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  • in reply to: Steel Brow very weak Perk #21737
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    @Primeless he said immunity to stun (allthough I think that would be OP).

    I always take Steel Brow on my archers. They only have 90 head armor even late game unless I find the wolf-like famed helmets.
    Master Archers have either Warbows or Heavy Crossbows and always Headhunter and later you may fight 2-3 at a time quite frequently.
    Also a crit from Orc Warlord/Berserker with Mansplitter 2-h Axe can oneshot. Even if your brother is wearing a 300+ named helmet and has 60-70 HP.

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    @Wanderer I really like the knockback too but it is not very reliable (only 33% chance). I really wish Hammer Mastery would buff those effects.

    It’s better than round-swing, but worse than sword’s 3 space AOE attack. It’s better to use a sword if you are going for that, and axe if you want armor damage.

    Hammer is supposed to be specialized in armor damage. As of now it feels neither specialized nor good enough to use. (talking about 2h)

    Well, Swing is more accurate and has more HP damage, but less armor damage. Shatter is an amazing skill against orc warriors. 2-3 swings will strip their armor completely. Yes, Split Man (Axe) is a better skill than Smite (Hammer) when you look at the numbers. I wonder if the total damage written in the skill description for Split Man is for the initial hit (and we get extra on top of that) or if the damage to head is already included.
    I would rather have more damage to body armor than have the damage split up between body and head armor.

    If we assume that we get extra damage with the Greataxe, I would agree that the single-target attack of the Greathammer seems weak compared to the Greataxe. On top of that, Greataxes have higher base damage and lower effectiveness against armor than a greathammer. This has a significant effect on famed item stats:

    Damage increase seems to be percentual. So a Greataxe will benefit more from a 20% increase than a Greathammer because of the higher base damage, concerning HP-damage.
    Armor effectiveness also seem to be percentual, but additive. A Greataxe (140% base armor eff.) will benefit more from a 30% bonus (170%) vs. a Greathammer (200+30%). Axe will get a 21.4% bonus armor dmg where the Greathammer will only get 15% effectively.

    I did not do the math on armor penetration but my guess is that both weapons would get a similar effect with not too big a difference.

    in reply to: Morale system: Less "swingy" #21711
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    But same time make some backgrounds and traits “dead” for game.

    Yeah, this is the biggest problem I see with the need for higher resolve. Deserters with 20 resolve, guys with bad traits etc.

    I told you how much resolve I have on my troops becasue the morale system is not swingy for me anymore. Yes, if your guys are all around 30-40 resolve at best you might get a huge snowball effect. They already implemented a way to counter this by moving fleeing brothers to the end of the initiative queue so you may rally them before they recieve any free damage.
    Generally, a snowball-effect will only occur if your guys are already Wavering and Breaking. If only one guy turns Fleeing and the rest is Steady, their morale will only drop to wavering, unless the first Fleeing guys triggers another Breaking guy to also turn fleeing, which then activates another morale check, etc.
    You can also use the Hold Out perk which removes the morale check for when an ally turns fleeing though I have never used this before.

    The developers introduced these morale mechanics to make Resolve not such a “dead” stat. I guess Veteran Levels are supposed to make up for the additional points required. For me this is ok because my campaigns usually last long, but if you like shorter games and maybe retire after the first crisis there is no way to get enough points to level up all the necessary stats (Fatigue, Attack skills, Defenses, HP, Resolve).

    I never had any shame or remorse using the 4 free attacks to my advantage. On the contrary, successfully snowballing a fight through breaking the enemy’s morale feels pretty good to me.

    I would suggest to increase the base resolve for new hires across the board. Right now it seems the base would be around 30-35 ±5. I think increasing that to ~40 would be appropriate – or simply increasing the minimum resolve and keeping the maximum value would work too.

    Also, increase the success chance on Rally the Troops for Wavering and Breaking morale status. I like the effectiveness on Fleeing brothers but getting them back to steady is really, really hard. I Sometimes need 3 rounds of spamming rally with 100+ Resolve next to the guy to get him from Wavering to Steady – usually it is faster to get a kill which triggers a positive morale check instead.

    Again, I think changing the fleeing mechanic in the way you suggested in your original post would hurt the player more than it would help. The way you describe it, 2% of the time the morale mechanic works against you but much more often you take advantage of it.

    in reply to: Brothers not randomly generated? #21707
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    I haven’t experienced that. however you will find many recruits with the same name because of how the name generates them. Talents, base stats and traits are randomly generated when they first appear in a town as far as I know.
    I don’t know about their appearance but I would assume it is also randomly generated.

    in reply to: What with the balance? #21706
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    Pikes and billhoks have 50% penalty against undead

    I am fairly certain it is just pikes and billhooks have 100% dmg. Their damage type should be slashing, maybe blunt.

    @Phalanthir I think hruza summarized it pretty well. I would just add a few things.
    Since they use a very tight line formation, you can basically tank 2 shieldionaires + 2 pikers with just one shield bro if you leave a hex space between them. This allows you to send more people around the flanks to take care of the pikers. Try to get 2-3 guys with mace mastery to fight them. When they are in a good position, they can keep 2 pikers in stun-lock which will give you time to take care of them and pretty much eliminate the threat. Their frontliners will mostly use shieldwall and only attack once. If your own shield bros will spam shieldwall and sometimes use recover it should be easy to tank them.

    You say Archers are useless? Have you ever used warbows before? With a basic one you probably need 3 arrows to completely melt a piker’s armor, leaving them to be a oneshot to pretty much anything. This works especially well with greatswords’ split skill.

    Yes, legionaires are pretty dangerous in the early to midgame when your guys are still wearing light armor and don’t have a lot of melee skill/defense. Once you get your frontliners with battle forged and 200+/200+ armors they become much less of a threat. This should be around lv7-8 of your brothers. They will probably have around ~20 base melee defense by then which gets to around 60 with a heater shield and shieldwall, 10% extra from confident maybe.
    With underdog to counter surround-bonus and an estimated ~60-70 melee skill on legionaires this will leave them to hit maybe 10-20% of their attempted attacks. Steel Brow also helps mitigate a lot of the damage you take from piker’s headshots (armor penetration)

    in reply to: Morale system: Less "swingy" #21683
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    I did not have a problem with that yet and I have played about 300 hrs on Expert Ironman since launch. I do spec in resolve though and pretty much always have a sargeant with rally unless I don’t need him and level new guys.
    I usually try to get my guys to around 50-60 resolve (with veteran levels or +4 rolls) if they are going to be in melee, getting surrounded.
    Even against Geists I hardly have my guys affected by an ally fleeing which happens pretty much all the time even with high resolve if i’m lucky they will resist the fear for maybe 2-3 rounds at most.
    Geists with Wiedergangers are actually a big part of my fights in a late campaign when I roam the map and clear ruins and camps.

    Removing this system would work both ways. If they change it fights against Direwolves or Nachzehrers might become much more difficult. New systems would require a lot of testing and coding probably so I expect we will see some tweaked numbers at most.

    in reply to: What with the balance? #21682
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    5 orcs is doable but difficult, even if its the first mission. 10 raiders sounds a bit much. Was it a 3-skull contract?
    Anyways, game is randomly generated. If you try again you will get different missions and maybe do better.
    I don’t think Veteran is too hard, in my experience it’s just slightly bigger enemy troops. By the way, you could have run into 5 orcs on beginner just as well. Maybe it would have been 4 instead.

    in reply to: Riposte reduces attacker's chance to hit? #21665
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    Is this a negative factor for the defender? If so, I think it’s a good idea to change its UI looks so it is different from the rest of attacker’s hit chance malus such as a shieldwall because it looks exactly the same.

    It is a negative factor for the attacker – if he misses, the defender gets a “free” counterattack – and thus it is marked with a minus.

    in reply to: My long list of suggestions for the game. #21653
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    It’s be great to create more dialogue between team member, I liked the way you added dialogue already, but I’d like to add possibility to talk anytime or at camp time with my team mate and it could modify their mood in good or bad for next battles.

    I think this would be an amazing addition. Just to add more character to my guys. I can’t really identify with them right now. I suppose that’s not such a bad thing as I don’t usually care if they die (unless they have gozu stats).

    As for the team size. You misunderstood Waterd’s post asking for an additional “roguelike” mode that would scale differently to pick up the pace of the game.

    in reply to: Gifted should grant 2 level-ups #21652
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    I am using it early on grunts without skill. 50 starting skill in melee is a joke. They usually get Fast Adaptation, Gifted and maybe even Backstabber so they can hit anything. Those guys will either die or be replaced anyways though.
    On Talented guys I don’t use it if I plan to take them to 11 and beyond.

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    Hammer Mastery gives +5% chance to hit for shatter. It is a great AOE attack and much easier to use than Greataxe’s Round-Swing. It also has more accuracy.

    I don’t like the extra dmg to head unless I fight stuff like orc warriors that don’t drop their armor. All in all I much prefer Greathammers over Greataxes.

    in reply to: Get stuck on a loop during noble war crisis #21650
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    And everyone get greedy trait

    Only time I have seen this was when I declined to raise the pay of the company when they asked me (which only happens later in the game usually).

    I didn’t know Brothers would leave the company if they get angry – I thought it was just when we run out of crowns or food.

    in reply to: Dark zone and unvisible team mate #21649
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    Sounds like you did not adjust the height-level of the camera.
    You can move upwards or downwards a tile with the “+” and “-” keys. There should also be icons in the top right tool-bar which you can use.
    If you click on an icon of a Brother or enemy it should automatically adjust the camera height-level to match the one of the target.

    I hope this helps and I didn’t misunderstand your problem.

    in reply to: (Need) Late game strategy help #21593
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    My approach is just brute force. 3 Greatswords, 2 Greathammers in a staggered formation with 1 tile space between the guys to allow them to fling their weapons freely. My spearhead would be the two Greathammers who should have around 30+ melee defense, reach advantage and 300/300 armor. 2x shatter should be enough to strip 3 warriors of their armor (provided you hit them ofc). The Greathammers get supported by the Greatsworders using split or swing.

    Bring at least 1 sargeant to counter the Warlord’s roar. At the very least 2-3 ranged troops to deal with berserkers and young. If you take spears, make sure to put them on the flanks to protect your archers from flanking berserkers until they can kill them. Also give them a Hammer in their bag should a warrior make it there. For archers, I would strongly suggest you keep them a few tiles away from the battlefield so the warriors don’t get any stupid ideas and try to break your formation. It is a bit difficult but you can predict when an Orc will go for the break through and after your backline.

    Sure, Bows are not that great against armor but if you get a decent famed one it will look a whole lot different and switching to polearms is not really necessary imo. I really don’t like how close you have to get with them. Yes, I might get off a few hits but Orc Warriors will definitely go and break my formation.

    in reply to: Bug report : Brigants and Fatigue #21567
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    I made the same observation. Either raiders all have Iron Lungs or they simply have a bazillion of Fatigue. It’s especially weird if they do stuff like SW + Riposte 3 rounds in a row.

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