Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #18643
    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    instead of more legendary/unique items, i would like to see several grades in existing items. in my opinion, the gear progression is way too fast. let me give an example:

    1. grade: broken sword
    2. grade: rusty sword
    3. grade: used sword
    4. grade: militia/regular
    5. grade: military/regular
    6. grade: masterpiece/legendary/unique

    graphical differences could be very minor, if at all. i think, this would give a lot more depth for not that much more work in comparison to completely new items.

    Paul Happy New Year! Maybe you missed this post, but maybe 5 or 6 of us said “this is really one of our top dreams for the game”

    This is one of the top points on my wish list for the game, 1) it could save Paul work 2) its easy to code and implement 3) it could give a lot of nice depth for little effort to weapons. Percentage of likelihood for each type.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there,
    I’ve read the suggestion and will reply, because its somehow art related.
    More diversity and a smoother item progression is always a plus. Nevertheless the idea has several downsides to it which might not be obvious.
    First of all the inventory and shops would be spammed with tons of items if we would have 6 quality grades for each item. Combine that with “not putting a lot of work into the art” and all quality grades would more or less look the same.
    The result would be players constantly hovering over similar items to read the tooltips to tell them apart, which is a usability nightmare.

    You could then implement more filtering options to the UI but that means more programming work…

    As I mentioned before, I dont think the idea is bad, it just needs more work than you think to be properly executed. As a matter of fact we already created “rusty” versions of all weapons at some point during developement to have more item diversity. We then decided to have different “tiers” of weapons instead of quality grades to have an item progression.
    So you could say our tiers are your quality grades, just executed with a lot more effort for a clean implementation.


    btw heres a work in progress shot of another retirement screen – this time its a happy end :)


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    Avatar photogepardowaty

    I’m all in for throwing daggers, jester suit and different improvised weapons like hammers/slings et cetera.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Finally, a woman!
    Not my type, but well… medieval standards I guess

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Dont worry, were not done here yet :)


    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photoRusBear

    a little drunk woman with meat in one hand and wine in other hand – it looks like a dream of any medieval mercenary…

    Avatar photoWargasm

    ^ LOL.

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Dont worry, were not done here yet :)


    Keep doing it, Paul, I like what I see :D

    a little drunk woman with meat in one hand and wine in other hand – it looks like a dream of any medieval mercenary…

    Not only medieval mercenaries! lol

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Dont worry, were not done here yet :)


    She is carrying a shortsword / dagger?

    Battle Sister!

    Avatar photoSuperCaffeineDude

    That’s looking really cool, I just wish this wasn’t the only time I’ll see the victory screen :D

    “Battle Sister!”, Hopefully later in an expansion going by the FAQ, would buy just for a run-away nun outfit ha.

    Just to reiterate my suggestion, an entertainer costume would be fun if there’s time :p (knife bundle = 4 tile light option??)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Just to reiterate my suggestion, an entertainer costume would be fun if there’s time :p (knife bundle = 4 tile light option??)

    Awesome picture :)
    After I finish all the must haves on my to do list we will see what I will be able to squeeze in regarding additional outfits and equipment.
    But as I am planning to do some more “noble” tunics and headgear the jester outfit might actually make it in as well.

    By the way, here is art pro tip #37: Never paint a guy with scalemail :D This stuff takes all day…..

    Scale mail

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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    Avatar photofrank_will

    Amazing work as usual!!

    Getting more and more impatient for the new patch!

    Avatar photoHarry_Krishnaa

    hvy cross

    Dammed I love it!!

    Avatar photoHarry_Krishnaa

    I wrote in July 2016…

    Do we get a new heavy crossbow too? … with a stretcher for example…

    Hahaha it feels like… you did the heavy crossbow for me … thx a lot :)


    Avatar photoSuperCaffeineDude

    Cheers! Just as another suggestion some lower tier weapons might be pretty sick for tradesmen, peasants and zombies.

    The scales look fabulous though :D, I can only imagine how much effort goes into the larger pieces, is that the last big image you’ll be doing, or do you plan to do more?

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