Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

  • This topic has 1,775 replies, 175 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoZaxxsel.
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  • #24141
    Avatar photoPsenBattle



    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoAbel

    Thank, you! Looks awesome :) ! Now, to work!

    Avatar photoNobal

    Would it be possible to paint my knights with black and white? Kinda like Black Templars.

    Really like to ask about guns (muskets) to be implemented to this game? Like I gave some suggestions if you want to check that out.

    Avatar photolaViper

    Really like to ask about guns (muskets) to be implemented to this game? Like I gave some suggestions if you want to check that out.

    The idea of different weapons – to be different :)
    I mean, now Bow has bigger range and can shot twice, but crossbow have more damage and cost only 2AP for shot, then you can swap weapons. So What the idea of Guns?

    Avatar photoForceEcho

    Hey, I really appreciate the effort, but I try to stick to art related topics as much as possible in here :) Even though I myself deviate from time to time ….

    Please have some more patience, as I am trying to find some new art which I can post without spoiling stuff…

    Yes absolutely understand, there was only 2 things that were art related. 1. If you find the time/find it in your big heart…. can you make Zweihander helmet paintable using the art assets already available? Colour schemes are pretty much covered. Blood Red colour is only new issue. A lot of people I have asked about this and some people won’t play a seed if the noble house colour they want isn’t on the seed because of this helmet. 2. My spiel about the red and white Castle Noble house how it would match noble mail item etc., but aint nobody got time for that – which is fine lol

    "A plethora of peasents"

    Avatar photoDoomich

    Paul, hello!
    I noticed a discussion about the structures, and I would like to insert my 5 cents :)
    For me, the biggest upset is that we always fight on the same map, and this is like a simple chess board.
    I critically lack the feeling of being surrounded (and I don’t even dream about dungeons).
    So, yesterday I accidentally saw a picture of unity assets, and imagined it in BB and for a moment became happy :)

    Couldn’t the Battle Brothers have something like that?
    Wood / stone texture for hexes and we get a wall for the camp or settlement ..
    Or combined 3 hexes with 1 2 and 3 height = watchtower
    And combine walls and watchtowers to get a fortress? ..
    -1 height level for water, or even maybe 3+ height level, but keeping the max hit chance at 30% for a difference of more than 3 levels, then we could imitate fortifications on a hill or surrounded by a moat ..
    Bridges .. sorry, I just can’t keep it inside myself :)

    Avatar photoZXY44

    Banners No. 4 (lion) and No. 10 (sun) are also very similar to each other when it comes to color, it has always annoyed me. Missing in the purple and orange color palette.


    Avatar photoAndrew

    Hey Paul, will the DLC include extra-swole human body options for our brothers? :P

    The wallpaper gives me hope for even more customization options, hehe.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    1. If you find the time/find it in your big heart…. can you make Zweihander helmet paintable using the art assets already available? Colour schemes are pretty much covered. Blood Red colour is only new issue.

    Hey Force Echo,
    it’s not that easy. First off the color items don’t match the colors of the helmets (There is no blue/red combo for example), on top of that the helmets only feature colored ribbons, the helmets themselves are not painted. This in itself doesn’t seem so bad, but if I implement something, I want it done properly and there is so much on my plate right now, that it’s not possible at the moment :(

    So, yesterday I accidentally saw a picture of unity assets, and imagined it in BB and for a moment became happy :)

    Hey Doomich,
    what you are showing would be an easy solution and it might even work technically speaking. Nevertheless the “buildings” created with these tiles would look pretty strange. This would be comparable to the hills we have in the tactical combat. We can just barely get away with that look, but constructing entire buildings like this would not work visually – at least in my opinion.

    Missing in the purple and orange color palette.

    Hey ZXY44,
    At least one new player banner we add with the DLC will feature purple and golden. Better than nothing :)

    Hey Paul, will the DLC include extra-swole human body options for our brothers? :P

    The wallpaper gives me hope for even more customization options, hehe.

    Hey Andrew,
    We won’t add a new body type, there is just no room for more muscles under the armor in the layered system we use. BUT we will add new customization options. You’ll have to wait till shown in one of the next devblogs though.

    Cheers all!

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photolaViper

    Also want to ask how to open .brush files?

    Avatar photoCoffee

    Would you guys ever consider adding in a late medieval DLC featuring full plate armor, more lethal weaponry, and maybe even horses? (Goblins got them wolfriders ;))


    Avatar photoQuidman

    Maybe horse only in specific starting band, with the Knight errant (band of 6 nobles).

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Also want to ask how to open .brush files?

    Honestly I have no idea. I only wok with PSDs, PNGs and JPGs of course.

    Would you guys ever consider adding in a late medieval DLC featuring full plate armor, more lethal weaponry, and maybe even horses? (Goblins got them wolfriders ;))

    Never say never, but I don’t think so. We are expanding the Battle Brothers universe in different directions, but we try stay within certain boundaries. One boundary is the (very rough) visual time frame and the restriction to infantry combat.
    The reason against too much late medieval period gear is to maintain a consistent look throughout the game. The reason against horses is actually only gameplay related. We explained on several occasions how horses would break the basic way the tactical combat works. Wolfriders are an exception as they move very differently to horses and are more of a “fantasy style enemy” compared to the more realistic human fighters.


    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photolaViper

    Honestly I have no idea. I only wok with PSDs, PNGs and JPGs of course.

    I just found such files in game data. As I understand this files contain sprites, but it’s not zip-package.
    How you upload new images in game or it’s not your part of work?

    UDP, this files contains info about position of image :)
    So, do you know name of this sprites? What kind of locations is it for?

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    Avatar photolaViper

    Suddenly it’s already used for orc cave, thanks anyway :)

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