Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #13546
    Avatar photoCuba

    Hi Paul.)
    new day, maybe a couple of fresh sketches?)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I’m not that fast ;)
    You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.


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    Hey Paul!
    I was looking through your old posts, and found something very interesting.

    Its look awesome. It was a long time since you posted it. So, do you plan to add this into the game in next updates?

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    The top row is the necromancer sporting some new faces, beards, hats and armor. I did it when starting the undead rework, but we never got the chance to finish it. It will be tackled when we implement the new skeletons some time from now.

    The bottom row is the normal vampire and the vampire lord, We will add him if we have some extra time on our hands, also during the undead rework.


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    Avatar photomuzgob

    (увидим ли мы больше видов нежити и колдунов? – утопленники, проклятых воинов; иллюзионистов, алхимиков, огнепоклонников, друидов, цыган
    появятся ли готические или античные элементы в игре?)

    will we see more types of undead and wizards? – the drowned, the damned warriors; magicians, alchemists, fire-worshippers, druids, Gypsies
    will there be Gothic or antique items in the game?

    Avatar photoscaryned

    I would love to see an alpha dire wolf. The new direwolf rework is WAY more intimidating then the origional ware wolves (just cause they look terrifying).

    But a great addition would be an alpha wolf, who howls to rally his pack or even calls in reinforcments from the shadows in nearby foliage!

    Or now that dire wolves are the main staple of the beast faction, a battlehardened ware wolf of the old times could lead them. Making them superior in moral and stamina and health points compared to dire wolves, as well as being much smarter for their experience and half human mind.


    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    I would love to see an alpha dire wolf. The new direwolf rework is WAY more intimidating then the origional ware wolves (just cause they look terrifying).

    But a great addition would be an alpha wolf, who howls to rally his pack or even calls in reinforcments from the shadows in nearby foliage!

    Or now that dire wolves are the main staple of the beast faction, a battlehardened ware wolf of the old times could lead them. Making them superior in moral and stamina and health points compared to dire wolves, as well as being much smarter for their experience and half human mind.

    Yeah, that sounds cool to me. Not all the time, but a random chance of one spawning. Be sure to put this in the suggestions sub-forum.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoLannister86

    The hole artblog reminds me on a very good tabletop-game. :D Nice work! Especially the bannerman and the knights with their great helmets are awesome.
    I hope my fellow battle brothers will also have such an epic banner some day?

    I would be also much interested in possible different cultures in the game. Like nordic Jarldom etc. Is their any concept art available on that case?

    Avatar photoTexan

    Hey Paul,
    last time you posted picture here 16th March. So maybe its time to show something?


    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Like nordic Jarldom etc. Is their any concept art available on that case?

    I mentioned somewhere that we would very much like to do cultural expansions, but it basically depends on the full release success of the basic game. There’s no concept art yet regarding that topic, but I already collected a lot of reference material.

    o maybe its time to show something?

    Sorry guys, its a lot of tedious tile work I am doing right now and I sometimes forget to keep you updated :)
    Heres two work in progrsss shots of the snow and so called “autumn woods” environments. Enjoy!



    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoCuba

    Hi Paul. It looks holistically. I understand that there are technical limitations, but the autumn picture is not enough ( in my opinion) colors ( colors, fall is the colors of nature) very out of place would be a large amount of mushrooms ( they are in the game , amanita), and the bushes of bright red berries, the autumn!;) ie .those same bushes ( same model but different ) stuff, bright colours )
    Both images very pleasant impression.

    Avatar photodltoster

    “I want the grey skies of London illuminated. I want that house painted red.” (c)Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

    Avatar photole_souriceau

    Main Menue background illustration — there is some “inner logic” problem as I see it.

    Looks like castle and city is attacked or taken. It means BIG TROUBLE for all people around. BUT…

    Cows just eating their grass as nothing happen, villagers cooking food (popcorn may be?) with chimneys lovely smoking. In real life all this people stop all work and run like hell to nearest safe place, even more after their natural defensive destination (fortifed city) is likely overrun. And this cows are extreamly prized proprety in medieval setting — they will be stolen by attackers or driven away by fearful owners and hidden.

    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    @souriceau :) they are all calm because they know the Brothers are coming! And smoke in a chimney you don’t just put out when there is alarm… you run :)

    Avatar photoDanubian

    What we really really need now is more weapons variations.

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