Effectively managing a Mercenary company.

    The range rules are much more realistic. They removed my one exploit, the “magically loaded crossbow hung from my belt”. While it makes it harder to walk all over bandits, it’s much more realistic, as well as the increased chance to hit your buddy in the back. Yeah, NOBODY would chance a bow shot into a melee in real life. IF your buddy survived, he’d be having a very serious discussion with you that would probably include a broken hand. It was fun while it lasted.

    I like the perk setup better. Much more flexible, no matter what opinion I may about any given perk. At least I’m not stuck in a particular “tree” to unlock a wanted perk.

    This update has brought back a lot of the tension that I lost after the first update. It’s harder to keep everybody healthy and alive and sufficiently equipped to be able to keep the band getting better.

    They added “Eunuchs”!?! Not sure what to think about that, but I have a couple in the party just to see.

    I can’t comment on “named” items yet. I haven’t run across any as loot, and I can’t afford them yet.

    So, I have to adapt and rethink my strategy and tactics.

    Now, if we can get a “bubble” during combat to refresh us as to the impact an injury is having on an enemy …

    Good job, guys! Looking forward to more and better to come!

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: Beta update from Steam 25 Aug #16739
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    I hope that this ends this. As of the update steam pushed out this morning, (@ 40MB) everything is fine again! Played 2 contracts, trashed 2 bands of bandits.

    Thanks for trying to help. Something in that update today got it all back together.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    But the idea : near icons recruitment list appeared a button to pay 5 crowns suspended sergeant- learn rumors about this “mercenary” – very good. let there not be accurate stats data but the information about this man – actually a coward or alcoholics may be very good for game.

    That’s an interesting idea, Rusbear. I rather like your thinking on that. +1 (for what my opinion is worth anyway. ;-))

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: Reserve Crossbows No Longer Ready-Loaded !!! #16725
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard


    I hear that!! But, I also have to admit that it’s more realistic and it needed to change. Still … bummer.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: [Beta patch] Better then noting but… #16704
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    3. overstated consumption tools to repair equipment. in the description is 1 to 15 for the fact to fix 0% ( broken) start armor 55 strength I need 5 instruments. but should be a maximum of 4. 25% …not bad. GG

    I’ve noticed that my tools don’t repair as much as well. Previous to this update, it didn’t take long before what tools I got in loot were enough to keep my guys in repair, now I have to keep a much closer eye on things. After considering it, I don’t think it’s a bad change, just surprised me.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: [Beta patch] Better then noting but… #16703
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    Or warriors have always been almost immune to crossbows damage? I mean i tried shooting at them before beta, and like all crossbows would do is knock off a small amount of armor, pretty much like shooting at skellies. I dont ever remember doing hp damage with ranged to orc warriors, those i always had to kill in melee.

    I dont fully understand how it works, but i think you need to hit their head and do a critical in order to hurt their hp before you kill the armor no?

    You got that right! Even a crossbow crit to the head doesn’t do much to Orc Warriors. I keep hoping for that impossible shot through the eye-socket, but never seem to get them. :-\

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Settlements may not send their militia if they consider it suicide. In this case, the vampires aren’t attacking them but you, some mercenaries, so it’s not really worth dying over.

    LOL! I can just hear the militia captain: “Now’s a good time to break for lunch … and be sure and close the gates!”

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    However, one thing is absolutely clear – we need to get information about enemy’s injuries in battle. Do not remember it or write in notebook when your mercenary gets the same, but see all info on the pop-up window of information on the enemy. This must be done – just remove a lot of questions and anger that I already have seen in several streams.

    I’ve seen the icons above the enemies, but there’s no pop-up as to what the injury does. That should be fixed.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: [Beta patch] Better then noting but… #16699
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    4.test some orc warriors ( the fact that there was 3 of them + 5 young in raid group on day 6 – that new balance… i think too)
    so… 10 successful hits ( ten f… ten successively hits) with 2 hand axe, pike t2 and crosbow – no 1 hp damage… i mean NO ONE HP DAMAGE at all, include 4 hits in heads( by pike 2 and axe). Only armor damage( i checked it in log all time). Such “unluck” looks like bug more. Ask devs to check it till it is in beta.

    Using the logs, do you see that happening very often? Truly random happenings will have that sort of thing happen more often that one would expect. If you’re checking the logs, repeatability over 20 or more such encounters would show a problem. A “one off” like that should be expected with truly random results.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Aside from being mired in the same indecision … I got nothing. I’m sort of working with my old methods, but it’s still early in the game. I figure I’ll be slaughtered pretty soon now. But that’s part of the fun.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Your choice, but you cant “demand” something from the devs if you like to play the game in a way its not meant to be.
    “I cheat in GTA for unlimited ammo, its more fun, so make it standard in the game so I dont waste time typing in the cheat code”
    Ehhhh nope?

    I dont feel like im entitled to anything – so im not demanding anything – but i do however, as a paying customer, feel im well within my rights to ask for something.

    And specially if i make a case with arguments for that which im asking for.

    And i feel i did that.

    So im not asking them to change anything about how they want the game to be played, im asking for more options for people who like the game itself, but just dont like some aspects.

    Wow, sorry to stir things up for you!

    And yes, you are within your rights. Actually, it’s good to be in the early access for just that reason. Anyway, as my signature says, “There’s no cheating in a single player game …” Now, if there were only some way to boost stats as in Mount & Blade Warband! (and did I ever get flamed for admitting I did that on their forum!)

    I guess I was trying to give you the rationale behind that particular game choice.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    @ Danubian:

    Ah! I don’t have anybody near level 7, yet. I only have one 60+. He seems pretty deadly, though. However … I’ve just started seeing bandit raiders, so things will start to get much harder. IF I can get BB to run after that last Steam update. :-(

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: Beta update from Steam 25 Aug #16691
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    I lied again!! Geez! I AM getting old …

    It rolled back to an older version. Here’s the log file, but I rather suspect it’s from the earlier build.

    Once I opted back in for beta, it’s doing the same thing.
    Excluded folder and .exe from anti-virus.
    Running as admin.
    Process explorer shows it as starting, using memory & CPU, and then it just disappears.
    … and I was really getting attached to the guy who had his eye chewed out by a direwolf! ;-)


    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    in reply to: Beta update from Steam 25 Aug #16688
    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Sorry, Rap.

    I really should have done a more thorough job of trouble shooting this before I panicked.

    I deleted all the local steam content and downloaded it brand new.

    Now it’s just fine.

    Thanks for the quick response. You guys are great at that. And I’m really enjoying the update!

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    No, there is not the perks and how they have changed and there’s the fact that your “shooters” out of 6 gex to “miss” gets it in the back of team friend. this is not the perks – this is probably the new mechanics… I had guessed?

    Well, re-balance was part of the update, so I expected a decrease in the punch of ranged weapons.

    I’ve noticed that beginner ranged brothers are worse. Once I got the perk for reducing the effect of obstacles, my hit percentage jumped immensely, along with a marked decrease in “friendly fire”. I’ve been a “crossbow scummer” for a while, now. While I never did any studies of hit percentages, overall I haven’t noticed any huge difference once I get guys a little experienced. It’s not as nice as the “one-shot-drops-all” crossbowmen I had before the update, but they’re not bad.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

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