Forum Replies Created
25. August 2016 at 19:51 in reply to: [Beta patch] Allow us to see recruit's stats for god's sake… #16683
ParticipantWell, I guess I see the game as a challenge to keep a functioning, profitable Mercenary band going. In “real life”, I wouldn’t know traits like bleeder, coward, etc. until actual combat. I could get a rough idea of basic skills, which I can get just by the social class … beggars would probably not make good mercs. How loyal, how resolute a brother is is not something one can find out until the moment of truth. It’s rather like hiring a new employee. They may have a great resume, but they might not be right for the job.
I’m not sure how trivial a “show / don’t show stats” option would be to code, but it would have to be real easy for me to want time diverted for that rather than used for bug squashing and progress in getting the game to completion.
I’m not saying I don’t understand what you’re getting at. I’ve certainly had games where the recruits were so bad, I ran out of funds and got killed off trying to make money to replace them. I definitely would have liked a “preview stats” option then!
I hope you can get around the drawbacks, or that it fits in the game design to have the enable/disable option put in.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
25. August 2016 at 18:09 in reply to: [Beta patch] Allow us to see recruit's stats for god's sake… #16673OldGreyBeard
ParticipantFunny, isn’t it. I’d whine loudly if they changed it to show stats at hiring!
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
25. August 2016 at 17:57 in reply to: [Beta patch] You changed something about ranged weapons havent you? #16672OldGreyBeard
ParticipantCheck out the perks. There’s a real nifty one that about doubles the “thread the needle” hit chances. I’m getting 60+% hits, and about half of the “oopsies!” shots hit the brother’s shield now.
Nope, ranged are not worthless, just need to be more carefully groomed for the part. I’m doing quite well w/ my 4 crossbowmen.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantPaul, these just set the mood so well! The oysters & orange meal looks quite tasty. Hey, it’s ALL top notch.
(… however … I noticed that there isn’t a skunk banner. Obviously, you’ve got a totally awesome banner planned that you’re holding off on for an even cooler release … maybe?)
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantI’ve always found the patrols to be massive money makers. I don’t care what I get paid before or after, I negotiate the per head fee as high as I can. Then Bandit raiders, young orcs, etc. are getting me 100+ / head! Plus the noble doesn’t care where you take the heads. I wander all over the map. I’ll finish the patrol w/ 50 or more heads, and Ka-CHING!! Those crowns just pile up!
Edit: Getting a noble house to like you is very helpful as their big citadels usually have weapon and armor smiths.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantHeres another bunch
Fantastic work, Paul! Ummm … I don’t see any skunks, though. :-P
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantGreat work, Paul! I hope to see them in-game soon.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantAs far as the 1 skull mission, be aware that the number of skulls are a general guide, and not an absolute guarantee. The Merc ambush, for instance, is a random event that can happen on any delivery mission, regardless of skulls. You may also get a one skull orc camp mission only to find you’re facing a Warlord and an army of Warriors, rather than Young Orcs and maybe a Berserker.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantReluctant Ravens
They recently became the RETIRED Ravens after we amassed over 130K crowns. (NORMAL mode! I’m NOT a military genius!)
Currently, I’ve revived the Craven Crows. Those poor bastards have been slaughtered to a man at least 4 times before the major update broke the save games, so I figured I’d give ’em another chance.
Background: 3 survivors trying to keep alive long enough to “retire comfortably” and also trying to keep those poor bastards dumb enough to join them alive as long as they can. As life wasn’t fair to the founders, they see no reason to make things worse for those who share the same fate. Expect them to try to repair wagons, and rescue caravans. They never ever take a job involving burning out peasants. That’s how they ended up as Craven Crows in the first place.
BEFORE the update, I used to run a rather long lived group known as Davkuls Darlings that only allowed cultists and sometimes the odd rat-catcher. Since the update, cultists are too few and far between. I spent well over a week trying to find enough cultists for the first job. I also ran a mixed cultist / flagellant group. That might work better since the big change. FWIW, was the present rarity of cultists an intentional change? It’s just that I took a weirdly perverse amusement at the arguments between the 2 groups!
I rather like “Harm’s Way”, and wish I’d thought of that one.
I also have no problem dumping a starting 3 if the archer doesn’t have at least a 45 … besides the annoyance of having to go through the starting battle so many times. (did you know that your starting 3 CANNOT DIE? And that the weasel guy CANNOT BE KILLED? … plot control, I guess.) … and yes, I would like a preview of the founders, too.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantPsenBattle Wrote:
Unfortunately that will take a little more effort, we have to tackle one thing after the other. Its not off the table though.
That’s nice to hear. Bears and boars (dire types?), just to mention the “mundane” beasties, come to mind as being nice mutli-hex candidates.
PsenBattle Continues:
I thought exactly the same while painting the wood chopping block
We would have to decide how it works though, as its not very spectatuclar if we just spawn a bag of loot next to it where you can find an axe….
The Goblin Longaxe never got into the game, as we do not think theres a clear place for it in the goblin equipment set.
We have this baby in our back hand. It’s almost done, but I cant tell you when it will be added to the game, as our focus lies elsewhere at the moment.
I don’t think you can have enough axes! 8-D It’s just sweet looking.
Totally beside the point, as Asterix_von_TWC mentioned earlier, I agree that the wood background in the combat queue is not a great choice. While it may be a hardcoded item, it would be easier on the eyes to have the combat queue either “parchment” or “white oak” color.
(Whew!! That’s the last time I try to mess w/ quote and blockquote tags! My HTML is just too dang rusty!!)
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantI would love to see an alpha dire wolf. The new direwolf rework is WAY more intimidating then the origional ware wolves (just cause they look terrifying).
But a great addition would be an alpha wolf, who howls to rally his pack or even calls in reinforcments from the shadows in nearby foliage!
Or now that dire wolves are the main staple of the beast faction, a battlehardened ware wolf of the old times could lead them. Making them superior in moral and stamina and health points compared to dire wolves, as well as being much smarter for their experience and half human mind.
Yeah, that sounds cool to me. Not all the time, but a random chance of one spawning. Be sure to put this in the suggestions sub-forum.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantI’m not sure about difference in speed when tracking. Remember, these are not single individuals you are tracking, and they are also not trying to hide. It’s easy to overlook as single outlaw making a surprise turn, much harder to miss 8-10 people/creatures feeling pretty badass about their place in the world.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantTrees and stones look perfect! But I think the border between green and red grass too harsh/sharp.
the atmosphere of the tundra ( in this case, the average or south) – contrast color
http://stawrus.gallery.ru/watch?ph=TWN-fE54xMy thoughts exactly. Most landscapes actually have that sharp of a demarcation between either different plants, or areas killed off by disease or pests.
Paul, what has really impressed me all along is how you manage to keep the battle landscape from looking too hexagonal.I haven’t seen any of the weird lakes. I imagine that sort of thing is hard to ferret out. (Hmmm … ferret … related to SKUNKS! Unsubtle hint! :-P Don’t make me mention how I got the developers edition right off, and how many times I’ve gifted this game! ;-) Well, don’t pay attention to that. If you do include the stinky critter as a banner option, it should be because you liked the suggestion, and it doesn’t wildly clash with the vision you guys have.)
That opening landscape reminds me so much of late afternoon looking out over Lake Erie, or Lake Ontario. Also, the sky treatment reminds me a little of the Hudson Valley School. Sweet job.
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantHeres a little sneak peek at the new grass tiles for the combat Environments.
—-the is NOT ingame footage—– ist just a photoshop picture
Also not included: Environment objects like tombstones, ruins etc….
This game just looks sweeter and sweeter all the time! 8-D
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!
ParticipantA fox, a basilisk, a dead goblin with it’s own spear struck in its face, a dolphin, there are many ideas for banners
Also, something I was thinking while travelling the shore, we could have some marine life showing up somewhere in the sea, maybe whales, sharks or even some monsters, like krakens and the likeAnd a North American Skunk, Paul!! Please? ;)
BTW, I was delighted at the change from day to night with the town lights. Thanks for the page from the Morgan Bible. I can see the parallels, but your style is definitely your own. And I love it.
I’ve been so busy playing the updates, I haven’t had time to comment on the superb artistic accomplishments! Good Job all around!
In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!